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Translate.vc / Russe → Espagnol / [ Y ] / You got it

You got it traduction Espagnol

51 traduction parallèle
Если они все на месте скажите че-то типа "Все в порядке, Пер!"
They simply still here will see if I sound of like "You got it, Per!"
- You got it.
- Está bien.
Kid, unlock that door. You got it?
Niña, abre la cerradura ¿ entiendes?
Now, lock the door. You got it?
Ahora cierra la puerta. ¿ Entiendes?
You got it?
¿ Entendido?
You got it.
Es ahí.
- You got it.
- Lo tienes.
- You got it. - ( Groans )
Lo hiciste.
- You got it.
- De acuerdo. Listo.
All right, you got it.
Muy bien, lo tienes.
.. И потому ты будешь рад..
.And it's got to make you glad.
.. Да, из-за этого ты рад, что живешь..
.Yes, it's got to make you glad to be alive.
"We got it together, didn't we, baby?" "Yes, you."
Lo conseguimos juntos, ¿ verdad? Sí, tú.
Проходит Gambon и финиширует!
I've got the time here. You did it. It was a mad lap, got to be honest.
Потому что у него перед суперкара 911, но сзади заурядный автомобиль.
Because that, they've got a supercar, 911 nose on the front, and an ordinary car on the back. You go, "Wow, it's Kate Moss."
Вы смотрите и думаете : "Вау, это Кейт Мосс". Потом вы подходите сзади :
Then you look down the side, "Oh, no, it's got John Prescott's arse."
¶ Вам нужно только его найти ¶
¶ You've just got to find it ¶
¶ Вам нужно только его найти ¶ ¶ Любовь ¶
¶ You've just got to find it ¶ ¶ Whoa, whoa, whoa whoa, whoa ¶ ¶ Love ¶
You got a lot on your mind- - three kids and a newborn, it sounds like new job.
Tienes muchas cosas en la cabeza... 3 niños, una recién nacida, y parece que un nuevo trabajo.
You've damned well got it, right here!
¡ Vaya si los tienen aquí, justo aquí!
У вас ведь нет души. Пустышки вы, пустышки.
You think you've got soul but I know you have to fake it
And for your father's protection, it's best if he not know that you got this from me.
Y para la protección de su padre, lo mejor es que no sepa que esto se lo di yo.
Увидимся там. "А"
DIFUNDE LA PALABRA got a secret can you keep it?
Милые Обманщицы s01e07 The Homecoming Hangover / Праздничное похмелье русские субтитры группы TrueTransLate.tv
# got a secret # # can you keep it? # # can you keep it? # # better lock it in your pocket # # taking this one to the grave # # if I show you then I know you # # won't tell what I said # #'cause two can keep a secret #
They say you don't know what you've got till it's gone.
Dicen que no sabes lo que tienes hasta que lo pierdes.
детка. ты всегда права и так будет всегда я не хочу в это верить я не хочу прощаться что я здесь делаю?
â ™ ª love is all around â ™ ª â ™ ª baby, I will treat you right â ™ ª â ™ ª you know I got it goin'on â ™ ª â ™ ª I don't want to be the only one believing â ™ ª ¡ Aah! â ™ ª I don't want to be the one who said goodbye â ™ ª
I don't know what you think you're doing, but you got to stop it with this shit.
Dudo que estés pensando en lo que estás haciendo, pero tienes que parar toda esta mierda.
You got it.
- Hecho.
Got it. I'll get back to you.
Vale. te volveré a llamar.
Well, we had a love that was in-between and to me it was like a dream if we'd stayed together till June baby, bride and groom that's why I got to get you off of my mind I know it's just a matter of time you found somebody new and our romance is through...
Yeah yeah yeah got to get you off of my mind I know it's just a matter of time you found somebody new and our romance is through that's why I got to get you off of my mind I know it's just a matter of time.
I gotta tell you, the guy's still got it.
Te tengo que decir, que el chico todavia lo tiene
You got to do it now?
¿ Tienes que hacerlo ahora?
But when the hammer comes down - - and it always comes down - - you got to be standing on my side.
Pero cuando cae el martillo... y siempre cae... tienes que estar en mi lado.
It's what you got to do!
¡ Es lo que tienes que hacer!
It probably got knocked off by one of, you know, the cars that ran over her last night.
Probablemente fue cortada, ya sabes, por uno de los coches que la atropellaron anoche.
Oh, well, I bet it can't top the one I got you.
Bueno, seguro que no puede superar al que te he comprado yo.
You okay holding down the fort with Debbie's day care insanity starting up again? Jamie's got it.
¿ Estarás bien guardando el fuerte con lo de la locura de la guardería de Debbie empezando de nuevo?
It's enough to get you home or whatever else you want, but you got a shot here.
Es suficiente para llegar a casa o cualquier otra cosa que desee, pero usted tiene una oportunidad aquí.
I've got no idea how you find it so easy to kill people.
No tengo ni idea de cómo te resulta tan fácil matar gente.
I thought if anybody got that it'd be you.
Pensé que si alguien puede entender eso serías tú.
d It really don't matter if you've got a Cap Anson d d If you spend your nights in your underwear prancin'd d With your cardboard stand d Of Scarlett Johansson!
* Realmente no te importa si tienes un Cap Anson * * Si pasas tus noches en ropa interior * * Con tu estantería de cartón *
Besides... your red couch, there's no way it's gonna fit in that living-room. I hate to tell you, I got rid of it. - Ok... what do we do...
Deberias haber visto a dos personas... en un frenesi absoluto... vorazmente... devorando... pescado crudo.
No, you got to make it seem like you found out by accident there.
No, tienes que hacerlo parecer como si te hubieras enterado por accidente.
Did you rip it off and rush in here'cause she got to have it? ( Chuckles )
¿ Lo arrancaste y viniste corriendo porque ella tenía que tenerlo?
You've got it wrong.
- No han entendido nada.
♪ It only takes one bowl шесть, семь, восемь... ♪ You got to have the crackle, don't give up on the pop ♪
* Solo se requiere un tazón * Seis, siete, ocho... * Debes tener el crujido, no renuncies al sonido *
I told Gibbs, you got to eat salsa, not wear it.
Se lo dije a Gibbs, que tenía que comerse la salsa no vestirse con ella.
Right. Got it. But the overall deal would be if Joe rejoins the group, you would be getting a pay cut.
Pero en el fondo de todo esto está el que si Joe volvía tú cobrarías menos.
♪ You got me wrong, but it's all right ♪
* Me malinterpretaste, pero está bien *

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