Olsaydi traduction Anglais
206 traduction parallèle
Mantikli biri olsaydi hepimizi içeri atardi.
A sensible one would have had us all in the cooler.
IKeske birkaç gün önce haberim olsaydi.
If I'd only known a few days sooner.
Sahin gerçek olsaydi ve parani alsaydin yine de bunu yapar miydin?
Would you have done this if the falcon were real and you got your money?
Öyle olsaydi, pis herifler bizi kovmazlardi!
If we had, them mangy warthogs wouldn't have jumped us.
Bankada param olsaydi, yapacagimi bilirdim.
If it was my dough in that bank I know what I'd do.
- Laurie Bidwell ben kadinim olsaydi...
- Lf Laurie Bidwell was my girl...
Cooper, eger üniforman olsaydi, seni hücreye atardim.
Cooper, if you were in uniform, I'd lock you up.
Keºke o yanimda olsaydi
To know that this moment some loved one
Su mangasi burada olsaydi... bir kerede bütün kampi yok edebilirdim.
If I had the water detail here... I could wipe out that entire camp with a single run.
- Ben de öyle derdim eger senin kadar çirkin olsaydi.
- And I, too, would say so... -... if he were as unattractive as you.
Keske çantamda yerim olsaydi.
I wish I had some room in the bag even.
Sayimiz tam olsaydi gece 10 kisilik devriyemiz olurdu.
If we were full strength, we'd have a 10-man patrol down there.
Bankayla ilgili olsaydi davetsiz bir misafir olarak, partinizi bölmezdim.
If it had been about the bank I wouldn't have interrupted your party, an uninvited guest.
Eger bir günlügüm olsaydi, okul hakkinda bir seyden bahsetmek isterdim.
If I had a remembrance book, There's one thing I'd want to put in it about school.
Bu filmde hala bir sinematografik deger farkedilebilirdi Eger bu ritim korunmus olsaydi, Ama korunmayacak.
One might still recognize some cinematographic value in this film, if this rhythm were to be maintained, it will not be maintained.
Efendim, bu cesit bir aktiviteden veya operasyondan haberim yok... ve eger boyle bir operasyon olmus olsaydi bile, ben bu konuda konusmaya yetkili olmazdim efendim.
Sir, I'm unaware of any such activity or operation... nor would I be disposed to discuss such an operation if it did in fact exist, sir.
Kati bir yüzeyi olsaydi yükseklerdeki bulutlarini görebilirdik.
If it has a solid surface it must lie far below the clouds we see.
Eger hem Syene'deki hem de, Iskenderiye'deki gölgenin boyu ayni olsaydi, bu da dünya'nin düz oldugunu bize anlatirdi.
If the shadow at Syene is at a certain length and the shadow at Alexandria is the same length that also makes sense on a flat Earth.
Oglan da annesi kadar akilli olsaydi.
If the son were only as smart as the mother.
Sizce gerçek bir yilan alacak param olsaydi böyle bir yerde çalisir miydim?
Think I'd be working in a place like this if I could afford a real snake?
Aynaya baktigimda saçlarim filan daha yumusak olsaydi, çünkü o bunu hak ediyor.
I look in the mirror and... Maybe I can just get a softer hair or something, because she deserves it.
Ya bu resimler bir seyleri gösteriyor olsaydi, o zaman, yok mu edileceklerdi?
And if those pictures showed something, they'd have been lost.
Bütün erkekler senin gibi olsaydi, ben bile lezbiyen olurdum.
With men like you, even I would be a lesbian.
- O olsaydi öpüsürdün degil mi? - Bundan sana ne?
- You'd kiss him, wouldn't you?
Eger istemis olsaydi, onun için hayatimi bile verebilirdim.
I'd have given my life for him if he'd asked me.
10 veya 20 saniye daha olsaydi Ronnie su anda oldugu gibi olmazdi.
And I can't stop thinking, 10, 20 seconds and... Ronnie wouldn't be like he is right now.
Ronnie burada olsaydi ne derdi, biliyor musun?
Do you know what Ronnie would say if he was here?
Eger Flash da benim oglum olsaydi ona birkaç sey soylerdim.
Well, if The Flash were my son, I'd tell him a few things.
simdi diliyorum rahmetli kardesim hayatta olsaydi!
How I wish my late brother was alive now!
Eger gerçekten bir "baba" olsaydi... oglunun mutluluyla harap olmazdi sinirlari oglu gecti.böyle davranmaya gelemez.
Had you really been a "father"... you wouldn't have ruined your son's happiness You're crossing your limits, son. You can afford to behave like this.
O, bu sehirde olsaydi ben bulurdum onu daha önce Sayin Sharma burdaki ofisinide degistirdi
If he's in this city, I'll find him. Mr. Sharma shifted his office from here sometime ago.
Eger baska bir yolu olsaydi...
If there was just some other way...
Eger yasam bir çesit yarisma olsaydi Lily... Ben yarismak istemiyorum.
If this is some kind of contest, Lily I don't wanna compete.
Gösterecek bir seyim olsaydi, zaten gösterirdim.
When I have something to show you, I'll show you.
Bak, eger bir köpegimiz olsaydi, o bunu yiyebilirdi
You know, if we had a dog, he could eat that
Evet, biliyorum, ama bu sefer olsaydi iyi olurdu.
Yeah, I know, but it would be good if I did just this one time.
Oyle olsaydi yani o maymun arabasiyla bir cocugu ezseydi... herkes bu konuya cok farkli yaklasacakti degil mi?
If that fucking monkey had run some kid over... everybody would have a very different opinion.
Dinleme cihazi olsaydi bile, beraberlerinde götürmüs olmalilar.
Even if there was a bug, they'd have taken it with'em.
Eger yeraltindan biri olsaydi, tanirdik.
If it was a toerag from the manor, we'd know.
Kapi komsunuz olsaydi bile bilemezdiniz!
You wouldn't know if it was the next door neighbours!
Eger resimlerin dili olsaydi, simdi bu bana sarki söylerdi!
If pictures could speak, this would sing to me!
Katlarin arasinda ilerlerken Miranda, onunla çift olsaydi ne kadar kolay bir hayati olacagini farketti.
As they rode between floors... Miranda considered how much easier her life would be if she were in a couple.
Inan bana su bicak bende olsaydi... O fahise kafani keserdim!
I tell you Jim, if I'd had had the knife... you wouldn't have got a stab in the arm, I'd have cut your fucking head off!
Heh. eger ise yariyor olsaydi herkes terapiste giderdi yani.. heterosexuel yasam daha kolay olurdu
Believe me, if that were true, a lot of queers would flock to therapists. I mean, life would be easier if we were straight.
Gelmemis olsaydim ve Patrick üstüme baskasini çekmemis olsaydi beni seyredecektiniz, degil mi?
So if i hadn't turned up, And if patrick hadn't taped over me... this would've been my audience.
- Kekse Kara Sovalye burada olsaydi.
- If only the Black Knight were here.
I Wish I Had A Wife
Eger sorumluluk bende olsaydi, böyle davranamazdin.
If I were in charge, I wouldn't treat you like this.
Keske bir kizagimiz olsaydi!
If only we had a toboggan!
Keske söyleyecek bir söz olsaydï ama hiç olmaz, degil mi?
I wish there was something I could say but there never is, is there?
Opüsmeye o kadar ihtiyacin olmasina ragmen eger dogru zamanda olsaydi...
If the right moment ever came.