Sanmiyorum traduction Anglais
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Dogrusu hiçbir seyin onu durduracagini sanmiyorum.
I honestly don't think he'd stop at anything.
Ne demek istediginizi anladigimi sanmiyorum.
Why, I'm not sure I know exactly what you mean.
Sizinle sahsi sohbetlerimi sürdürmek istedigimi sanmiyorum.
Our private conversations have not been such that I'm anxious to continue them.
Bu sekilde is yapabilecegimizi sanmiyorum.
No, no. I don't think we can do business along those lines.
I don't think he will.
Bizi beyaz adamdan saydigini sanmiyorum.
I guess he don't think of us as white men.
- Ben hiçbir seye taptigimi sanmiyorum.
- l'm not sure I worship anything.
Yo, hiç kimsenin Kraliçe Helen'i çok iyi tanidigini sanmiyorum Helen dahil.
No, I don't believe anyone knows Queen Helen very well... -... including Helen.
Bizimle gelmek istedigini sanmiyorum.
I don't think he wants to leave town with us here.
- Sanmiyorum.
- Don't look like it.
Hiç sanmiyorum.
Oh, I don't think so.
- Araziye zarar verdigini sanmiyorum.
- I don't think they hurt the land.
- Simdi içecegimi sanmiyorum.
- I don't believe I will now.
Sizde onca silah varken, benimkine yer oldugunu sanmiyorum.
With all the pistols you got there, I don't believe there's room for mine.
Ancak bunu giyebilecegimi sanmiyorum, bunun icin biraz kilo vermem gerekecek.
I about to make use for this to the Justin!
Yani, aksam gelebilecegimi sanmiyorum.
Well, I don't think I'll be able to go home tonight.
Bak, bu durumun ciddiyetini anladigini sanmiyorum.!
You guys can never get it if you don't even try. Look, I really don't. You get thing that go so seriously.
Biliyorsun Peter i cok fazla sevmem, ama o kadar hasta oldugunu sanmiyorum.
You know I don't like Peter much, but I don't think he's that sick.
Kiz su an komada, ben de yarina kadar onunla konusabilecegimi sanmiyorum.
But the condition that she's in, I wouldn't count on talking to her before tomorrow afternoon if I were you.
Sanmiyorum, Fletcher.
I reckon not, Fletcher.
I reckon not.
I don't think so.
Hayir, tanidigimi sanmiyorum.
No, sir. I don't believe I do.
Bu bey ¡ tanidigimi sanmiyorum Bay Gard ¡ ner.
I still don't believe I know the man, Mr. Gardiner.
Bu listedeki sarkilardan herhangi birini bildigimizi sanmiyorum.
I don't think we know any of the songs on this list.
- Sanmiyorum.
- I don't think so.
Beni anladigini sanmiyorum.
I don't think you understand me.
Bunlari gördügümü hiç sanmiyorum.
I don't think I've ever had one of these.
Hiç sanmiyorum, Bay Deckard.
I don't think so, Mr Deckard.
Dünyada bize yardim edecek baska bir insan'oldugunu sanmiyorum.
I don't think there's another human being... in the whole world who would've helped us.
- Sanmiyorum, sadece bir darbe vurdum.
- No, I just hit him.
aa Gelecegimi pek sanmiyorum.
Well, I'm not sure I can make it by then.
Gerçekten hiç sanmiyorum.
I... I really don't think so.
Bet not!
Hirsizin 11 kat tirmanabilecegini sanmiyorum.
A burglar is not gonna climb up 1 1 stories.
Kurtarilmak istedigini sanmiyorum, efendim.
I don't think she wanted to be saved.
Cok uzun zaman oldu, hatirlayacagimi sanmiyorum.
It's so far back, I don't think I can remember.
Siz onlari etkiledikten sonra inanaçaklarini sanmiyorum, ama gene de gerçek Bu,
I don't expect them to believe it by the time you finish with them... but it happens to be truth.
Fakat Bishop beni dahi suçlasa, onun yalan söyledigini sanmiyorum.
But even if Bishop had accused me, I would not know that he was lying.
Ayni çetenin yaptigini sanmiyorum.
I don't believe this is the work of the same gang.
Zırhının yüksek dereceli aleve karşı durabileceğini sanmiyorum
I don't believe your armour can stand the High temperature flame
- Aldirdiklarini sanmiyorum!
- Yeah, well, I don't think they care.
- Bunun heykel oldugunu sanmiyorum.
I don't think it's a statue.
Sanmiyorum ama bana ihtiyaci var.
I dunnae think so, but he needs me.
- Sanmiyorum ama bana ihtiyaci var.
- I dinnae think so. But he needs me.
Caserine'in geri dönecegini sanmiyorum.
I don't think Catherine's coming back.
İyi bir baslangiç oldugunu sanmiyorum.
- Well, I can see we're off to a good start.
- Ise yarayacagïnï sanmïyorum.
- I don't believe that would do any good.
- Yapabilecegini sanmïyorum.
- I don't believe you can do it.
I doubt that.
- Ise yaramaz, sanmïyorum.
- Wouldn't work, I don't think.