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Took traduction Espagnol

116 traduction parallèle
They took my eagle away.
Se llevaron la insignia.
- # # Edison took years to see the light - # # Right
No, señor Edison tardó años en ver la luz
Bu tarzdan emirlere uyulması gerektiğini düşünüyorduk ve biz tüm insanlar Gaulle'in sözlerini sağda solda çarpıtarak şöyle diyorduk :
La Resistencia era una guerra permanente de guerrillas. eran tres tíos quienes interceptaron un convoy alemán en la carretera, lanzaron tres granadas, disparon dos ráfagas, and took off in the wilderness. [... ]
I'm not the one you really took me for.
¶ En realidad, no soy ¶ ¶ lo que pensabas ¶
I'm not the one you really took me for.
¶ En realidad no soy ¶ ¶ lo que pensabas ¶
Son iki yeriçinse bilgelikten ziyade... dostluğa güveneceğiz, Peregrin Took... ve Meriadoc Brandybuck da gidebilir.
Por los dos últimos sitios confiaremos en la amistad en vez de la gran sabiduría. Peregrin Tuk y Meriadoc Brandigamo también pueden ir.
Took salağı!
¡ Tonto de Tuk!
He tookherdown to Chinatown
~ He took her down to Chinatown
All I know... is Doss and Morty Price made some bets... and the girl took some of their tally sheets.
Todo lo que sé... es que Doss y Morty Price hicieron unas apuestas... y que la chica cogió las hojas de registro.
The family offered me the money and I took it.
La familia me ofreció dinero, y lo tomé.
The man I knew always did what it took... and it hurt sometimes, but he did it.
Mi amigo siempre hizo lo necesario... aunque doliera, pero lo hizo.
Fransızca hakkında fazla bir şey bilmiyorum seninle beraber olmak ne kadar harika bir dünya...
Don't know much about the French I took could be with you what a wonderful world...
# Do-do, do-do # biliyorsun aşkımı aldın benden
Do-do, do-do You know you took my love
Now they took two of my brigades, Corson, Jenkins, and sent them off to guard Richmond.
Ahora tomaron dos de mis brigadas, Corson, Jenkins, y las enviaron...
Ve bugün they run the Iditarod Dog Race over the very path he and the others took.
Y en estos días se celebra una carrera de perros por la misma ruta que él y los otros tomaron en aquel entonces.
Lastiğimi aldığından beri.
Since you took my innertube.
Aynen bir maymunun kafesinden çıkıp tekerlekte sallanması gibi.
It's like someone went into the ape cage and took out the tire swing.
Yes, but I took the liberty of reading between the lines.
Simplemente me tomé la libertad de leer entre líneas.
Sessiz ol, Toot.
Estáte quieto, Took.
Meriadoc Brandybuck ve Peregrin Took.
Meriadoc Brandigamo y Peregrin Tuk.
Yağmur ve çağıldayan dereden daha iyisi bir maşrapa bira, bu Took'un midesindeki.
# Mejor que la lluvia o un arroyo # # Es un vaso de cerveza Dentro de este Tuk #
Gel de, bir Brandybuck ve bir Took'a güven!
¡ Tenían que ser un Brandigamo y un Tuk!
Tutup kafanı bu kapılara vuracağım, Peregrin Took!
¡ Golpear tu cabeza contra estas puertas, Peregrin Tuk!
Budala Took!
¡ Tuk imbécil!
Sakın korkma, genç Peregrin Took.
No temas joven Peregrin Tuk.
I took the wrong pills when I was young. ( Gençken yanlış hapları yuttum? )
{ \ cH00FFFF } Yo tomé las píldoras equivocadas cuando era joven todavía la tiene como la de un niño
When the vice president of the university, a former federal agent... came down the stairs with a golf club, we took the hint.
Cuando el vicepresidente de la universidad, Un ex agente federal... bajó las escaleras con un club de golf, tomamos la pista.
- Lanet, keşke bilseydim. - İyi uyum, beyin-için-bok. - Old McDonald took a shit, E I E I O
El viejo McDonald tomó una mierda.
Elini minibüsten çektin, kaybettin.
You took your hand off the van. You lose.
So, we, uh, we took old Fuzz up there, taped him up.
Entonces, llevamos al viejo pelusa hasta allí,... lo pegamos.
Down came the goblin And took the spider out "
Vino el duende y la aplastó
Peregrin Took!
¡ Peregrin Tuk!
Ahmak Took!
¡ Tuk, insensato!
Bütün meraklı Hobbitler içinde, Peregrin Took, sen en beterisin.
De entre los ya entrometidos hobbits, tú eres el peor.
Deli cesareti belki. O bir Took çünkü.
Será su insensatez, es un Tuk.
Filhakika, senin hiç ağzını açmaman daha evlâ olur Peregrin Took.
Digo más, mejor no abras esa boca, Peregrin Tuk.
Senden ne istenirse onu yapacaksın Peregrin Took.
Harás lo que se te diga, Peregrin Tuk.
Peregrin Took evladım, şimdi halledilmesi gereken bir iş var.
Peregrin Tuk, hay una misión que cumplir.
Kafandan ne geçiyordu Peregrin Took?
¿ En qué estabas pensando, Peregrin Tuk?
Took me a while, but I'm finally here
Me tomo un tiempo, pero ya llegue
Daddy took his Remington And shot away the lock
Papá apunto su Remington
Bence Joey'in "The KKK Took My Baby Away" şarkısını yazma sebebi bu.
Creo que por eso Joey escribió The KKK Took My Baby Away.
Üst kademedekilerin bunu kabul etmesi 20 dakika sürdü.
It only took 20 minutes with the brass before everyone agreed.
If you took summer, plus winter breaks... spring break, holiday weekends... you start to get pretty close to what you have right now.
Si aceptara los veranos, vacaciones de Navidad vacaciones de primavera, y fines de semana largos... sería casi lo mismo que tiene ahora.
- Ben, uh, took a left at the grotto, and I hopped the funicular to the dumbwaiter.
Giré a la izquierda en Grada, bajé por el funicular y después de eso...
'But I, I took the sweet life'never knew I'd be bitter from the sweet
But I, I took the sweet life ( Escogí una vida dulce ) never knew I'd be bitter from the sweet ( sin saber que lo dulce podría amargarme )
If I needed money in my checking account, I just took it from savings ;
Si necesitaba dinero en mi cuenta lo tomaba de los ahorros como para cualquier otra cosa
# # He took a lot of knocks to ring that bell
Hizo falta tocar mucho Para sonar esa campana
Kızından başkasıyla görüşmemiş... ama personel arayanları not etmiş. Bir tanesi Rice ilçesinden gelmiş. Ben şu anda oradayımBut the staff took messages, including one from a Rice County number.
Pero el personal recibió llamadas, incluyendo una de un número del Condado Rice.
Onlarla ilgilenen bendimçI'm the one who took care of them. Annem ben 15 yaşındayken kaçtı gitti. Babam hergün içerdi.
Mi madre se escapó cuando yo tenía 15 años y mi padre estaba todo el día borracho.

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