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Tartişma traduction Anglais

37 traduction parallèle
- Bunun için tartişma.
Don't fight it.
- lt's not like that. - What baby? I'll kill you!
Tartïsma yok.
There's no argument.
- Benimle tartisma bay Thorson.
- Don't argue with me, Mr Thorson.
Benimle tartisma.
Don't argue.
[Cekce tartisma]
[Voices Arguing In Czech]
Onu Stovington'un tartisma takimindan çikartmaliydim.
I had to cut him from the debating team at Stovington.
Babanla tartisma.
Don't argue with your father.
ve o hala kiz kardesin, onunla tartisma!
And she's still your sister, so watch your mouth!
Many of the issues of civil rights are very complex, and most difficult about this there can and should be no argument, for outside this chamber is the outraged conscience of a nation and the harsh judgment of history.
Sizlere filonun iç dünyasini gösterecek yeni bir tartisma programi.
It's a new talk show that brings you the inside scoop on the fleet.
At the beginning it was an egg.
Bu tartisma bitmistir.
tartisma dairesi olusturacagiz.
A wheel of discussions.
Tartisma bitmistir.
End of discussion.
ilk seferimin tartisma grubundaki adamla oldugunu söylemistim ya?
Remember I told you that the guy from debate society was my first?
ikna edilmen gereken bir tartisma degil bu.
It's not an argument you need to be convinced of.
Her zaman tartisma.
Always quarrel
- Benimle tartisma.
- Don't argue with me, just go.
fazla tartisma konusu degiliz.
We're not much for debating.
Bu bir tartisma degil.
This is not a discussion.
Barry, Bu bir tartisma degil.
Barry, not a discussion.
Simdi ise ulusal seviyedeki bu tartisma konusu bir video ile basladi ve hizla etrafa yayildi Fenger Lisesi'nin 2 hasim çete grubu tarafindan ortadaki Derrion Albert ölümüyle sonuçlandi
Now there's debate on a national level which all basically started with that viral video that came out, from the cell phone, of the clash between the two gangs outside Fenger High School that killed Derrion Albert right in the middle.
Tartisma yok, yoksa anlasma bozulur.
No arguments, or the deal's off.
Sana iki katini odeyecegim, tartisma yok.
And I'll pay you back double, and no arguments.
Tartisma konusu nedir?
What's the argument here?
Hem de mantikli bir tartisma veya müzakere gibi bir sey olmadan... bir çesit, bilirsin... finansal gücü kullanma konusunda dogrudan bir yetki.
Without meaningful discussion or debate or any change... sort of, you know... a immediate authorization for use of financial force.
Cottan ve Mortan arasinda Gates'e olan sadakatleriyle ilgili bir tartisma duydum.
I overheard a row between Cottan and Morton about loyalty to Gates.
Benim topragim, benim hayvanlarin, benim param, benim tarzim tartisma bitmistir.
My land, my animals, my money, my way - - end of story.
PC39266, bir tartisma söz konusu 25 Hong Mei Sokagi
PC39266, dispute mediation, 25 Hong Mei Street.
Ofkeli bir tartisma cinayete donusmez.
A flame war does not a murderer make.
Muhtemelen sen ve Yvonne arasinda dogaçlama bir tartisma olacak.
Possibly a lively impromptu debate between you and Yvonne.
Tartisma mi?
A debate?
Potansiyel tartisma yaratacak bir konuyu açiga kavusturmak istiyorum.
I would like to point out a potential trigger warning.
Rudy'nin evdeki varligi tartisma götürmez.
Rudy's presence in the house is undisputed.
Jeremy'nin tartisma yontemleri cok daha nahos gibi.
Jeremy's wrangling method sounds much less pleasant.

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