Always remember that tradutor Espanhol
684 parallel translation
Always remember that.
Recuérdalo siempre.
In the midst of all this pomp and glitter, I always remember that our play was written on that old Remington No. 2 typewriter, and on a never-to-be-forgotten diet of frankfurters.
En medio de tanta pompa y tanto resplandor, siempre recuerdo... que nuestra obra fue escrita en la vieja Remington Nº 2... mientras sobrevivíamos comiendo esas inolvidables salchichas ahumadas.
Always remember that, kid.
Acuérdate siempre de eso.
Always remember that the truth has never hurt any man.
La verdad nunca ha hecho daño a nadie.
You must always remember that, Ethne... for the sake of his memory and for your own happiness.
Recuérdelo siempre, Ethne. Por su recuerdo y por su propia felicidad.
When your last moment comes, always remember that you killed the one man who could have made your life secure.
Cuando su último momento llegue, recuerde siempre.. .. que mató al único hombre que pudo haber hecho su vida segura
Always remember that I offered you life and you gave me death.
Recuerden siempre que les ofrecí la vida y me dieron la muerte.
Always remember that, Henry my love.
Que no se te olvide, mi amor.
And the enemies will always remember that they have to fear your daddy.
Y los enemigos siempre recordarán que tienen que tener miedo a papá.
Always remember that, Walter, my boy.
Recuérdalo siempre, Walter.
Always remember that one bad prisoner can spoil things for the rest of you.
Un mal preso puede fastidiar la vida a todos.
If i Don't come back, Always remember that Either in heaven or hell, Someone thinks Kindly of you.
Si no vuelvo, recuerda siempre que ya sea en el cielo o en el infierno, alguien piensa bien de ti.
Always remember that.
No lo olvides nunca.
That's the way I always remember numbers.
Así es como recuerdo los números.
Yeah, that's right. I always remember pleasant experiences.
Sí, siempre recuerdo las experiencias agradables.
Yes. We shall always have that to remember.
Siempre tendremos nuestros recuerdos.
Mrs Higgins said that now we're going to live in high society we must always remember to be grand ladies.
Sra Higgins nos dijo que ahora Viviremos en la alta sociedad Debemos nos recordar siempre De ser grandes senhoriras.
♫ Faithful. Remember, that whatever I do, I'm always faithful, my love. ♫
Fiel, recuerda que pase lo que pase... siempre te seré fiel, amor mío.
I'll always remember the fun we've had... and I'll probably find myself wishing I could hear you sing that little waltz song again.
Siempre recordaré cuánto nos divertimos y probablemente seguiré... deseando poder oírle cantar ese vals otra vez.
And remember that the customer is always right, especially.. when he's wrong.
Y recordad que el cliente siempre tiene razón, sobre todo cuando está equivocado.
I'm not much of a hand at prayer, but maybe I can remember a few bible verses that I've always believe in and that have helped me.
No soy religioso, pero recuerdo los versículos de la Biblia, aquellos que siempre he creído y que me han ayudado...
don't forget the gloves promise me that you take care always remember, I only have you only you, papuchka
¡ No te olvides los guantes! ¡ Prométeme que te cuidarás! ¡ Recuerda siempre, que sólo te tengo a ti!
That's the way I always want to remember him, on our honeymoon.
Así es como siempre quiero recordarle, en nuestra luna de miel.
Remember that always, will you?
Recuerda eso siempre, ¿ lo harás?
I heard you make a little speech once that I'll always remember.
Oí que una vez usted dio un discurso que siempre será recordado.
You know, you're like that little arrow on your hat - straight and shining - and that's the way I'll always remember you.
¿ Sabes? Eres como esa pequeña flecha de tu sombrero : recta y brillante. Así es como te recordaré siempre.
You're like that little arrow on your hat - straight and shining - and that's the way I'll always remember you.
Eres como esa pequeña flecha de tu sombrero : recta y brillante. Así es como te recordaré siempre.
I want you to remember that whatever you do, and wherever you are, you've always got a home here... and, whatever you shoot, there's always room for them here, too.
Quiero que tengas presente que, hagas lo que hagas y estés donde estés, siempre tendrás una casa aquí ; y mates lo que mates, aquí también tendrán un sitio.
I didn't want to take the bus... because there was always the chance that someone might remember seeing me on it.
No quería tomar el autobús... porque alguien podría recordarme después.
I want you to know that and to remember it always.
Quiero que lo sepas y que lo recuerdes siempre.
Always remember... that goodness is the strongest force in the world... and that all evil cannot prevail against it.
Nunca olvides... que el bien es la fuerza más grande del mundo... y que el mal no puede derrotarlo.
But anytime you want to, you can always pull out. Remember that.
Pero puedes irte siempre que quieras, recuérdalo.
But I'm sure you'll remember when you talk to folks that the Nolans have always paid their insurance on the dot.
Pero espero que al hablar con la gente recuerde que nosotros siempre pagamos el seguro con puntualidad.
Remember that, darling, always.
Recuérdalo, siempre.
Then remember that the devil's always able to hog-tie you.
Entonces recuerda que el diablo siempre puede atarte.
- I'll remember that day always.
- No lo olvidaré en toda mi vida.
Remember that tower apartment on Sutton Place you always wanted?
¿ Te acuerdas del lugar maravilloso que siempre deseaste?
Remember that I love you... and always will, whatever happens.
Recuerda cuánto te quiero y siempre te querré, pase lo que pase.
I hope you'll always remember me that way.
El que recordarás.
Remember we said, we've always said, you and I, that moral concepts of good and evil and right and wrong don't hold for the intellectually superior. - Remember, Rupert?
Recuerde lo que usted y yo siempre hemos dicho, que los conceptos morales del bien y el mal no son válidos para los seres superiores, ¿ recuerda?
I don't remember all that was said over a hundred winter evenings But it was always the same
No puedo recordar todo cuanto dijo durante esas cien veladas de invierno, pero los temas no variaban mucho.
At all times, even those devoted to pleasure, I like to remember that death is always present.
A todas horas, incluso las de placer, me gusta recordar que la muerte está siempre presente.
Remember, that in this race for glory... he's always just behind you ready to pass you if you should lose a single step.
En esta competencia por la gloria... va detrás de ti, dispuesto a rebasarte si pierdes el paso.
Listen. People always remember these wheelchairs. Don't ever forget that.
Escuchad, la gente siempre se fija en una silla de ruedas jamás lo olvidéis.
Do you not remember that we always take the obvious and reverse it?
¿ No recuerda que siempre tomamos lo obvio... y lo invertimos?
" "Do you not remember that we always take the obvious and reverse it, so we reverse the role of life- -" "
¿ No recuerda que siempre tomamos lo obvio y lo invertimos? Así, invertimos el papel de la vida ".
He was always to remember that. It had never happened.
Le dijeron que había cumplido con su deber.
I want you to remember that always.
Recuérdalo siempre.
But let us remember that the most glorious sieges in history have always meant hardships...
Pero no olvidemos que los asedios más gloriosos de la historia siempre han supuesto penalidades.
But remember that my thoughts will always be with you.
Navega, pero recuerda que mi alma irá contigo.
Remember always that we blessed you before we left.
Recuerda siempre que te bendecimos antes de partir.
always remember 37
remember that 729
remember that one 18
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
remember that 729
remember that one 18
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334