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Alf tradutor Espanhol

2,524 parallel translation
But that's what ants do, alf.
Eso hacen las hormigas, Alf.
I think she's right, alf.
Tiene razón, Alf.
Hey, alf, look.
¡ Alf, mira!
¡ Alf!
You seemed to have changed your mind about ants, alf.
Cambiaste de parecer sobre las hormigas, Alf.
Be honest now, alf.
Sé honesto, Alf.
Is alf around?
¿ Alf está aquí? No.
Did you bring alf something, too?
¿ Trajiste algo para Alf?
Dad, i think there's something wrong with alf's ants.
Papá, algo pasa con las hormigas de Alf.
Hi, alf.
- Hola, Alf.
I brought you a present, alf.
Te traje un regalo, Alf.
Alf, i think there's something you should know About your ants.
Alf, hay algo que debes saber sobre tus hormigas.
[Gasps] Ahh, i'm sorry, alf.
Lo siento, Alf.
It was an accident, alf.
Fue un accidente, Alf.
Alf, if you leave food all over the house, We are going to have ants everywhere.
Alf, si dejas comida por toda la casa tendremos hormigas por todos lados.
Alf, inviting the remainder Of the earth's ant population into our house Isn't going to bring back your ant farm.
Alf, invitar aquí al resto de todas las hormigas no te devolverá tu granja.
Alf, you've got to get over this.
Alf, tienes que superarlo.
Trust me, alf.
Confía en mi, Alf.
Alf might not feel as bad about losing his ants If he just has a chance to say good-Bye to them formally,
Alf no sufrirá tanto su pérdida si puede darles un adiós formal.
Well, sure it will, alf.
Claro que si, Alf.
I didn't know the ants as well as alf.
No las conocí tan bien como Alf.
Alf- -
You've been through a great deal of pain In the last 24 hours, alf.
Has sufrido mucho dolor en las últimas 24 horas, Alf.
I've rented you these tapes, alf,
Te renté estas cintas, Alf.
No, these are black and white movies, alf.
No, son películas en blanco y negro, Alf.
Willie, on telephone :
Hola, Alf.
hi, alf. It's me.
Soy yo.
Jake : yo, alf.
Oye, Alf.
Hey, alf, is anybody else gonna get to be In your movie besides willie and kate?
Oye, Alf, ¿ alguien más estará en tu película, además de Willie y Kate?
Alf : great plan,
Fantástico plan.
Alf : it works.
Alf : it's the evil landlord colonel trevor.
Es el malvado casero, coronel Trevor.
¿ Alf?
I'm not alf- - I'm the sheik.
No soy Alf. Soy el jeque.
Nice try, ALF.
¡ Qué golpe de suerte!
Does Willard Scott wear a toup? - ALF.
Estás a punto de verme en una adquisición hostil.
Let my people go. Okay, ALF.
Vamos, Willie, déjame ser.
Mom, I woke up with a craving for French toast and sausage.
Buenos días. Buenos días, Alf. Tengo que disculparme.
Or oatmeal, whichever's easiest for you. Does ALF know that breakfast is ready?
Willie, he estado muy negativo desde que me quitaste la computadora, y quiero decir que lo siento.
LYNN : Morning, ALF. BRIAN :
Mátate tú mismo.
Willie, I've had a bad attitude since you took me off the computer and I'd like to say I'm sorry.
Sólo por curiosidad, Alf. ¿ Qué sistema usas para escoger estas acciones?
Well, thank you, ALF. - It's big of you to admit that. - Thanks.
Selecciono compañías con iniciales..... de días de fiesta en Melmac.
Now, there are people who jump onboard and there are people who are left on the dock.
Quieres que Alf invierta nuestro dinero, ¿ verdad?
You want ALF to invest our money?
No lo sé.
Let's go shopping.
Buen intento, Alf.
Are you kidding?
¿ Alf? Hola, Willie.
But you could've lost everything, ALF.
¡ Pero pudiste perderlo todo, Alf!
All right.
Bien, Alf.
Bien, gracias, Alf.
You know, I never thought I'd miss the sound of ALF Hoovering down his food.
Oh, si.
Just out of curiosity, ALF what system do you use to pick these stocks?
Sí recuerdo que el tema era viajar.

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