Kaçmis traduction Anglais
40 traduction parallèle
Bayan Wonderly'nin kiz kardesi Thursby adinda biriyle kaçmis.
Miss Wonderly's sister ran away with a fellow named Thursby.
- Bubber Reeves hapisten kaçmis.
- Bubber Reeves escaped from pen.
Hey, Jim. Bubber Reeves hapisten kaçmis.
Hey, Jim, Bubber Reeves just broke out of the pen.
Bubber Reeves kaçmis.
Bubber Reeves escaped.
Çok belali bir adamla birlikte kaçmis.
He escaped with a real hard-knocked fella.
Hey. Bubber Reeves bugün kaçmis.
Hey, Bubber Reeves escaped today.
Jake, Bubber Reeves bugün hapishaneden kaçmis.
Jake, Bubber Reeves escaped from prison this afternoon.
Bubber Reeves bugün hapisten kaçmis.
Bubber Reeves escaped from jail today.
Mucize eseri kurtulmus amam... bu kez de bogazina üzüm kaçmis.
Miraculously, he was saved, but... then he choked on some grapes.
Dedikleri gibi, Parker Shawshank'ten mi kaçmis?
Word around here is, Yep, and none of the other prisoners heard or saw anything. Parker pulled a Shawshank?
- Hucreden mi kaçmis?
He escaped from the Pipeline?
Tanker elimizden kaçmis olabilir, ama onlari burada Pluto'da durduracagiz.
That tanker gave us the slip, but we'll stop them here on Pluto.
Adamim, kaçmis.
Man, he got away.
Ama o olmadan, bilmiyorum, Turk sanki tadi kaçmis gibi gözüküyor.
But without his, I don't know, Turk kinda seems like he's fading away.
Iste olmayan bir polisi çarpip kaçmis.
Ran a bump and swipe on an off-duty cop.
( Müzik ) Ya yapmaaaa.... ( Müzik ) Birkaç sene sonra kiz bir Rum delikanlisina kaçmis.
Don't... A couple of years later she ran off with a young Greek guy and Mr. Koco was devastated.
1940 yilinda esir alinmisken, Almanya'dan henüz kaçmis ve Kuzey Afrika'ya gelmis General Giraud'yu.
General Giraud. - -Henri Giraud- -Henri Giraud- - Taken prisoner in 1940, he has just escaped from Germany and arrived in North Africa.
Senden öç almak isteyen herhangi bir kaçmis olan deli bir katil falan gibi biri var mi hiç?
- Can you think of anyone you've put away that would want revenge, like a crazed killer, you know, some escaped psycho?
Jake kendi kaçmis.
Jake ran away.
Bakalim puanin kaçmis.
Let's see what your score is.
Seytan Kral olarak bilinen süpheli dün gece hastaneden kaçmis!
The man suspected to be the Demon King escaped from hospital last night.
Evden kaçmis gençler aliyorlar. Ve porno film çekmek için onlari kullaniyorlar.
He takes in teenagers who ran away from home and get them to make porn and turn tricks there
Demek ki, Nemec'e dogru kaçmis.
Well, she ran into Nemec.
Parali askerlerin hepsi, atlari alip kaçmis.
All the sellswords with all the horses.
Araç üstündeki VIN numaralarini ve aracin içinde olabilecek olan araçlari kurtarmaya çalisacagiz ama su anda ates çok sicak, yani kaçmis gibi görünüyorlar.
We'll try and recover the VIN numbers on the transport and any vehicles it may have been carrying, but right now, the fire's too hot, so it looks like they got away.
Sonrasinda herhangi bir zaman diliminde kaçmis olabilir.
He could have snuck out anytime after that.
Hapisten kaçmis.
He escaped from prison.
Ama bu sirada ülkeden kaçmis.
But by this time, he'd already fled the country.
Kulagina su kaçmis gibi.
- It looks like you have water in your ear.
Hirsiz kolyeyi elinden kaptigi gibi disari kacmis
The thief grabbed the necklace from her and ran outside.
Ee... duydum ki Shivam kacmis.
So.. I heard that Shivam has fled.
Evin sahibi onlara ates acinca onlarda kacmis
Homeowner fired at them, and they ran.
Belli ki, kaçmiş.
Obviously, he escaped.
Jake kaçmis.
Jake escaped.
He's gone.
Bir tane gecirip kacmis da olabilir.
She could've given it her best shot then bolted.
Maalesef, Bay Lowenthal bu yilin basinda yine kacmis.
Unfortunately, Mr. Lowenthal had another break earlier this year.
Usak kizi oldurmus ve kacmis.
The servant killed her and ran away.
Paramount studyolarindan kacmis olmali.
Yeah, it must have escaped off the Paramount lot.