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Translate.vc / Russe → Turc / [ U ] / Unfortunately

Unfortunately traduction Turc

8 traduction parallèle
К сожалению, мистер Китман завернул мою статЬю про путешествия во времени.
Unfortunately, Mr. Kitman wrapped my article on time travel.
Unfortunately, Manischewitz has put us in review.
Ama maalesef Manischewitz bizi askıya aldı.
Um, and unfortunately... it's fatal.
Ve ne yazık ki... ölümcül.
Unfortunately this is just shattered substrate from a motherboard.
- Maalesef bu sadece bir anakartın kırılmış parçası.
Unfortunately, there is nothing more to be learned from these bones.
Maalesef bu kemiklerden öğrenecek bir şey yok.
But unfortunately, this is not gon...
Fakat ne yazık ki düğünü...
Unfortunately, yes.
Maalesef evet.
Yes, unfortunately you've heard correct.
Evet, maalesef doğru.

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