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Alakasi traduction Anglais

87 traduction parallèle
Bunun ºansla bir alakasi yok.
Luck had nothing to do with it.
Dodger'lerin sampiyonluguyla ya da Daily Double sonuçlariyla uzaktan yakindan alakasi olmayan adam hararetle Chiyonofuji'nin son sumo turnuvasinda ne yaptigini soruyordu.
He who didn't give a damn if the Dodgers won the pennant or about the results of the Daily Double asked feverishly how Chiyonofuji had done in the last sumo tournament.
Ve o da oglunuzu görmeye geldigine göre, oglumun o kendini bilmezle hiçbir alakasi yok.
My son's not involved with that pervert.
Ayaklariyla alakasi yok.
It has nothin'to do with her feet.
- Alakasi yok.
- Bullshit.
Hey, bunun su calismis oldugunuz konuyla herhangi bir alakasi var mi?
Yeah. Does this have something to do with that case you were working on?
Your blockers ain't got nothin to do with you holding the ball!
Malin tekiyim. Senle alakasi yok.
I've been a shit, all right, and it's me.
Bir alakasi yok
No relation.
Onlarin yabancilarla alakasi yok mu?
Is it the stranger who has nothing?
Grip ilaciyla ne alakasi var bunun?
Bunun benim sperm sayimla alakasi yok.
This has nothing to do with my sperm count.
Yasla ne alakasi var?
What does it have to do with age?
Çok alakasi var.
A lot...
Onlarin bununla alakasi yok.
They have nothing to do with this.
It has nothin'to do with people's tummies.
Benimkilerin o tarz seylerle alakasi yoktur.
I tried that out on my parents. Not even close.
Evliligimde olan bitenlerin, babamla alakasi yok, o yüzden kiyaslamayi birak.
what's going on in my marriage has got nothing to do with my father, so stop comparing us.
- Onunla alakasi yok.
- It's not about Reeves.
- Hayir, alakasi yok.
- No, not at all.
Bunun babamla hiçbir alakasi yok.
It's got nothing to do with my father.
Evet ama herhangi bir sey yapmak istemekle alakasi yoktu.
Yeah, but... it has nothing to do with wanting anything.
Dorosy'nin ayakkabilariyla alakasi yok.
They're nothing like Dorothy's shoes.
Gerçekte benimle hiç alakasi olmadigini anlamak...
It had... fuck all to do with me, really.
Bilinçaltiyla da alakasi yok.
It's not about the subconscious.
Fasha yla alakasi var tabii.
It is sure relate to Fasha
Simdi bununla ne alakasi var...
What does that have to do with...
hayir, alakasi yok, bakarmisin seninle bir seyler... dinle beni, görüyorum ki, bu senin hosuna gitmedigini.
No, never, I have to talk to you... Listen, I see in your eyes that you don't like it.
aslinda onlarla hic alakasi yok.
Of course, especially he hasn't to do anything with this boy.
bunun cesaretle ne alakasi var?
What has this to do with brave?
Din'in bununla ne alakasi var?
Where does religion come in here?
Bunun dinle bir alakasi yok efendim.
This is not about rebellion, sir.
Üzücü bir durum ama bunun Sarah ile ne alakasi var?
Well, this is all very touching, General, but what does it have to do with Sarah?
Aramizdan birisinin bu olayla bir alakasi varsa derhal söylesin.
If one of us is involved, this is the time to say so.
Bunun belli ki polislerle bir alakasi yok.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the cops.
Buraya seninle hicbir alakasi olmayan birini getirdiler.
They brought in someone with-with no ties to you.
Buradaki konumuzla hiçbir alakasi yoktu.
It's got nothing to do with this situation.
- Evinin ne alakasi var konumuzla?
What does your house have to do with tea in China?
Esan'in iki disinin kirilmasinin evliliğimizle bir alakasi mi var yani?
Ethan getting teeth busted out is related to our marriage?
Bunun isle alakasi ne ki?
What's that got to do with anything?
bunun Marley ile ne alakasi var anlamadim.
I don't see what this has to do with Marley.
Biliyorsunuz bunun benimle hicbir alakasi yok.
You know this is so not about me.
Bak, benimle ne problemin olursa olsun, bu bebegin seninle hicbir alakasi yok.
Look, whatever issue you have with me, this baby has nothing to do with you.
Artik onlarla bir alakasi kalmadi.
She is not like that anymore.
Ne alakasi var?
How's that gonna work?
- Hayir, alakasi yok.
That's not pathetic, right? - No, of course not.
Hatta uzaktan yakindan alakasi yok.
It's not even in the same ballpark.
- Alakasi bile yok.
Supermarket openings maybe.
Alakasi yok.
Nothing of the sort.
- Edward'in bununla bir alakasi yok.
Edward has nothing to do with this!
- Onunla da alakasi var.
- It's related.

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