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Translate.vc / Russe → Espagnol / [ R ] / Represent

Represent traduction Espagnol

5 traduction parallèle
Look, whoever we choose is gonna represent the ideal woman for a year.
Miren, a quien escojamos va a representar a la mujer ideal por un año.
We have to zealously represent our client.
Tenemos a representar celosamente nuestro cliente.
You have to zealously represent your client by using it.
Usted tiene que celosamente representar a su cliente mediante su uso.
Well, we represent Chevrolet, Mohawk Airlines.
Representamos a Chevrolet, Mohawk Airlines.
These injuries represent the minimal amount of fracturing that could be sustained to a healthy adult passenger.
Estas lesiones representan la cantidad mínima de fracturas que podría sufrir un pasajero adulto sano.

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