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Bartholomew traduction Anglais

353 traduction parallèle
Şu iki makaralı filmi Canterbury'ye götürüyorum.
- I'm taking a two-reeler over to the Canterbury. Hmm "Bartholomew the Strangler".
"Canavar Bartholomew." Oldukça ilginç gibi duruyor.
That sounds a juicy one. Have you seen it?
- Güle güle Bartholomew.
- Well, so long Bartholomew. - So long.
Onları platforma falan bırakamaz mıyım?
Can't I leave them out on the platform or somewhere? Ah, it's "Bartholomew the Strangler".
Canavar Bartholomew. Madem öyle eski dost Bartholomew, kalabilirsin tabii ben ya da yolculara yanaşmadığın sürece.
Oh well, if it's you Bartholomew, old fellow you can stay as long as you promise not to set about me or any of the passengers.
Bartholomew bilmem ne.
Bartholomew something.
"Canavar Bartholomew."
"Bartholomew the Strangler".
Aziz Bartholomew Günü'nün arifesiymiş.
It was the eve of St Bartholomew's Day.
- Aziz Bartholomew, bizim koruyucu meleğimiz, sizi koruyacaktır. 1941'deki büyük patlamada yanardağın lavlarını elleriyle durdurmuştu.
He stopped the volcano's lava during the great eruption of'41.
St. BarthoIomew eski bir kiIise... ... tutucu bir kiIise... ... skandaIa karısmak istemeyen bir kiIise.
St. Bartholomew is an old church a conservative church a church that doesn't need to have its boat rocked.
Bayan Murdoch, bazı insanIar kiIisenin ciddiyetini tercih eder... ... ve St. BarthoIomew muhtesem bir ortam.
Now, Mrs. Murdoch, some people prefer the solemnity of a church and St. Bartholomew is a beautiful setting.
- Adım Bartholomew.
- My name is Bartholomew.
J. J. Bartholomew.
J.J. Bartholomew.
Diğer kişi ise amcam Bartholomew.
And the other is my uncle Bartholomew.
Yanında annemiz ve babamızın öz kardeşi olan, amcamız Bartholomew'de vardı.
With him were our mother and our uncle Bartholomew who was our father's brother.
Ya sen Bartholomew, sevgili kardeşim küçük atölyemi nasıl buldun?
You, Bartholomew, my brother how do you like my little workshop?
Şimdi sıra sende, Bartholomew, sevgili kardeşim...
Now, Bartholomew, my brother...
İşte oradasın, Bartholomew!
There you are, Bartholomew!
Ve şimdi Bartholomew, benim sevgili kardeşim hazır sen hala hayattayken senin şerefine, işkencedeki en zirve aygıtımı kullanacağım.
And now for you Bartholomew, my beloved brother while you are still alive my ultimate device of torture.
Hazır mısın, Bartholomew?
Are you ready now, Bartholomew?
Bartholomew mu?
Artık başlamaya hazırız, Bartholomew.
Now we are ready to begin, Bartholomew.
Nerede olduğunu biliyor musun, Bartholomew?
Do you know where you are, Bartholomew?
Cehenneme adım atmak üzeresin, Bartholomew.
You are about to enter hell, Bartholomew.
Kardeş Bartholomew.
Brother Bartholomew.
Brother Bartholomew.
Brother Bartholomew.
- Kardeş Bartholomew!
- Brother Bartholomew!
Bay Bartholomew, Benim kim olduğumu bildiğinize emin misiniz?
Mr. Bartholomew, are you quite sure you know who I am?
Bütün bunların benimle ne ilgisi var bay Bartholomew?
What's all this got to do with me, Mr. Bartholomew?
Bay Bartholomew, Eğer beni korkutmaya çalışıyorsanız... Birinci sınıf iş çıkartıyorsunuz.
Mr. Bartholomew, if you're trying to frighten me... you're doing a first-rate job.
Bay Bartholomew, eğer bir çeyrek milyon dolarım olsaydı.. İnanın bana, Bundan haberim olurdu.
Mr. Bartholomew, if I had a quarter of a million dollars... believe me, I'd know it.
Şu adamlardan birini şimdi- - Bay Bartholomew, beni duyuyor musunuz?
Mr. Bartholomew, I just saw one of those m - Mr. Bartholomew, can you hear me?
Sakinim, Bay Bartholomew.
But I am calm, Mr. Bartholomew.
- Hala orada mısınız, Bay Bartholomew?
- Are you still there, Mr. Bartholomew?
Bay Bartholomew, ilk uçakla buradan gideceğim.
Mr. Bartholomew, I'm catching the next plane out of here.
- Silahı var, Bay Bartholomew.
- He has a gun, Mr. Bartholomew.
Bay Bartholomew, Bütün bunlar ne demek oluyor?
Mr. Bartholomew, what is all this about?
Lütfen devam edin, bay Bartholomew.
- Please go on, Mr. Bartholomew. What happened then?
Üzgünüm, Bay Bartholomew, Söylediğiniz şeyler fikrimi değiştirmedi.
I'm sorry, Mr. Bartholomew, but nothing you've said has changed my mind.
Devam edin, Bay Bartholomew.
Go ahead, Mr. Bartholomew.
- Bay Bartholomew?
- Mr. Bartholomew?
Bay Bartholomew ´ s ofisi, Lütfen.
Uh, Mr. Bartholomew's office, please.
Bay Hamilton Bartholomew.
Mr. Hamilton Bartholomew.
Bay Bartholomew dışarı çıktı.
Mr. Bartholomew has left for the day.
Bay Bartholomew?
Mr. Bartholomew?
- Henüz sizi biri aradı, Bay Bartholomew.
- There was a call for you just now, Mr. Bartholomew.
Bay Bartholomew!
Mr. Bartholomew!
- Evet Peder, ama -
- Saint Bartholomew, our patron saint, will protect you.
Bay Bartholomew, Ben Regina Lampert.
Mr. Bartholomew, this is Regina Lampert.

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