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# Умело выделывается, зная, что показывает.
Tightly undone, know what they're showing
Возможно даже проявляя ее сейчас на первом этаже.
Maybe even showing it downstairs this time.
Она считает что есть такие вещи, которые стоит ждать. Эта жизненная позиция которая поможет доказать ей, что Ричард тот самый, заботливый и готовый ждать...
She just thinks that things that are worthwhile are worth waiting for, that the struggle in life is what's exciting and that if Richard really proves that he really cares about her and waits... that then he's showing her her worth
His psychopathy is showing.
Está mostrando su psicopatía.
No, they're just showing off to prove they're bigger, richer, better.
No, solo alardean para demostrar que son más grandes, más ricos, mejores.
# But I've seen your self-pity showing
# But I've seen your self-pity showing
Showing just how much one concerned parent can do,
Demostrando lo que puede hacer un padre preocupado,
I could get kicked off for not showing up on the field.
Podría ser expulsado por no aparecer en el campo.
If you won't look, there's no point in showing them to you.
Si no vas a mirar, no tiene sentido mostrártelo. Bueno, bueno.
You're showing her how much you care.
Le estas enseñando lo mucho que te importa.
Oh, yeah, because the only thing that's gonna make a werewolf birth better is a vampire showing up.
Si, porque lo único que hará que el cumpleaños de un hombre-lobo sea mejor es que aparezca un vampiro.
He's got a room here, only so long as he's out finding himself a job. Rhonda, would you mind showing me Shaun's room?
Te aseguro que si usted ha visto que lista, habria apreciado nuestra discrecion.
Затем они колесили по всей стране, показывая всем.
Then they travelled up and down the country, showing everyone.
Зачем ты мне это показываешь?
¿ Por qué estás showing me this?
А потом начинает проявлятся рак... Then the cancers start showing up... младенцы, дети, взрослые. babies, kids, adults.
Luego aparecen distintos tipos de cáncer.
Thanks for showing me
Gracias por mostrármelo.

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