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Translate.vc / Russe → Espagnol / [ E ] / Eventually

Eventually traduction Espagnol

8 traduction parallèle
¬ любом случае, ты в конце концов закончил круг.
Anyway, you did eventually complete a lap.
Oh, so you were gonna call me eventually? Peter, there is an explanation for all this.
Oh, ¿ así que vas a llamarme en algún momento? Peter, hay una explicación para todo esto.
I'm trying to sell Ruby on eventually moving her new company to BlueBell, or at least nearby, and it's very important that this week, of all weeks, she really love it here.
Intento convencer a Ruby de traer su nueva empresa a BlueBell, o al menos cerca, y es muy importante que esta semana, entre todas las semanas, le encante esto.
He knows that eventually that cop's report is gonna surface, and then he can kiss his DA's career goodbye.
Fine. Eso si, no romper nada. Quiero que mi deposito.
Eventually, we all make our own choices.
Al final, todos tomamos nuestras propias decisiones.
Like phenazopyridine, and she kept taking too much, it would eventually cause... methemoglobinemia.
Como fenazopiridina, y Mantuvo tomar demasiado, lo haría finalmente causa... metahemoglobinemia.
You're out there trying to get funding so you can hire people, Scale up, roll out a product, ipo, And eventually become a publicly-traded what?
Estás buscando fondos para contratar gente y hacer un producto que se convierta en ¿ qué?
Для меня честь с тобой познакомиться.
- We All Pay Eventually - Es un honor conocerte.

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