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Solon traduction Anglais

153 traduction parallèle
Sırada senin solon var.
It's time for your solo.
Hepiniz baş savcımızı tanıyorsunuz, Sire Solon.
You all know our Chief Opposer, Sire Solon.
İfademi Solon'a verdim.
I gave my testimony in the deposition to Solon.
Savcı Solon.
Opposer Solon.
Solon'un sözü.
- Yes, as in Solon.
Adi Solon idi
His name was Solon.
Solon ögrencilerini topladi ve onlara, "Hakikat feneri" ni kilitledigi sandukayi gosterdi.
" Solon gathered his disciples and presented them with an ark in which he'd locked the Torch of Truth.
Ve tek anahtari yanina alip, Atlantis'in hazinesini aramak için yola koyuldu.
And taking the only key, Solon left with the platinum book to search for the Treasure of Atlantis. "
Eminim ki, Solon'un sandukasinin anahtari bu.
I am convinced that this is the key to the Ark of Solon.
Solon Thery'de Atlantis'in hazinesini ariyordu. Madalyon bunu ispatladi.
And the medallion proved that Solon was at Thera, looking for the Treasure of Atlantis.
- Elbette. Solon'dan sonra talebeleri, Atina'dan kaçip deniz yoluyla Ingiltere'ye gittiler, Exeter yakinlarindaki bir magaraya saklandilar.
After Solon left on his quest, his disciples fled Athens and sailed to England, looking for refuge in caves near Exeter.
Solon kültü.
- The Cult of Solon.
- Asirlarca, baskalari geldi. Solon kültü...
Over centuries others followed, like the Cult of Solon.
Ben "Hakikat feneri" ni bulunca, Solon'un arayisini tamamlayip, Atlantis'in hazinesini bulmak için onu kullanabiliriz. O zaman harpler bitecek.
When I find the Torch of Truth, we can use it to continue Solon's quest and find the Treasure of Atlantis, and there won't be any more wars.
Solon'un isareti.
It's the sign of Solon.
- Solon'un yolu!
- It's the riddle of Solon.
- Solon'un sandukasi mi?
An ark. - The Ark of Solon?
O sanduka, arkeolojinin Lok Ness canavaridir.
The Ark of Solon is like the Loch Ness Monster of archeology.
MacGyver ve Atticus, Solon'un sandukasini bulmuslar.
MacGyver and Atticus have found the Ark of Solon.
Solon'un sandukasi, M.Ö. 6. yüzyilda yapilmisti.
Well, the Ark of Solon was made around the 6th century BC.
Hakikat fenerini Çaglarin Tapinaginda sununca Atlantis'in hazinesi yükselecek. " Ben bu sözü... bu bulmacayi Exeter'deki magarada gördüm.
Offer the Torch of Truth to the Temple of Ages - " " And the Treasure of Atlantis shall rise. " I've seen this riddle in the caves at Exeter, carved on an altar by the Cult of Solon.
- Bence bunlar aslinda, talimatlar... -...
I'm convinced that these are really instructions written by Solon
Solon tarfindan, Atlantis'in hazinesini bulmak için yazilmis.
- to help find the Treasure of Atlantis.
Solon'un zamaninda manyetikligi... -... bilen yoktu.
People of Solon's time had no concept of the physics of magnetism.
- Ama efsane diyor ki, Atlantis halki bunu biliyordu... -... ve Solon, bunu onlardan ögrenmis olmali.
But legend says the people of Atlantis did, and Solon somehow must have learned it from them.
- Eger sandukayi Thera'ya götürüp Solon'un bulmacasini çözebilirsem, eminim ki Atlantis kentinin var oldugunu ispatlayabilirim...
If I could take the ark to Thera and solve the riddle of Solon, I know that I can prove that the mined city there was Atlantis and find the treasure.
- Dedin ki, Solon kültü Exeter yakinindaki bir magarada yasamis, degil mi?
You said the Cult of Solon lived in some caves near Exeter, right?
- Zira o zaman Solon'un bulmacasindaki lanet gerçeklesiyor.
Because that is when the first line of Solon's riddle comes true.
Ve Solon'un bulmacasi dogruysa, Atlantis'in hazinesi o zaman yükselecek.
- I mean, if we're to believe Solon's riddle. - Is when the Treasure of Atlantis rises.
Solon'a göre o, dünyanin aynasi imis, geçmisi, bugünü ve gelecegi yansitirmis.
Well, Solon says that it's the mirror of the world, reflecting the past, present and future.
- Ama Solon'a ve "Fener" e birgün döneceklerini düsünmüs olmalilar.
But they thought Solon was coming back for the torch someday. Yes, that's right, yes.
- Evet evet, Solon'un bulmacasi.
Yes, yes, this is the riddle of Solon.
Atlantis kitabinin bir sayfasi olmali, Solon'un kendisi tarafindan yazilmis.
It must be a page from the Book of Atlantis. Hidden there by Solon himself.
- Solon demis : "Hades'in kapilarindan gir."
Solon said, "Enter the gates of Hades."
Belki de çözüm, Solon'un bulmacasinin ilk satirindadir, ne dersiniz?
Maybe the answer's in the first line of Solon's riddle.
Solon kendisi demisti :
Solon himself said :
- Solon.
- Solon...
Dokuz yıldır, Solan benim oğlum oldu.
For nine years, Solon has been my son.
- Bu Solon'ın düşündüğü şey değil.
That's not what Solon thinks.
Şimdi aşağıya inebilirsin, Solon.
You can come down now, Solon.
Solon, koş!
Solon, run!
- Solon, koş!
Solon, run!
Onlar Solon'ı aldılar.
They took Solon.
Solon, hayır!
Solon, no!
Solon, yakala!
Solon, catch.
Solon, kolun kırılmış.
Solon, you're arm's broken.
- Solon tehlikedeyken ben burada kalmıyorum.
I'm not staying here while Solon's in danger.
It's the Ark of Solon.
Bana öyle geliyor ki bu, Solon'un kendisi.
I believe we've discovered Solon himself.

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