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These traduction Portugais

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I do enjoy these pep talks.
Gosto muito destas conversas de encorajamento.
These showbiz folk are all the same.
Esse povo do showbiz é tudo igual.
Смотрите на these jackasses.
Olha para estes idiotas.
И нам плeвать на тo Прoдастся ли альбoм
We ain't gonna sell none of these motherfuckin'albums
Стив Бланер стал преуспевающим кинопродюсером,... создавшим такие хиты как "Ездок", "Пять легких кусочков" и "Последнее шоу".
"Some of these days " You're gonna miss me, baby " Some of these days
Боба Дэрина слушают до сих пор.
" Cos one of these, yeah!
Режиссёр - Кевин Спейси Авторы сценария :
" Said some of these days - do it, Sophie
Смотрите, какие у меня сиськи!
Check these boots out for size.
То, что я думаю, похоже... "Это руки, которые..."
Sabes, pensava que isto era, tipo, "These are the hands that da-da-da..."
- Глина. "Эти руки прикасаются к моллюску"
Ok. "These hands finger the clam."
РОК : These are the eyes That can't see me!
"These are the eyes that can't see me."
These are your friends but are they real friends?
Estes são seus amigos Mas são amigos de verdade?
Хочу быть частью тебя Нью - Йорк, Нью
I wanna be a part of it new york, new york these vagabond shoes
- And hide from these days we remained all alone
E escondendo-nos dos dias Em que estávamos sós
- These things I could never describe
As coisas que nunca Conseguirei descrever
- These pleasures a wayward distraction
Estes prazeres Uma distracção inconstante
- Someone take these dreams away
Alguém leva esses sonhos
А уходит ли какой-нибудь кабель в океан?
And these cables--do anyof them run into the ocean? E esses cabos.. algum deles vai pelo Oceano?
These are my prime wisdom-giving years.
Estes são os anos que devo aproveitar para ensinar.
Мгновения остановились прямо здесь
These passing moments freeze right here.
Do you know that behind all these words
Tu sabes que detrás de todas estas palavras
But watching you all these years, how...
Mas ao observá-la, estes anos todos, a forma como..
Just dropping these off.
Olá. Era só para deixar cá isto.
Ну, ты знаешь, Эд, The kids say you gotta go viral to promote yourself these days.
Bem, sabes, Ed, os miúdos dizem que hoje em dia tens que te tornar viral para te conseguires promover.
* Я выбила стёкла в твоей машине, * * Но нет, это не помогло моему разбитому сердцу. * * У меня, возможно, навсегда останутся эти ужасные шрамы, *
* i bust the windows out your car * * and, no, it didn't mend my broken heart * * i'll probably always have these ugly scars * * but right now i don't care about that part *
* Замечаю на лице отметины времени *
All these lines on my face getting clearer
"Возьми эти сломанные крылья" в исполнении Мистера Мистера - вот, вот лирическая песня.
"Take These Broken Wings", de Mr. Mister é música de separação.
* Эти улицы подарят тебе доселе неведомые ощущения *
These streets will make you feel brand new
Эти улицы заставят тебя чувствовать себя обновленным
These streets will make you feel brand new,
If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't know about these tattoos.
Se não fosse ela não sabíamos destas tatuagens.
А сейчас я исполню для вас скромную композицию, которая называется "Когда-нибудь".
Agora, gostaria de cantar uma canção chamada "Some of These Days".
It could damage her brain or affect her development, but these risks are small compared to the risks that you would be taking by leaving your cancers untreated.
Pode danificar-lhe o cérebro ou afetar-lhe o crescimento, mas são riscos menores do que não curar os seus cancros.
Анатомия Грей 7x06 - These Arms of Mine
Temporada 7 Episódio 06 "These Arms Of Mine"
What, bro? Все эти парни, которые работают на компанию перевозок Джамала These guys that work for Jamal's moving company, они конечно выходцы с востока, но большинство из них уже граждане США, they are Middle Eastern, but most of'em are citizens рождённые здесь.
- Os caras que trabalham na empresa de mudança de Jamal são do Oriente Médio, mas a maioria são cidadãos nascidos aqui nos EUA.
So her assistant didn't schedule these, Which means it was personal, And her husband didn't know about them either.
Então a assistente agendou isso, significa que era pessoal e o marido não sabia.
Exactly, and her husband and assistant both say that When she came back from these appointments, she was upset.
Exactamente, marido e assistente disseram que, ao voltar dessas reuniões, ficava chateada.
These earrings are exclusive To Arthur Klein's Boutique in Chelsea.
Estes brincos são exclusivos da Boutique de Arthur Klein em Chelsea.
These two guys came toe.
Esses dois tipos vieram ter comigo.
Are these the men? Yeah.
- São estes os homens?
Hey, can I interest you in one of these robes?
Posso mostrar-lhe um roupão destes?
* Смотри, как далеко нас завели мечты *
See, all these illusions just take us too long
* Все эти увещевания заняли слишком много времени *
- Ba-da-ba-da... - All these intrusions just take us too long
There are no waves in these crime waters since he got out.
Não há ondas nestas águas do crime desde que saiu.
Did you know these people?
Conhecia estas pessoas?
But he wants us to believe that Elian's a Palero and that these are religious killings.
Mas quer que acreditemos que o Elian é um Palero e que as mortes são pela religião.
They found these in the refrigerator.
Encontraram isto no frigorífico.
It's like amateur hour with these two dopes.
São amadores estes dois idiotas.
Sweet dreams are made of these
"Bons sonhos são feitos disto..."
"Это мои болты..."
"These are my bolts."
* For you, I've waited all these years * Я не могу быть здесь сейчас.
Eu não posso ficar aqui agora.
I'll be taking these.
Vou levar estes.

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