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Щрн traduction Anglais

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щрн ме яжемш хг тхкэлнб н дфеиляе анмде.
It wasn't anyJames Bond, :
щрн бя ╗ он-мюярнъыелс.
It was the real thing.
мн щрн нйюгюкн нцпнлмне бкхъмхе мю лемъ, хмнцдю лме йюферяъ, врн опнькю жекюъ фхгмэ.
It was only a year and three months that I was married to Andre Spitzer but it made such an enormous impression on me sometimes it looks like a lifetime.
щрн опхбкейюкн лемъ б м ╗ л еы ╗ х онрнлс, врн ъ ашкю онкмни опнрхбнонкнфмнярэч х я дпсцхлх кчдэлх... х яюлю я янани.
It was very attractive to me because... I was not so at peace with everyone and everybody and certainly not with myself.
щрн онбкхъкн мю унд нярюкэмни вюярх лнеи фхгмх.
- Which revolution? - The Palestinian revolution. It has affected the course of the rest of my life.
гю меяйнкэйн кер дн рнцн йюй лш онгмюйнлхкхяэ, нм цнбнпхк, врн леврюер оноюярэ мю нкхлохюдс унръ аш ндмюфдш, онрнлс врн, щрн бепьхмю йюпэепш дкъ кчанцн яонпрялемю.
Years before, before I knew him he said that he was thinking about to get to the Olympics once... 1972 Israeli Olympic Squad because, I think, for every athlete, that's the climax of your career.
ашкн рюйне всбярбн, врн щрн хлеер нцпнлмне гмювемхе дкъ хгпюхкэяйни йнлюмдш, опхеуюрэ х опхмхлюрэ свюярхе, х мюундхрэяъ б нкхлохияйни депебме, х, йнмевмн фе, ху свюярхе б жепелнмхх нрйпшрхъ хцп, йнцдю ху йнлюмдю люпьхпнбюкю онд ткюцнл ян гбегдни дюбхдю, ашкн нвемэ бнкмсчыхл лнлемрнл.
There was a feeling that this was a huge event for the Israeli team to be coming and attending and therefore their presence in the Olympic village certainly their presence in the opening ceremony when their team marched under the flag of the Star of David were very emotional moments.
х щрн ашкн гюлермн япюгс, оношрйю йюгюрэяъ нрйпшршл х янбпелеммшл наыеярбнл, х ярпъумсрэ я яеаъ опнькне.
It was a massive attempt, and it hit you straightaway... Gerald Seymour ITN News Reporter to appear open and modern and shorn of their past.
5 пюг - щрн врн-рн нянаеммне.
Five times is a special thing.
ъ дслюч, нм всбярбнбюк бя ╗ щрн.
I think he felt this.
едхмярбеммши ьюмя с мху гюахрэ, щрн дюкэмхи апнянй.
The only way they're going to score is by going for a long shot.
х нмх ядекюкх щрн!
And they got it!
"юмйх, щрн бедэ нкхлохюдю, гдеяэ ъ лнцс онднирх й мхл, ъ лнцс пюгцнбюпхбюрэ я мхлх, онрнлс врн щрн нкхлохияйхе хцпш".
Here I can go to them and talk to them. That's what the Olympics are about. "
щрн ашкн рн, н в ╗ л ъ леврюк "
This is what I was dreaming about. "
лш ашкх бшмсфдемш ядекюрэ щрн рнкэйн йнцдю янашрхъ пюгбхбюкхяэ ме он окюмс.
We were forced to only when things went wrong.
ъ ондслюкю, еякх щрн ме рпемеп анйя ╗ пнб, веи рпемеп рнцдю щрн лнфер ашрэ?
I thought, if it is not the boxing coach, then what coach is it?
ашрэ лнфер - щрн юмдпе.
Maybe it's Andre.
щрн ашк хяяю, опедярюбхрекэ реппнпхярнб.
He was Issa, the terrorists'spokesman.
еякх щрн ме асдер ядекюмн й онксдмч, гюкнфмхйх асдср йюгмемш.
If this was not done by 12 : 00 noon the hostages would be executed.
ъ, йнмевмн, бняопхмък щрн яепэ ╗ гмн, онрнлс врн ярнък рюл онд дскнл дбсу хкх рп ╗ у юбрнлюрнб, мюопюбкеммшу мю лемъ, х цкюбюпэ реппнпхярнб депфюк б псйе цпюмюрс.
I certainly took it seriously because I was standing there on gunpoint where always two or three machine guns pointed on me and the leader of the terrorists had a hand grenade in his hands.
щрн яюлши сфюямши ьюмрюф.
It's blackmail of the worst kind.
нм гюунрек бярперхрэяъ я лхмхярпнл бмсрпеммху дек аюбюпхх, онрнлс врн щрн ашкн гнмни ецн нрберярбеммнярх.
General Ulrich K. Wegener... He wanted to see the Minister of Interior of Bavaria because he was responsible.
"бш гмюере мюьс медюбмчч хярнпхч... бш днкфмш онмхлюрэ, щрн декюер гдеьмчч яхрсюжхч нянаеммн якнфмни". [дФХЛ лЮЙйЩИ] охреп дфеммхмця мюундхряъ мю реппхрнпхх депебмх... йюй онярсохкх я ебпеълх б цеплюмхх.
" You know our recent history what was done to thejews by the Germans.
нмх яйюгюкх. "щрн - ме бнопня гюкнфмхйх хкх бгюлем демэцх... рнкэйн 200 гюйкчвеммшу".
They said, "It is not a question of either money or substitute hostages but only of the 200 prisoners."
щрнр мнлеп яйнпн асдер хгбеярем бяелс лхпс. щрн мнлеп 31.
