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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ 8 ] / 8113

8113 tradutor Espanhol

14 parallel translation
That's 612-353-8113.
Eso es 612-353-8113.
For the men of 8113, Senior Chief Petty Officer Kevin Campbell was that corpsman.
Para los hombres del 8113 el suboficial en jefe, Kevin Campbell era tal médico.
Doc Campbell, from all the men of the 8113 and the countless Marines you've helped, our sincerest thank you.
Doc Campbell, de parte de todos los hombres del 8113 y los innumerables marinos a quienes ayudó, nuestro sincero agradecimiento.
Charlie Cartwright, Miguel Fernandez, and all the men fallen of the 8113.
Charlie Cartwright, Miguel Fernandez y todos los caídos del 8113.
Someone is hunting 8113, and whoever it is thinks that wives and children are fair game.
Alguien está cazando a 8113, y, sea quien sea, cree que esposas e hijos son parte del juego.
Someone is hunting 8113.
Alguien está cazando a la 8113.
8113, watch your speed out there.
8113, cuidado con su velocidad.
If she wanted to silence the 8113, there are much quieter ways of doing it.
Si quisiera silenciar a la 8113, hay maneras más discretas de hacerlo.
Let's raise our glasses to Kurt Zehnder and all the men fallen of the 8113.
Entonces hagamos un brindis por Kurt Zehnder y todos los caídos del 8113.
And you're Kurt Zehnder, former member of the 8113.
Y tú eres Kurt Zehnder, exmiembro del 8113.
8113 is for life.
8113 es para toda la vida.
8113 for life.
8113 para toda la vida.
8113's supposed to be brothers, and you went and screwed him.
Se supone que los 8113 son hermanos y lo traicionaste.

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