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Ugradim traduction Anglais

32 traduction parallèle
Merhaba demek için ugradim.
I just come by to say hello.
Dick, büyük hayal kirikligina ugradim.
Dick, I'm very disappointed.
- Bi icki icmek icin ugradim.
- I dropped by for a drink.
Sadece veda etmek icin ugradim.
I just stopped off to say goodbye.
Gecerken ugradim.
I'm just passing through.
Tecavuze ugradim.
I was raped.
Pazara ugradim.
On my way I stopped at the bazaar.
Soyuldum, saldiriya ugradim!
I've been burgled, attacked!
Ne yani, dün gece tecavüze mi ugradim?
What, so, what are you saying, I was raped last night?
- bunu duydugum için hayal kirikligina ugradim.
- Really disappointed to hear that.
evet iskence gördüm, tecavüze ugradim.
Yes I was raped, tortured me. I was afraid all the time.
kaçirildim ablan burda tecavüze ugradim.
"I was kidnapped. " Your sister is here. I was raped...
Bir kizi hiç geri kazanmak durumunda kalmamistim. Yolda bir yere ugradim.
I've never had to win a girl back, buddy, so I stopped by the store on the way here.
Annemin sevgilisi tarafindan tacize ugradim.
I just was violated by my mom's boyfriend.
Sabah ise giderken iki kisi tarafindan saldiriya ugradim.
I was on my way to work, got jumped by two guys.
Ve her zaman, her zaman hayal kirikligina ugradim.
And it's always, always disappointing.
Ugradim sadece.
Just stopping by.
Bu yüzden bende indim ve arastirma yapiyordum, ve saldiriya ugradim.
So I came down and investigate, and I was attacked.
Sizin gibi iyi insanlarin da bilecegi gibi, gercekten hayal kirikligina ugradim.
I'm very disappointed as you fine folk should know better!
Bugün yogaya ugradim.
I came by yoga today.
- Bugün anneme ugradim.
I went and saw Mom today.
Oldukca hizli ve titiz bir kaba kuvvet saldirisina ugradim arkasinda tek bir kaynak olabilir. Korkarim bu oyunu yaratan da ayni kaynak.
I just lost control of my computer to a brute-force attack so swift and surgical, there can only be one source behind it, and I have no doubt the same entity created the game.
İçki dükkânina ugradim ama kapaliydi, yani yakinda irtibata geçer sanirim.
Oh. I stopped by the liquor store. It was locked up tight, so I'm, uh...
- Saldiriya ugradim.
I was attacked.
Çok hayal kirikligina ugradim, Donald.
I'm very disappointed, Donald.
Hayal kirikligina ugradim Rick.
That's disappointing, Rick.
Bende sizin gibi hayal kirikligina ugradim Efendim.
- I am as disappointed as you are, sir.
Saygisizliga ugradim, gafil avlandim.
- Like, I feel a little disrespected. - [Alison continues indistinctly] - A little blindsided.
Ben alti sattir tanidigim her falciya, cinciye cadi doktruna ugradim.
I just spent the last six hours going to every palm reader, exorcist and witch doctor I know.
Hayal kirikligina ugradim.
I remain underwhelmed.
Ben Henry Gyrich, Federal Güvenlik Ajani. Mutantlar tarafindan saldiriya ugradim.
This is Henry Gyrich, Federal Security Agency.
Sizin kale gibi korunan gök sarayiniza uğradim çünkü bir hediye birakmak istedim, hiç olmamasindansa geç olsun.
Look, I was passing by your fortified sky palace because I want to drop off a gift, a better-late-than-never wedding present.

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