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Shel traduction Anglais

380 traduction parallèle
Çok naziksin.
That's very kind of you, Shel.
Çok iyisin Shel.
Shel, this is just stupendous of you.
Hayal gücün çok kuvvetli.
You got a terrific imagination, Shel.
Harika benzetme.
That's a terrific example, Shel. Really.
Shel, iyi misin?
Shel, you all right?
Elini ver.
Shel, give me your hand.
- Açıkçası bunlar dün darphaneden çalınan para kalıpları.
- To be perfectly candid, Shel these are engravings for U. S. currency stolen yesterday from the U. S. Mint.
İçine biraz ekmek kır. Yağı çeksin.
Crumble up some Saltines into it, Shel, that will absorb the grease.
Beni duyuyor musun?
Shel, when I speak, do you hear me?
Şimdi beni dinle.
Okay. Try and follow me, Shel.
Bu ülkelerin hepsi Batıya milyarlarca dolar borçlu.
Well, all these countries, Shel, they all owe billions of dollars to the West.
And you were tremendous, Shel.
You were sensational, Shel.
Ben öderim.
I'll get this, Shel.
Ona "şey" diyelim mi?
We'll call it the thing, okay, Shel?
Shel, çok heyecanlısın.
Shel, you're very excited. I don't know what you're saying.
Şu alevleri anlamadım.
Shel, I don't understand what you're saying about these flames. No!
Telefonu kapatır kapatmaz New Jersey'de McGraw Havaalanına tam gaz git.
Shel, what I would very much like for you to do, the minute you hang up is drive like a bat out of hell down to McGraw Airfield in New Jersey.
Yolun sonu yakın.
Shel, the end is in sight. I assure you.
- Shel, ben de tam söyleyecektim.
- Shel that's what I wanted to talk to you about.
Çok film seyretmişsin, Shel.
You've seen too many movies, Shel.
Zikzak, Shel!
Serpentine, Shel!
Artık zamanımız var.
Got a little time now, Shel.
Sen biraz dinlen Shel.
Why don't you lie down, grab yourself a nap?
- Nereye, Shel? - Lobiye.
- Where you going, Shel?
Kalbin yok, değil mi Shel?
You don't have a heart condition or anything, do you, Shel?
Bensiz eve gitme, olur mu?
Just don't go home without me, huh, Shel?
Çok naziksin, Shel.
That's kind of you, Shel.
- Haklısın.
- Maybe you're right, Shel.
Çok basit, Shel.
Piece of cake, Shel.
Eğil, Shel.
Stay down, Shel.
Taksiye bin, Shel.
Get in the cab, Shel.
Taksiye, Shel.
In the cab, Shel.
Kahve içer misin?
Do you take coffee, Shel?
Domuz hayatta.
No. The pig is alive, Shel.
Unutma :
Two things, Shel :
Soğuk su istiyor, Shel.
He wants cold water, Shel.
Gerçekten. Küçük bir cep tarağı.
As a matter of fact, I did, Shel, a little pocket comb.
Shel, sen de.
Shel, you too.
- Olayları akışına bırak.
- Just go with the flow, Shel.
Ona sakinleştirici veremez miyiz?
Could we have a sedative for Shel, here? This is not right.
En azından gözlerini bağlayın.
I insist on at least a blindfold for Shel.
General, en azında Shel için göz bağı istiyorum.
General, I insist on at least a blindfold for Shel here.
Shel, artık kalkabiliriz.
Shel, we can get up now.
- Gidiyoruz, Shel.
- Off we go, Shel.
- Günaydın Bayan Shel... - Kınama listeleri.
- Depreciation schedule, on my desk by 5 : 00.
Bu kadar uzaklarda ne yapıyor olabilir?
What is shel doing all the way up here?
- Shel Gordon.
- Shel Gordon.
- Shel.
- Shel.
Büyük aşk Shel ile birlikte olurdun.
You'd be with Shel the Wonder Schlong.

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