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Nasira traduction Anglais

19 traduction parallèle
" Çünkü tabii ki İsa Nasira'ya eşekle girdiğinden...
" Because surely, when Jesus went into Nazareth on a donkey
ben nasira suriye de khaldi de dogdum, 5 yasindayken ailemle birlikte brooklyn e geldik
I call Nasira Khaldi was born in Syria and, I came to Brooklyn with my parents, when she was five years.
Bu Nasira, o ogretmenlik yapiyor benimle.
This is Nasira, she works with me.
kim kalmak istiyor bizim dairemizde, ve gecen hafta ben ve bayan nasiranin arkadas olamayacagini dusunmustunuz.
Who we want in our wheels, and when last week thought Miss Nasira and I could not be friends, because she is Muslim and I'm Jewish.
- Nasira?
- Nasira?
merhaba teyzeni gordum bugun anne nasira ile tanistirayim.bizim okulumuzda ogretmen.
Hello! I saw her aunt. Mom, I submit Nasira, who teaches at my school.
evet, Nasira?
Yes, Nasira?
sadece fiziksel gorunuse aldanmamalisin Nasira.
You must leave of looking at physical appearance.
bu arada rochel bu sene 4.siniflara ogretmenlik yapiyor.
Rochel was. As I was saying to you, Nasira is giving lessons in school this year.
cay servis etsene nasira?
You serve the tea?
Nasira, hadi.
Nasira, go.
otur, Nasira.
Sit, Nasira.
herneyse... nasira su musluman kiz, ogretmenlik yapiyor benimle birlikte, ve onun erkek kardesi sizin calisma grubunuzda.
Anyway... Nasira, a Muslim girl, she teaches me, and his brother was in their study group.
NASIRA, CELİLE Başkent Kudüs'ten, taşranın ıssız yerlerinden olan Celile'ye insanların tek dayanağı imanları ve birbirleriydi.
From the capital, Jerusalem, to the provincial backwater of Galilee, the people take comfort in their faith... and each other.
Kudüs'ten Nasîra'ya kadar tüm kadınlar kaşınıp durmuş onun yüzünden.
He made the ladies itch all the way from Galilee to Nazareth.

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