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Died traduction Français

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... may even ultimately have died from the stress.
Mon fils a eu des ulcères.
This is where Shizuru died.
C'est là qu'est morte Shizuru.
Визит члена Парламента и председателя Комиссии по энергетике, Стивена Коллинза, к родителям его референта, Сони Бейкер, недавно трагически погибшей.
The visit of the Westminster MP and chairman of the Energy Select Committee, Stephen Collins, to the parents of his former researcher, Sonia Baker, who tragically died recently.
Когда умер Оскар я хлебнул горя.
When oscar died I drowned my share of sorrow.
* Ты умер *
♪ You've died ♪
* " The Feeding Set Clare Bowditch - *
♪ You've died ♪
Умру я в море.
Who died at sea...
* А если ты заболеешь пневмонией и умрешь? *
If you got pneumonia and died
где умер мой Спаситель
Down at the cross where my Saviour died
d В четвертый четверг ноября d d Всегда вспоминать буду я d d Как посланников старой земли... d d Индейцы от смерти спасли... d
Fourth Thursday in November ♪ ♪ That is when we must remember ♪ ♪ How the Pilgrims would have died ♪
Well, we-we-we took him for a night out is all, and well, you know, he died.
On l'a emmené avec nous ce soir et, il est mort.
The victim definitely died here.
- Elle est bien morte ici. - Quoi?
What? Barb died in my parking lot?
Barb est morte sur mon parking?
She died because she was hiding from you because you attacked her.
Elle est morte en se cachant. - Car vous l'avez attaquée. - C'est pas illégal.
She had just died.
Elle venait de mourir.
Did you know that in'91, 20 Kuwaitis died after being hit by falling bullets while celebrating the end of the Cold War?
Tu savais qu'en 1991, 20 Koweïtiens sont morts, touchés par des balles tirées en l'air pendant qu'ils célébraient la fin de la guerre froide?
When I was little, I thought that what happened when you died was just that you were floating in the sky, do you know, by the moon. It was like, you were still yourself, still had all the same thoughts, but you were just alone and nobody that you knew was there with you and- - oh, okay.
Petite, je croyais que quand on mourait, on flottait dans le ciel, tu vois, près de la lune, qu'on était soi-même, mais complètement seul, sans personne qu'on connaît et que...
* Я любила тебя * * тысячу лет *
I have died every day waiting for you
* Я любила тебя * * тысячу лет *
I have died every day waiting for you Darling, don t be afraid
Cкажи мне, что твоя сладкая любовь не умерла
♪ Tell me that your sweet love hasn't died... ♪
Did it start when they died, Frank?
ça a commencé à leur mort, Frank?
He died of an allergic reaction to chlorpromazine.
Il est mort d'une réaction allergique à la chloropromazine.
From what I've read in the tabloids, no one will be surprised to hear Oliver Queen died of a drug overdose.
De ce que j'ai lu dans les tabloids, personne ne sera surpris d'apprendre qu'Oliver Queen est mort d'une overdose.
So, um, the girl who died, it turns out that she got her Vertigo from a co-worker.
Alors, euh, la fille qui est morte, Il s'avère qu'elle a eu le Vertigo par un collègue.
She died for want of her mother.
- Elle est morte à cause de sa mère.
Я... send a letter to myself tonight and tell Marjie it's aboutan old friend of mine who's died and asked for me to take the child.
Je vais... m'envoyer une lettre ce soir et dire à Marjie que c'est au sujet d'un vieil ami à moi qui est décédé et qui a demandé que je m'occupe de l'enfant.
Don't you dare play the "your husband died for this" card.
Ne vous avisez pas de jouer la carte "votre mari est mort pour cette ça".
* Или в том, как она умерла * * Это - время петь песни *
- Or the way that she died
The woman died in March nine years ago.
La femme est morte en mars il y a 9 ans.
I heard she died last month.
J'ai entendu dire qu'elle était morte le mois passé.
She got pregnant, and then she died in early labour.
Elle est tombée enceinte et elle est morte pendant le travail.
He died horribly so that one day I would come to America and make many, many of the Benjamins.
Il est mort de façon horrible pour qu'un jour je vienne aux Etats-Unis pour me faire un gros paquet d'argent.
When he died...
Quand il est mort...
♪ Finally, they all got scurvy and died... ♪
♪ Finally, they all got scurvy and died... ♪
Well, I decided to search Starkel's credit card charges, to see if it's possible to track his movements on the day he died.
J'ai décidé de chercher les tickets de carte de crédit de Starkle pour voir si c'est possible de suivre ses déplacements le jour de sa mort.
He died the instant you honked your horn.
Il est mort à l'instant où vous appuyé sur le klaxon.
We're finding everything out that we can- - where they worked, hobbies, phone records, what they did in their spare time, matching the names of birth certificates of people who died young, tracing border-crossing records.
On cherche tout ce qu'on peut, travail, passe-temps, relevés téléphoniques, ce qu'ils faisaient de leur temps libre, on compare les certificats de naissance de gens morts jeunes, on retrace les données de la douane.
Died at her desk.
Elle est morte à son bureau.
My dad died less than ten years after his diagnosis.
Mon père est mort moins de dix ans après son diagnostic.
It probably died, and Andrea is pretending like somebody killed it.
Il est probablement mort, et Andrea prétend que quelqu'un l'a tué.
♪ And when he died his widowed bride ♪
♪ Et quand il est mort son épouse veuve ♪
You died.
Tu es morte.
You had mentioned that before Henry died, he had gone to lunch and returned upset.
Vous avez mentionné qu'avant qu'Henry meurt, il était allé déjeuné et en était revenu bouleversé.
They think that he must have been somewhere where that chemical was used right before he died.
Ils pensent qu'il a dû aller quelque part où ce produit chimique a été utilisé juste avant qu'il meurt.
Hey, is this the park where Boner died?
Hey, ça serait pas le parc où Boner est mort?
Michael Clark Thompson's mother died in childbirth, so he grew up with his father Nate, who was married and divorced 5 different times.
La mère de Michael est morte à l'accouchement, il a grandi avec son père Nate, marié et divorcé cinq fois.
She died.
Elle est morte.
The preliminary M.E. report does suggest that Clara Riggins died of natural causes.
Le rapport préliminaire du légiste suggère que Clara Riggins est morte de causes naturelles.
Oh? She said your handyman died.
Ton homme à tout faire est mort.

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