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Them traduction Espagnol

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- Better give them time to clear the roads.
- Dales tiempo para despejar las carreteras.
This is what we get for granting them independence.
Así nos pagan por concederles la independencia.
Swarming with them, huh? Sabır, delikanlı. Sabır.
Paciencia, colega, paciencia.
# And drug them cow from out the sloughs #
¡ Y arrastrando a las vacas fuera de los lodazales!
# He drug them cow from out the sloughs #
Arrastraba a las vacas fuera de los lodazales
Reckon them buzzards have lost something around here?
Esos idiotas buscan algo.
- Hear them ring
- Escuchen cómo suenan
- Hear them sing
- Escuchen cómo cantan
The devil assaulted them, and the angels became four.
El diablo les atacó y los ángeles fueron cuatro.
Ya kaçarsın ve seni arkadan vururuz or you can toss over them guns.
Puedes intentar salir y moriréis los dos, o lanzarnos todas tus armas.
They massacred them.
están todos muertos, fueron masacrados.
The way they killed those men, there must be a lot of them.
De la manera que mataron a aquellos hombres, debe haber muchos.
Each and ev'ryday l can see them laugh at me
Todos y cada uno de los días. Y puedo ver cómo se ríen de mi.
And l hear them say
Y los oigo decir...
Hearing them, seeing them ln the state l'm in
Oyéndolos, viéndolos. En el estado en el el que me encuentro, cómo podría ella decirme?
- Let's go back and get them!
- ¡ Volvamos por ellos!
- Let's smash them!
- ¡ Aplastémoslos!
- Let's go back and get them.
- Volvamos por ellos.
After them... slowly!
Tras ellos... ¡ despacio!
# # I thought I'd grown immune to them
Creí que me había vuelto Inmune a ellos
Bu, Fransa'nın güney sahillerine düşmanın çıkarma yapmasını engelleyen Fransız Kuzey Afrikası'ndaki İngiliz-Amerikan saldırısına bir tepkidir.
At first, we called them the Fritzes, [... ] luego los Jerries, los Krauts, los Boches, [... ] los Escarabajos, los Cardenillos.
We outnumber them.
Somos inferiores en numero.
Pekala, we're gonna bust them out.
Bien, vamos a liberarlos a ellos.
"Evet, I've been eating them six or seven weeks now."
"Yes, I've been eating them six or seven weeks now."
I can't have them gossiping about the clients.
No pueden chismear sobre los clientes.
And you will tell them what did not happen between us in every detail... Is that why they pay you?
La verdad es que... volverá a ellos y les contará... todo lo que no ha pasado entre nosotros.
* Sil gözyaşlarını *
# Wipe them tears from off your eye
* Uzak tutuyor beni üzüntülerden *
# It keeps me away from them blues
* Biliyorum ama şimdi *
# Lord, I know them now
* Söylemeden önce *
# Before you spoke them
The truth is... that you will surely go back to them And you will tell them what did not happen between us in every detail
La verdad es que... volverá a ellos y les contará... todo lo que no ha pasado entre nosotros.
Sanırım onları kurtarabiliriz.
I think we can get them off.
Evet, Sanrım öyle. It's supposed to do a lot of things, and clearing the earth off an escape hatch could certainly be one of them. Vurgulamama izin verin, efendim, Hala deney aşamasındal.
- En cualquier caso su capacidad operativa es inaudita y por supuesto serviría para despejar esa escotilla pero debo recalcar que está en experimentación
Keep them dogies rollin'
~ Keep them dogies rollin'
We always knocked them dead in those joints.
Siempre matamos en esos locales.
- That you can lie under them... on a moonlit night with the breeze blowing... ball your brains out.
- No, ¿ Que? . Tumbarme bajo ellos a la luz de la luna... y hacer el amor como loca.
We figured he must've had a big pile of them
Creíamos que debería haber muchas escondidas en algún lugar.
Takenoko'nun ve rock sarkicilarinin dünyasi roket gibi uzaklasirken spikerler toplumun onlardan ne beklediklerini açikliyor.
El mundo de los takenoko y de los cantantes de rock se aleja como un cohete. Los oradoradores les explican lo que la sociedad espera de ellas. Speakers explain what society expects of them.
Haydi onları o odaya götürelim.
Let's move them to that room.
- Çıkart onları!
- Let them out!
One of these days I'll buy them out.
Uno de estos días les compraré su parte.
If you let them do this... you won't be able to look at your son.
Si dejas que ellos hagan eso... no serás capaz de mirar a tu hijo.
Why don't you tell these people you're sorry for bothering them?
Quiero que le digas a esta gente que lamentas haberlos molestado.
I just get them sometime.
- Nada. A veces me pasa.
Evet, hem de bol miktarda, plenty of them.
- Sí, un montón de ellos.
After them!
Tras ellos!
"I've got to buy favors for them."
"I've got to buy favors for them."
"I'm going to take them home with me now."
"I'm going to take them home with me now."
I knew what's wrong with them, that I was smaller, then. "
"... I knew what's wrong with them, that I was smaller, then. "
"... but I hope that I recall them all before the baby is due. "
"... but I hope that I recall them all before the baby is due. "
Oh them golden slippers Sanırım şöyle
Esas viejas pantuflas doradas Va asi

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