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Somebody traduction Espagnol

89 traduction parallèle
Hadn't we better post a guard down there case somebody gets extra thirsty?
Habrá que poner vigilancia para asegurarnos.
Help! l need somebody
Ayuda, necesito de alguien.
But as from today, well l've got somebody that's new l ain't no fool and l don't take what l don't want
Pero desde hoy tengo a alguien nuevo. No soy un tonto y no tomo lo que no quiero.
But as from today, well l've seen somebody that's new l ain't no fool and l don't take what l don't want
Pero desde hoy he visto alguien nuevo. No soy un tonto y no tomo lo que no quiero.
l need somebody
Necesito de alguien.
Uh, did somebody ring the dinner bell up here?
¿ Eh, alguien sonó la campana para comer o qué?
Herkes birisine ihtiyac duyar.
~ Needs somebody
Herkes sevecek birine ihtiyac duyar.
~ Needs somebody to love
People, when you do fii nd that special somebody... you gotta hold that man, hold that woman... love him, please him, squeeze her, please her!
People, when you do find that special somebody... you gotta hold that man, hold that woman... love him, please him, squeeze her, please her!
Because it's so important to have that special somebody... to hold, kiss, miss... to squeeze and please!
Because it's so important to have that special somebody... to hold, kiss, miss... to squeeze and please!
Everybody needs somebody
~ Everybody needs somebody
Needs somebody to love
~ Needs somebody to love
Şova "You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You" yla başlamanı istiyorum.
Empezarás con "You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You".
Atlantic City'ye gittiğimizde, şovuma "You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You" yla başlayacağım.
En Atlantic City, empezaré con "You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You".
I mean, do you show that to somebody?
Digo, ¿ se lo mostrarías a alguien?
# Size nasıl anlatabilirim # bu kadar hüzünlü olan birini?
How can I explain to you Somebody actin'so very blue?
Partridge Family'den, "Doesn't Somebody Want To Be Wanted" ve sonrasında da Edison Lighthouse'dan, "Love Grows Where My Rosemary Goes" u dinlediniz.
Eso fue "¿ Nadie Quiere Que lo Quieran?" de la Familia Partridge... seguido por el tema de Edison Lighthouse...
See, I was just... I was hoping, sir, that perhaps you could talk to somebody about this arrangement of the troops.
Ve, solo quiero - esperaba, señor, tal vez usted pueda hablar con alguien de este arreglo de las tropas.
# # İçeri giren birine bakıyor # #
# # At Somebody Coming In # #
In somebody else's body
En el cuerpo de otro
When you're in somebody else's body
Cuando estabas en el cuerpo de otro
Somebody else had apparently come to the same conclusion.
Alguien había llegado a la misma conclusión.
° Bazıları bazılarına yardım etmeli °
° Some people need to help somebody °
I knew l ´ s gonna whack somebody today!
¡ Sabía que le iba a pegar a alguien hoy!
Başka birinin aramasını mı bekliyordun? Waiting for somebody else's call?
Llegare a casa antes de que salga tu luna.
- So when somebody comes along who has seen things that Görmediğim, yaşamadığım ve sadece hayalini kurmuş olduğum şeyleri görmüş biri gelince savunmaya geçiyorum çünkü onunla rekabet edemem.
Cuando hay alguien que vio cosas que yo nunca vi y que experimentó cosas con las que sólo soñé me pongo a la defensiva, porque no puedo competir con eso.
Düşünüyordum da- - binayı tasarlamak ve işleri takip etmek için birisine ihtiyacın olacak.
- You're gonna need somebody Estaba pensando - -Que necesitaras a alguien para supervisar el diseño y organizar la salida
Yeah, well, somebody wore me out. Evet, şey, birisi beni yordu
Sí, alguien me agotó.
# It's not somebody who's seen the light ( Işığı gören biri değil ) #
# # No es alguien que ha visto la luz # #
"Somebody Pinch Me" de antrenör rolündeydi.
Tenía el papel de entrandor en "Que alguien me pinche".
Yoksa, biri seni görürdü.
Somebody'd have seen you.
The Time Bandits'in, I Think Somebody'sinde.
Uno de los Héroes del Tiempo.
"Somebody to love" ile kapatabiliriz.
Y podemos cerrar con "Somebody to Love".
# I need somebody with a human touch
# I need somebody with a human touch
# Burası olabilirdi diyor biri # # bağlana bağlana # # bir yılda ölebilirdik #
# Somebody said, we could be here, # Community # we could be roped up, tied up, dead in a year. #
Hep önemli olmak istedim. İşte buradayım!
"'All my life I've wanted to be somebody, and here I am. "
Somebody find the lights.
Que alguien halle las luces.
* Is somebody I adore *
* Is somebody I adore *
I'm thinking somebody gave that girl drugs.
Creo que alguien le pasó drogas a la chica.
* Biri bana taksi çağırsın *
* Somebody call a taxi *
Bir ürünü yalnızca kırıldığı için ya da başka herhangi bir nedenle öylesine atamazsınız. Somebody in the South
La idea de tirar un producto solo porque se estropea es impensable para alguien del Sur.
- Sezar. Ona "Everybody Loves Somebody" şarkısını öğrettim.
- Hice que aprendiera "Everybody Loves Somebody".
♪ eğer sadece biri duyabilseydi ♪
♪ if only somebody could hear ♪
There's somebody shooting at the small house.
Hay alguien disparando en la casita.
"Oh, I need somebody..."
"Oh, I need somebody..."
"Somebody said,'Oh, I love her'."
"Somebody said,'Oh, I love her'."
* You're nobody'til somebody loves you * No eres nadie hasta que alguien te quiera
- Çeviri - - witschge
* So find yourself somebody to love. * Así que encuentra a alguien a quien querer
Sen iyi misin?
"Oh, I think you better love somebody" - ¿ Estás bien aquí?
Çeviri : jules | Sezon 6, Bölüm 3 : Sanki Biri Beni İzliyor
Grey's Anatomy - 6x03 - "I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me" Te has dejado una mancha.
Koy üstüne. ? Somebody save?

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