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Translate.vc / Russe → Espagnol / [ D ] / Disagree

Disagree traduction Espagnol

6 traduction parallèle
— ћ ≈'я смотрю на то, что вы сделали, или предложили, с того момента как вы мэр и € обнаружил, как сильно € не согласен почти со всеми вещами.
LAUGHTER I'm looking at what you've done, or your initiatives, since you came in here and it is extraordinary how - I disagree with almost all of them.
Who am I to disagree?
# ¿ Quién soy yo para disentir? #
Who am I to disagree?
¿ quién soy yo para disentir? "
I believe in things and stand for things that-that some people disagree with.
Creo en cosas y entiendo cosas que alguna gente no entiende.
I disagree.
No estoy de acuerdo.
I'll have to disagree with you, Carrie.
Tienes un disco duro para ellos? DVR ha estado fuera un tiempo.

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