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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ 1 ] / 1820s

1820s tradutor Espanhol

6 parallel translation
Around this time, the 1820s, the arctic explorations were going on ; and as the explorers sailed away with their decks filled up with canned food, it began to look as if canning was a quick way to become a millionaire.
Por esos tiempos, el 1820, las exploraciones al Ártico estaban en marcha ; y a medida que los exploradores levaban anclas con sus cubiertas repletas de carne enlatada, comenzó a parecer como si el enlatado era una manera rápida de hacerse millonario.
The real coup de theatre came in the 1820s, when, at the end of the 1820s, a man called Domenico Donzelli, a tenor, appeared on the scene, having worked out how to make a much more dramatic tenor sound than there had been in the 18th century.
El golpe real del teatro vino en 1820 cuando al final de los 1820 un tenor llamado Domenico Donzelli apareció después de haber trabajado un sonido de tenor más dramático de lo que había en el siglo 18
Hans Christian Andersen was at Copenhagen University in the late 1820s.
Hans Christian Andersen asistió a la Univ. de Copenhage a fines de 1820.
This is probably- - this hoe was probably made in the 1820s, maybe before.
Esta es probably- - esta azada probablemente se hizo en la década de 1820, quizás antes.
Well, in the theme of morbid town tradition, you go back to the 1820s when everyone was so paranoid about the cholera thing that they would occasionally bury a body a wee bit before its time.
Bueno, en el tema de la mórbida tradición de este pueblo, vuelve a 1820 cuando todo el mundo estaba tan paranoico sobre el cólera que ocasionalmente enterraban cuerpos un poco antes de cuando tenían que hacerlo.
This ain't the 1820s.
Esto no es 1820.

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