It will be a famous number before long.
онунфе, врн щрн ондрбепдхкняэ - унръ ондрбепдхрэ врн-кхан яецндмъ мекецйн - врн щрх аюмдхрш опхмюдкефюр й ндмни хг яюлшу щйярпелхяряйху кебшу цпсоохпнбнй, онд мюгбюмхел "в ╗ пмши яемръапэ".
It does appear to be confirmed though anything confirmed today is difficult that these guerrillas are from one of the very extreme left-wing groups a group called Black September.
нмх дюкх япнй дн 12 дмъ, дн йнрнпнцн нярюкняэ бяецн кхьэ 1 вюя 15 лхм, х нмх гюъбкъчр, врн саэчр бяеу гюкнфмхйнб б щрн бпелъ.
They had set a deadline of noon which is just an hour and 15 minutes away saying that they were going to kill all of their hostages at that time.
я онкхрхвеяйни рнвйх гпемхъ, щрн ашкн мю 99.9 % ме бшонкмхлн..
In my opinion, from a political point of view, this was 99.9 % unlikely.
ъ оношрюкяъ назъямхрэ щрн хяяе... мн нм яйеорхвеяйх нрмеяяъ й лнелс лмемхч.
I tried to explain these things to Issa but he was very skeptical and dismissive of me.
мн щрн ашкн мебнглнфмн.
But there was no way.
щрн ашкн, йюй слхпюрэ он всрэ-всрэ.
It was like dying a little bit.
хгпюхкэяйхи нкхлохияйхи йнлхрер б хепсяюкхле мюгбюк яеивюя хлъ брнпнцн онцхаьецн яонпрялемю щрн хняхт пнлюмн, 31-кермхи ьрюмцхяр.
Israeli Olympic Committee in Jerusalem has now named the second dead man as being Josef Romano, a 31-year-old middleweight weight lifter.
лш рюйфе, ъ ме мюгнбс щрн тхкнянтяйхл, ярюпюкхяэ днйноюрэяъ дн йнпмеи бяецн, врн опнхяундхр.
We also were... I wouldn't call it philosophical but we were also going into the grounds of the whole thing.
ъ яопняхк : "гювел бш декюере щрн?"
I said, "Why are you doing it?"
йрн-рн рюл опълн яеивюя... х лш бхдхл, врн щрн опнхяундхр пюг гю пюгнл... нрйпшбюеряъ дбепэ, бшянбшбюеряъ вэъ-рн цнкнбю, врнаш сбхдерэ, врн опнхяундхр.
There's someone right now. And this has happened time and time and time again. The door opening, the head coming out to see what is going on.
х щрн рн, врн нмх декючр опълн яеивюя, гюцнпючр.
That's what they're doing right now, sunning themselves.
ю б щрн бпелъ, сфюямше беых опнхяундър бмсрпх нкхлохияйни депебмх.
And yet this grim, terrible thing is taking place inside the village.
"дю бш рпемхпнбюкхяэ дкъ щрнцн 4 цндю", мн щрн йюферяъ меопюбхкэмшл.
I thought, yeah, you've trained for this for four years but it seemed wrong.
[бЮКЭРЕП рПНЦЕП] щрн ашкх ме нтхжхюмрш.
There were no chefs.
щрн ашкх йнлхяяюп онкхжхх лхяреп ьпюиаеп х ъ, оепендерше, йюй нтхжхюмрш.
It was the police commissioner... Mr. Schreiber, and myself with two policemen clad as chefs, as cooks.
хгпюхкэръме унрекх онякюрэ яоежцпсоос, мн мележйне опюбхрекэярбн, йнмевмн, нрйкнмхкн щрн опедкнфемхе.
General Ulrich K. Wegener... The Israelis, they wanted to send a team which was rejected by the German government, of course.
щрн ашк яйсо дкъ лмнцху рекеярюмжхи х цюгер бн бя ╗ л лхпе.
It was a great story to many television stations and media around the world.
ъ хлеч б бхдс, рюйне янашрхе - щрн йюй бепьхмю нкхлохюдш.
I mean, the climax of the Olympic Games, such an event.
псйх с мецн ашкх ябъгюмш, щрн рнвмн. ъ бхдек щрн.
He definitely had his hands tied.
йнцдю мелжш яопняхкх : "йрн щрн х врн я мхл яксвхкняэ?"
When the Germans asked, "Who is the one and what happened to him?"
щрн ашк онякедмхи пюг, йнцдю ъ бхдекю ецн.
That was the last time, really, that I saw him.
нмх унрекх опхирх й йюйнлс-рн пеьемхч, врн яоюя ╗ р ху фхгмх, мн мюдефдш мю щрн с мху ашкн люкн.
They wished to come to a conclusion which might save their lives but they were not very hopeful in that respect.
щрн нрпъд хг 38 днапнбнкэжеб гюоюдмнцеплюмяйху онцпюмхвмхйнб.
These are the volunteer squad of 38 police or West German border guards.
бш лнфере опедярюбхрэ яеае яонпрялемю, депфюыецн б псйюу леьнй, б йнрнпнл, х щрн нвебхдмн, мюундхряъ юбрнлюр.
There you see an athlete holding a canvas bag in which is obviously a machine gun.
ъ ме унвс декюрэ хг щрнцн мхйюйни дпюлш, мн бя ╗ щрн бшцкъдхр йюй мювюкн йюйни-рн ноепюжхх.
I don't want to instigate any false drama here but it looks, at this point, like the beginnings of some kind of deployment.
х мюакчдюер бя ╗ щрн мебннпсф ╗ ммшл цкюгнл. - охреп?
PeterJennings is inside the village and is observing this with the naked eye.

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