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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ A ] / Amaze

Amaze tradutor Espanhol

708 parallel translation
Does that amaze you?
¿ Te sorprende?
Boy, you amaze me.
Chico, me sorprendes.
- That, that would amaze me.
- Me encantaría.
You amaze me.
Me maravillas.
Well, you amaze me.
Me deja asombrado.
Brace yourself, I'm going to amaze you.
Sujétese, lo voy a sorprender. - ¿ Ah, sí? - Sí.
You amaze me, sir.
Me sorprende, señor.
Darling, you amaze me.
Querida, me asombras.
You really amaze me.
- Ud. me asombra mucho.
- Women amaze me!
- ¡ Las mujeres son increíbles!
[Choking Sounds] Your Highness, you amaze me.
Me asombra, Alteza.
My stupidity begins to amaze me.
Mi estupidez comienza a asombrarme.
You amaze me, Mr. Slapcovitch.
Me asombra, Sr. Slapcovitch.
You amaze me.
Me asombras.
Oh, boy. This will amaze you before your very eyes!
No creeréis lo que váis a ver.
- You amaze me.
- Me asombra.
Professor Siletsky, you amaze me.
Profesor Siletsky, usted me asombra.
I believe the red army will amaze the world.
El ejército rojo sorprenderá al mundo.
Double-bases and trumpets hanging from trees don't amaze me much but a cherry tree, just like at home, that is something i wonder if there's something like people?
Que crezcan trompetas y contrabajos en los árboles no me extraña. Pero que crezcan cerezos como en la Tierra, es raro. ¿ Cree que habrá seres humanos?
Millie, you never cease to amaze me.
Millie, nunca dejas de sorprenderme.
You amaze me Holmes. You're positively amazing.
Me asombra, Holmes, con sinceridad me asombra.
You amaze me, Holmes.
Me sorprende.
You amaze me, Holmes.
Me asombra, Holmes.
Does it amaze you that our predecessors had good taste?
¿ Tanto te asombra que nuestros predecesores tuvieran buen gusto?
You don't understand me, and it doesn't amaze me.
No me entiende, y no me asombra.
You amaze me.
Me sorprende.
You amaze me Holmes.
Me sorprende Holmes.
- You amaze me, Holmes.
- Me asombra usted, Holmes.
You amaze me!
Me impresionas.
Sometimes I even amaze myself.
The Queen will never cease to amaze us.
La Reina nunca deja de sorprendernos.
You know, you amaze me.
Sabe, me asombra usted.
I amaze myself.
Me asombra.
Amaze him.
Lo fascinará.
The miraculous professor continues to amaze
El profesor milagro continúa dejándonos pasmados
make something of myself, amaze everyone.
Seré alguien en la vida. Les voy a sorprender a todos.
Through unexpected paths, we shall discover secrets, that will amaze the wisest of men.
Por caminos imprevistos, descubrimos secretos que impresionaron los espíritus.
Ellen, you amaze me, really
Ellen, me asombras.
Oh, you amaze me!
Oh, ¡ me asombras!
Really, Neumann, you amaze me.
De veras, Neumann, me sorprende.
You never fail to amaze me!
¡ Nunca dejas de asombrarme!
If he can, he'll amaze me.
Si puede, me sorprenderá.
A cultural exhibition that'll enlighten you, amaze you....
Una exposición cultural que les iluminará, les sorprenderá...
It doth amaze me a man of such a feeble temper should so get the start of the majestic world and bear the palm alone.
Es extraño que un hombre tan débil... empiece así a disfrutar de la grandeza del mundo... y se lleve la palma él solo.
You amaze me
Me asombras.
Now, Mother, I shall tell you something that will amaze you.
Madre, te voy a decir algo que te asombrará.
Really, Henry, you amaze me.
Henry, me sorprende.
- You amaze me.
- Me deja asombrado.
Let's amaze him with it.
¡ Asombrémosle!
You amaze me!
¡ Me asombra!
You amaze me.
- Todo lo que dice es falso.

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