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Maybe traduction Portugais

196 traduction parallèle
I'm in no rush Maybe I've learned
Não estou com pressa E acabei aprendendo
And maybe have a seat by the Eastern wall
E talvez sentar-me ao muro Oriental
Maybe I can get some hand that way.
Talvez assim eu consiga algum controlo.
Yes, no, maybe
Sim, não, talvez
Maybe it had been haunting him.
Talvez isto o estivesse a assombrar.
Hey, maybe we can turn this article into an expos.
Talvez possamos tornar este artigo numa denúncia.
- And you wish you could hide - Maybe go for a ride
Desejando esconder-te Ou talvez dar uma volta
Maybe it's fair to say I live like a fool
* Talvez seja certo dizer que vivo como um tolo *
Narod28, Greys2008
- S06E08 - Our Life Is Not A Movie Or Maybe
Maybe he is an ax murderer.
Talvez ele seja um ex-assassino...
She wasn't afraid... of me... maybe anything.
Ela não estava com medo. De mim... Ou de qualquer coisa.
Well, you could maybe... I don't know, get a job?
- Talvez pudesses... não sei... arranjar um emprego?
I just sometimes think maybe you would appreciate the value of a dollar more if you had to work outside the home.
É que por vezes penso que apreciarias melhor o valor do dinheiro se tivesses de trabalhar fora de casa.
Nah. A few fingers, maybe.
Não, talvez uns dedos.
Well... maybe one day you will be.
Bem... talvez um dia tenha.
Maybe I wouldn't be if you weren't so clingy.
Maybe you could schedule a staff meeting so I could hit the ground running on Monday.
Talvez pudesse agendar uma reunião do pessoal para segunda-feira, para poder começar logo em bom ritmo.
Maybe I am... missing something. Maybe... maybe it is worth it.
Talvez eu esteja... a perder qualquer coisa.
Do you think maybe you could fix it for me?
Achas que mas podia arranjar?
Тинклс давай в бемоль "Возможно на сей раз".
Metais, toca o "Maybe This Time" em Si bemol.
* Возможно на сей раз *
# Maybe this time #
* Возможно на сей раз, он останется *
# Maybe this time he'll stay #
* Возможно на сей раз, я смогу победить *
# Maybe this time I'll win #
* Возможно на сей раз, я смогу победить *
# Maybe this time # # I'll #
Вы знаете, что в Огайо
"Maybe This Time" em si bemol?
возможно это было безумием и возможно я очень виноват но я ставлю чувства выше разума
Maybe it's been crazy And maybe I'm to blame But I put my heart above my head
Я скажу "Нет" и возможно, нет
- Maybe "no"
* Может здесь есть шанс для меня, чтобы вернуться *
Maybe there's a chance for me to go back
* Ведь завтра Господь может забрать *
Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you
Нет, я знаю, но может быть.. Maybe we could just tone it down a bit. Может быть не делать акцент таким явным?
Eu sei, mas talvez se usar um tom mais baixo, diminuir o sotaque.
Может, мне стоило пойти...
Maybe I'd better go
Может, мне стоило пойти домой. Мама, эта песня все равно не объясняет почему ты бросила своих детей.
Maybe I'd better go home
Может быть, лучше я бы осталась дома...
Maybe I'd better stay home
Может, я лучше останусь дома.
Maybe I'd better stay home
Whoa, whoa, whoa, maybe you shouldn't touch her.
Calma, calma. Talvez seja melhor não lhe tocar.
You know, maybe I should have walked away, too, From the show, but I-I didn't.
Sabes, talvez devesse ter saído, também, do programa, mas não saí.
And maybe, you know, you'll end up exactly where you want to be.
E talvez, sabes, acabes exactamente onde queres estar.
Maybe I should just make everything up.
Talvez eu devesse inventar tudo.
I totally understand the ego issues involved when it comes to one's Louisville slugger, but maybe you could have been a little more in the ballpark, size-wise?
Eu compreendo totalmente as questões de ego envolvidas, mas quando se trata do teu pênis... talvez pudesses ter sido um pouco mais verdadeiro?
Maybe if I show him I got into college...
Talvez se eu mostrar que entrei na faculdade...
* И если ты закричишь Может они остановятся и не станут убивать *
# And if you shout Maybe they stop and won't kill
And maybe we'll go
And maybe we'll go
- У тебя есть идеи получше? Может оставишь пару патронов на случай, если они вздумают вернуться? Maybe just save a few rounds in case they come back.
- Só guarde algumas balas para o caso deles voltarem.
Так, если мы не можем найти бомбу, Look, if we can't find the bomb, возможно мы можем найти цель? maybe we can find the target.
Se encontrarmos a bomba, talvez descobriremos o alvo.
Okay, maybe I watched it like once or twice.
Talvez tenha visto uma ou duas vezes.
Maybe, but now that we know that you lied, it makes you look even worse.
Se calhar, mas agora sabemos que mentiu, e isso faz de si parecer ainda pior.
So maybe Dimes tells Sarah about Gloria,
Se calhar o Dimes contou à Sarah sobre a Gloria,
Okay, so maybe Gloria was telling us the truth.
Se calhar a Gloria está a dizer a verdade.
So, uh, you maybe want to go with a dead bolt this time?
Desta vez quer pôr uma fechadura das que só precisa de chave para abrir por fora?
Do you--maybe you remember what you wanted me to do?
Talvez ainda se recorde do que queria que eu fizesse?

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