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Translate.vc / Russe → Portugais / [ K ] / Knew

Knew traduction Portugais

77 traduction parallèle
We fell in love, I knew it had to end.
"Apaixonei-me, soube que tinha que acabar."
ўЬ Did you have a secret no one knew?
~ Tens algum segredo que ninguém saiba?
I knew she was gonna meet her connection
I knew she was gonna meet her connection
When you weren't around I always knew
* Quando não estava por perto, eu sempre soube *
When I was stationed down south where Brett's from, I knew him.
O Brett veio da estação do sul. Eu conheço-o.
I knew him well.
Conheço-o bem.
But I already knew.
Mas eu já sabia.
- Who knew he had so many friends?
Quem diria que ele tinha tantos amigos?
Бокал с вином блестел в ее руке,
# A glass of wine in her hand # # Oh, I knew she was gonna meet #
* Но это грустно и красиво, и я знаю, что оно завершено *
But it's sad and it's sweet, and I knew it complete
* Ты ведь знал, что я была свободна, *
You knew that I was free
* Это всегда мы *
It's as if we always knew
* Все, что вы видите - это девушка, которую вы знали когда-то *
All you will see is the girl you once knew
* Я знал, что не забуду тебя *
I knew I wouldn't forget you
* Я знал, когда мы встретились *
I knew when we collided
I remembered how she knew what she wanted, And how she wasn't afraid to fail and try again, And how she'd-she'd taken
Lembrei-me como ela sabia o que queria e de como não tinha medo de falhar e tentar de novo e como encontrou o momento certo para dar um passo atrás e aprender.
Oh, yes, and to lux for doing what we all knew she could.
Sim e à Lux por fazer aquilo que todos sabíamos que conseguia.
Wilfred knew Jack Kerouac.
O Wilfred conhecia o Jack Kerouac.
"Слышал мама плачет, знал, что то не так"
# Heard mama cryin', knew something wasn't right
I knew you well
Eu conhecia-te bem
Look, I knew if I told you that my marriage was in trouble, that I would be suspect number one.
Eu sabia que se falasse sobre o meu casamento, era o suspeito número um.
I knew it.
And after playing the role of grieving mother on set, Gloria knew enough to get the hell out of dodge.
E depois de fazer o papel de mãe enlutada no estúdio, a Gloria sabia demais para atirar no pé.
You knew she wrote you into her will.
Você sabia que ela a incluiu no testamento.
When she confronted you, you knew that you had a narrow window Within which to kill her before she wrote you out.
Quando ela a confrontou, você sabia que tinha pouco tempo para a matar antes que ela lhe tirasse.
* И никогда не мог отличить добро от зла *
Never knew no good from bad
* Зато еще не выйдя из пеленок *
But I knew love before I left my nursery
Верно Но в отличие от них я знаю Я найду место получше
But even then I knew I'd find a much better place
I knew Anna would try and manipulate my interview somehow, but this...
Eu sabia que a Anna ia tentar manipular a entrevista de algum modo, mas isto...
You know, the first time I saw you, I knew I had to have you.
A primeira vez que te vi, soube que te tinha de ter.
You knew her?
- Conhecia-a?
Если её отец знал, что она собиралась
Se o pai dela soubesse que ela estava a tentar knew she was trying.
It was like, you were still yourself, still had all the same thoughts, but you were just alone and nobody that you knew was there with you and- - oh, okay.
Como se ainda fôssemos nós mesmos, tivéssemos os mesmos pensamentos, mas estivéssemos sozinhos, sem ninguém por perto. Está bem.
You said you knew why Fyers wanted Yao Fei, and how he was forcing him to help.
Disseste que sabias o porquê do Fyers querer Yao Fei, e como o forçava a ajudá-lo.
I knew by pursuing him that I could throw a wrench in- -
Sabia que podia estragar tudo entre nós...
It would be better for Adrian if he knew you wanted us to have him.
Seria melhor para o Adrian, se ele soubesse queria que ficássemos com ele.
Hey, listen, there's obviously something between us or Anne wouldn't have set us up in the first place, and I woke up this morning smiling for the first time in a long time because I knew I was gonna see you.
Há claramente algo entre nós, caso contrário a Anne não nos teria marcado um encontro. E, esta manhã, acordei a sorrir pela primeira vez em muito tempo porque sabia que te ia ver.
Who knew all that culinary school training would come in handy?
Quem ia pensar que o teu treino em culinária viria a calhar?
I knew it.
Já sabia!
I knew that's what she was up to.
Sabia que ela estava metida nisso.
You say it as if you already knew.
Diz isso como se já soubesse.
Oh, Tony, I wish I knew.
Tony, quem me dera saber.
Mrs Patmore, if you knew what it feels like to have a young man keento court me...
Sra. Patmore, se a senhora soubesse como é ter um jovem a querer cortejar-me...
I always knew you were the type.
Isso prova-o. Sempre soube que eras do tipo.
Which I'd wager she knew would be the case.
Coisa que me arrisco a dizer que ela sabia que aconteceria.
Though I must tell you, he discerned that I knew about the missing page beforehand.
Mas confesso que ele já tinha percebido que eu sabia da página desaparecida.
Ты постоянно повторяешь себе эту ложь, but you possessed bodies even though you knew it was wrong.
Essa é a mentira que contas sempre a ti própria, mas possuiste corpos mesmo sabendo que isso era errado.
I know the two of you have been spending a lot of time together, I just wanted to know if you knew anything.
Sei que vocês têm passado algum tempo juntos e gostava de saber se sabes de algo.
Well... who knew you were such a rebel?
Bem, quem diria que eras assim tão rebelde?
The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Uh, people in the neighborhood were talking. I-I thought you knew.
As pessoas na vizinhança comentavam.

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