Varmiş traduction Anglais
240 traduction parallèle
Ingiltere'de bir karisi ve üç çocugu varmis.
He has a wife and three children in England.
Tom'un dedigine göre çok acelen varmis, ortaginin cesedine bile bakmamissin.
Tom says you were in too much of a hurry to stop and look at your dead partner.
Archer'in karisiyla aranizda bir sey varmis.
There's talk about you and Archer's wife.
Sadece liman bekçisi varmis içerde.
Only the harbor watch was aboard.
Yangin basladiginda sadece liman bekçisi varmis gemide.
Only the harbor watch was aboard when the fire started.
Seni söyle bir süzdükten sonra agzi kulaklarina varmis... ve ellerini ovusturmaya baslamisti.
He'd have looked you up and down, licked his lips and gone grinning from ear to ear.
Demek varmis.
She does exist.
Gemisi varmis.
He owned a ship.
Artik yeni bir meslegin varmis.
I hear you've taken up a new occupation.
Burada amma hayvan varmis.
Sure is a mess of cattle here.
Bakin hele, burada ne varmis.
Well, what have we here?
Burada ne varmis bakalim?
What do we have here?
Sürekli hareket ederse çok cip varmis fikrini verir.
If we kept it on the move, it'd sound like a lot of jeeps.
Siddonsville'de bir adam öldürülmüs. Üstünde Bubber'in parmak izleri varmis.
A guy got killed up in Siddonsville and Bubber's fingerprints is all over him.
- Burada ne kadar yumurta varmis bakalim.
- Now how many do we have here?
Herkesin Twain'i öldürmek için mükemmel nedenleri varmïs.
All had perfect motives for killing Twain.
Bakalim ne varmis burda.
Well, let's see what we have here.
Bakalim nelerimiz varmis.
Let's see what we have.
Programda baskan yardimcisi varmis, ama ¡ ptal etm ¡ s.
The Vice President was scheduled, but he had to cancel.
Üstüne üstlük hem tip hem de hukuk d ¡ plomasi varmis.
And on top of everything else, holds a degree in medicine as well as law.
Sahte pasaportu varmis diyordum.
I was saying she had a fake passport.
Vay canina gerçekten de burada güzel oyuncaklarin varmis.
Gosh, you... really got some nice toys here.
Içerde sanki parti varmis gibi sesler geliyordu.
It sounded like a party in here or something.
Kardesinin Laura P. adinda bir arkadasi varmis.
Do you know Laura P.?
Dizinde bir problem varmis
Had some problems with his knees.
Burda ucubeler de varmis.
Another freak show candidate.
- Evet, gerçekten ihtiyacim varmis.
Yeah. I really needed it.
Sadece arkadasi olarak kalmak kaderimde varmis.
I am just destined to be just the friend.
Cisco'nun size soylemesi gereken bir seyi varmis.
Cisco... has something he needs to tell you.
Böyle güzel bir yürüyüse ihtiyacimiz varmis.
Gee, after I treated you like dirt.
Dogdugum sokagin kÖsesinde dükkani varmis,
Had a shop on the corner of the street where I was born.
Duydum ki cetenizde bir kadin varmis.
I hear there's a woman in your gang now.
Hastalar konusunda endiseleri varmis.
They're worried about the patients and...
Beast'in kiz arkadasi mi varmis?
Beast has a girl? Well, well, will wonders never cease.
Burada birileri varmis!
Someone was here!
Sanki baska seçenegi varmis gibi konustun.
You speak as if he had a choice.
Sanki baska seçenegin varmis gibi konustun.
You speak as if you have a choice.
Bandi ilk kez izledigimde, sadece parazit varmis gibiydi.
The first time I looked at the tape, it looked like a bunch of static.
Benim ihtiyarda ne numaralar varmis.
My old man was a real piece of work.
Burada bilmedigim seyler varmis gibi gözüküyor.
You know, there seem to be a whole lot of "I don't know".
Pek de benimle bir problemin varmis gibi durmuyorsun.
Doesn't look like you're having a problem to me.
Edmund'in 38'lik tescilli Smith Wesson'u varmis.
He had a.38 Smith and Wesson registered.
- Motorsiklette ne isi varmis?
- What was she doing on a motorcycle?
Bir kisilik bos yeri varmis.
He had a vacancy.
Ama benden beteri de varmis.
But now I won't die thinking I was the worst one.
Doguda yeni hükümet varmis.
Said that the government had been restored back east.
Yeni ABD temsilcisi varmis orada.
They say they got a representative of the Restored United States in there.
- Ama babanin ise ihtiyaci varmis.
- But you say your dad needs a job.
Sucunun sadece suya ihtiyaci varmis.
The waterboy just needed some water.
Dinle her gun seni izliyorum, carsaflari sanki bu isin sonu varmis gibi katliyorsun.
Every day I watch you go through these sheets... like you gonna get to the end of them.
- O halde sanslari varmis.
- Then they got lucky.