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Olsaydin traduction Anglais

54 traduction parallèle
Eger yasli ve çirkin olsaydin, o zaman sana belki yardim edebilirdi.
Oh, if you were old and ugly, maybe then she could help you.
Benim oglum olsaydin...
If you were my son...
Bu gece Sol'un Kafesi'nde olsaydin, o sersemlerin tek isteginin katil sandiklari birini ele geçirmek oldugunu görürdün.
If you'd been to Sol's Cafe tonight, you'd have seen them monkeys want to get ahold of a man they thought was a murderer.
Keske iki taraftan birinde olsaydin...
If only you believed in either side...
- Eger erkek olsaydin.
- If you were a guy.
Sen olsaydin Ben kaybolmazdi.
You would never have let Ben get lost.
Sen kocu olsaydin.
You're the coach.
Eger burada olsaydin, ne söyleyebilirdim yazacagim.
I'm writing down what I'd say if you were here.
Eger birakmamis olsaydin, Buyuk ihtimal digerleri gibi oldurulmus olacaktin.
If you had not, you surely would have been killed with the others.
Eger hiçkimseyi öldürmemis olsaydin su anda hayatta kalamazdin.
You wouldn't be alive now if you hadn't killed somebody.
Eger sen dunyadaki son aziz adam olsaydin, bu seni cilgina cevirirmiydi? .
Does thinking you're the last sane man on the earth make you crazy?
Yani eger kendi isinle ilgilenmis olsaydin, Leticia Barris gibi insanlarin, su anda, agizlari kurtçuklarla dolmayacakti.
I mean, if you had just minded your own business, people like Leticia Barris- - she wouldn't have a mouthful of maggots right about now.
Peki, eger seçmek zounrda olsaydin...
Okay, if you had to choose...
- Ve akilli olsaydin, bu konuda sessiz olurdun.
And if you were smart, you'd keep quiet about that.
Eger sahte gögüsler demis olsaydin...
Now, if you had said fake breasts...
Kapilari açildiginda, Roma'yi almis olsaydin, su anda burada duruyor olmazdik.
Had you taken to Rome when our gates were open for you, then we would not now stand.
Eger Ben'in çeyregi kadar güçlü olsaydin, sana da ilgi duyardim.
He's a winner. If you had a quarter of the strength that Ben has, I'd be interested in you, too.
Eger Ben'in çeyregi kadar güçlü olsaydin, sana da ilgi duyardim.
If you had a quarter of the strength that Ben has, I'd be interested in you, too.
Eger Ben'in gücünün çeyregine sahip olsaydin seninle ilgilenebilirdim.
If you had a quarter of Ben's strength I'd be interested in you too.
Orada sen olsaydin daha iyisini yapacagini mi düsünüyorsun?
So, do you think you would have done better if you'd been up there?
Eger en basta da görmek için orada olsaydin,
If you had been there to see it in the beginning,
Bana bir sans tanimis olsaydin...
If you could only give me a chance...
simdi butun gece kiprasacagim. Burada olsaydin muhtemelen deliye donerdin.
I know I'll be tossing all night, which would probably drive you crazy if you were here.
Eger olsaydin, aldigin tek teklif bizimki olmazdi.
If you were, our call wouldn't have been the only one you got.
Goruyorsun ya egere bizim gibi doktor olsaydin, "prostat" kelimesini kullandiginda ille de bunun kanser oldugu
No, but see, if you were a doctor like we are, you'd realize that when we use the word "prostate,"
Hayir demis olsaydin, bariz olurdu, ama demedin.
If you had said no, it would have been obvious, but you didn't.
Benim yerimde olsaydin onu öper miydin?
If you were me, would you kiss her?
Ya sen hasta olsaydin?
What if you were sick?
Eger sen caminin kilidini kirmis olsaydin benim gibi... adinin Prithviraj oldugunu itiraf edebilir miydin?
If you had broken the lock of a mosque... would you say you are Prithviraj?
Evet, Keske hala böyle bir araba alabilecek durumda olsaydin.
Yeah, I wish you could still get a car like this.
biliyorsun bana gercegi soylemis olsaydin seni daha erken bulabilirdim.
You know, if you woulda told me the truth then maybe I coulda found you earlier.
Hâlâ kendin olsaydin ve her seyi hatirlayabilseydin Chuck'i korumam için her seyi yapmami isterdin.
If you could remember if you were still you, you would want me to do anything I could to save Chuck.
Sadece birazcik daha dayanmis olsaydin, sen de bilirdin... basardigimi.
If you had just held on just a little while longer, you would've known... that I did it.
Eger öyle olsaydin, o halin hosuma gitmezdi.
Well, if that's true, I don't like who you would've been.
"Keske gercek olsaydin," diye ic gecirmis, "nasil da sevip kiymet verirdim sana."
"If only you were real," she sighed, "how I would love and treasure you."
Benim yerimde olsaydin, belki sen de gelmezdin.
Maybe you wouldn't either, if you were sitting in my chair.
Eger sen olsaydin... ne yapardin?
What are you going to do? What would you do... if it was your decision?
En basindan okula gitmis olsaydin...
Fuck's sake! - I just want you to go - - Fuck's sake!
Siçan sen olsaydin kafaya takmazdim.
I wouldn't care if you took a dump in front of me.
Peki ya bir sekilde, bu büyünün nasil bozulacagini bilseydin, ve isigi getirebilecek tek kisi sen olsaydin?
What if somehow you knew how to break the spell? And only you could bring the light.
Keske tek bir vasiftan fazlasina sahip olsaydin.
I wish you blessed with more than just a word.
Keske o adada ölmüs olsaydin.
I wish you would have died on that island.
Eger kiz arkadasinla olsaydin burda olmaman gerekirdi. ... seni satmak zorunda kalmazdi.
You wouldn't even be in here if your girlfriend hadn't sold you out.
Eger gercekten onun ailesinden biri olsaydin Seni neden daniel gibi stanforta gondermedi?
If you were really his family, why didn't he send you to Stanford like Daniel?
Vaktiyle, keske oglum olsaydin demistim.
There was a time I wished you my own son.
Eger savasa gitmemis olsaydim, ya da Sibley'le evlenmemis olsaydin da.
And if I hadn't gone to war or you hadn't married Sibley.
İspiyonlamis olsaydin, ona yardim ettigini Jax ögrenirdi.
I mean, if you ratted him out, Jax would find out you helped him.
Lucien, ufacik parça bile olsa ak mesenin varligindan haberdar olsaydin elbette bana direkt söylerdin degil mi?
any fragment of white oak still existed, of course you would tell me.
Keske balayïndan sonra bizimle San Diego'ya transfer olsaydïn.
I wish you transferred to San Diego with us instead of here, after the honeymoon.
- Eger yardim etmek istiyor olsaydin, Zelena'nin dudaklarini lanetledigi zaman bunu bana söylerdin.
( Thunderclap )

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