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And before you know it tradutor Espanhol

1,290 parallel translation
And before you know it, the day's gone
Y antes que te des cuenta, el día ya se ha acabado.
We get invited to dinner, and before you know it we're accused of taking sides in a war.
Fuimos invitados a cenar... y antes de que nos diéramos cuenta nos acusaron de tomar parte en una guerra.
And before you know it, he'll be on top of you like one of those bloody badgers at the zoo.
Y antes de que te des cuenta, él estará sobre ti como esos endemoniados tejones del zoológico.
And before you know it, we were recording.
Y muy pronto estábamos grabando.
Just rub this on his head every night, Mrs. Collingwood, and before you know it, his hair's gonna be as long and as thick as Mary Lou's mane.
Frótele esto en la cabeza todas las noches. Pronto tendrá el pelo tan largo y tupido como Mary Lou.
God forbid... staying overnight, this way, we get to show up, experience the disaster that is her life, smile through it, and before you know it, we're on our way home.
Dios no lo quiera, se quede a dormir, así vamos nosotros, experimentamos su vida desastrosa, soreímos y pronto volvemos a casa.
i understand that you don't really know who you are anymore, or that you're even cut out to be the person you've become, but beka, believe me, you're not alone, and before you know it, the universe is going to start to make sense again.
entiendo que no sabes muy bien quién eres, o si estás hecha para ser la persona que te has convertido, pero Beka, créame, no estás sola, y antes de que te des cuenta, el universo va a empezar a tener sentido de nuevo.
And before you know it, you got a 40-year-old robin who can't lift his ass out of the nest.
Y antes de darte cuenta, tienes a un petirrojo de 40 años que no puede levantar su trasero del nido.
Anyway, one thing led to another, and before you know it, we were kissing.
En fin, una cosa llevó a la otra y de repente, estábamos besándonos.
But, she can't because she's a woman, so she pretends to be a man, and, uh, one thing leads to the next, and before you know it- -
Pero no puede, por ser mujer, así que finge ser hombre... y las cosas se enredan... y, cuando menos lo piensa...
And before you know it..... you too will have forgotten.
Y antes de que te des cuenta... tú también te habrás olvidado.
And before you know it, Canada will be full of Greeks.
Y antes de que te des cuentas, Canadá estará lleno de griegos.
and before you know it his..
y antes de que te des cuenta,
[Gil] Sir, it was just one big, uncontrollable mess, and then, before you know it- -
Fue una incendio enorme, incontrolable.
Well, you wouldn't know it now, but before he got fat and ugly... your uncle rawiri was a bit of a hotshot with the taiaha.
Bueno, no podrías saberlo ahora, pero antes que se vuelva gordo y feo... tu tío Rawiri era bastante hábil con la taiaha.
Before you know it, a dead body will come strolling through that door... and you'll be your old self again, man.
En cualquier momento un cadáver entrará por esa puerta y volverás a ser el de siempre.
- I know it's not easy to get... someone assigned to you who you don't know and have never seen before, but believe me, this is just as hard for me as it is for you.
Sí, sé que no es fácil que te impongan a alguien al que no conoces y a quien no has visto nunca. Pero, creerme, para mí es tan difícil como para vosotros.
I'm going to take you right out of the picture, and it'll be before you know it.
Te voy a sacar del camino. Y será antes de que te des cuenta.
And before this moment, you didn't even know it existed.
Y hasta este momento, no sabias que existía.
The atmosphere and the mood was so good, the sidewalks were so beautiful, and I realised - I didn't know it before - shooting on location is fantastic because, when you go into someone's real house, you can't believe it, what they've got in these houses.
La atmósfera y el ambiente eran muy buenos y las aceras eran preciosas, y me di cuenta de que no rodar en un estudio es fantástico porque, cuando entras en la casa de alguien, es increíble lo que te encuentras en ellas.
In hearing the record, you know, in the first 30 seconds, I felt that there was something going on with this record that I hadn't heard in a Wilco record before and that it, you know, was...
Oyendo el disco, ya sabes en los primeros 30 segundos sentí que había algo en este disco que no había oído en Wilco antes.
I'll feel better if I know you're in school... and everything is the way it was before.
Me sentiré mejor si sé que estás en la escuela... y todo está como era antes.
And you should know it before you have kids and all.
Deberías saberlo antes de tener niños y todo eso.
And then, before you know it, You cant seem to find a decent buggy whip or blacksmith. LAURIE ANDERSON :
Algo arriesgado, algo perdido.
I know you took the rope out of the inner tube and made the tourniquet, but it didn't work and she bled to death before she got ashore, isn't that true?
se que te sacaste la ropa y le hiciste un torniquete, pero no funcionó y sangró hasta morir antes de llegar a tierra, ¿ no es verdad?
But if you'll just sit tight and be patient, me and mine will get out of here before you know it.
Pero si todos se quedan sentados y tienen paciencia... yo y los míos nos iremos de aquí muy pronto
You know what happened to Audrey tonight it's happened to me before more than once, and to watch it-
¿ Sabes? Lo que le pasó a Audrey esta noche me ha pasado a mí más de una vez.
And then I got really busy with the movie and then, before I knew it, you know, a year had passed.
Después estuve ocupado con el filme y pasó un año sin que me diera cuenta.
You know, I mentioned Donna before, and it occurs to me that I told you...
Ya sabes, te hablé antes de Donna, y me dí cuenta de que te dije...
I know it seems crazy to act jealous over a sweatshirt, and I know you've had boyfriends before.
Se que parece loco ponerse celoso por una sudadera, y se que tuviste novios antes.
You know, like boys and fathers do, then he went into the army before we had a chance to make it right.
Ya sabes, como la que los padres e hijos tienen, entonces él ingresó al ejército antes de tener la oportunidad de arreglar las cosas.
I'II be in and out before you know it.
Entraré y saldré antes que te des cuenta.
You start off listening to Amy Grant but then before you know it it's 3 am and you got your Visa card and you're giving it to the scary bitch on TV with the lavender hair.
Empiezas escuchando Amy Grant pero antes de que lo sepas Son las 3 am y le das tu tarjeta Visa a la perra horrorosa de pelo púrpura que sale en la TV
Well, you're going to start pitching these sons a bitches before Watermelon Man comes out, because if we wait and it opens badly, these cocksuckers, they'll turn on us, you know, in a second.
Debemos movernos antes de estrenar Watermelon Man porque si fracasa estos desgraciados nos atacarán en un segundo.
Time flies and you'll be home before you know it
El tiempo vuela y estarás en casa antes de que lo notes
You know, hey, maybe it's been out of circulation since ye olden days, and maybe no Halliwell has ever come across it before.
Puede llevar fuera de circulación desde los viejos tiempos y quizá ningún Halliwell se la ha topado antes.
And I guess I never told you about it before because it's embarrassing, you know?
Y nunca te la conté porque me da vergüenza. No es nada original.
And you're right, being a director is a child's dream and that's how I know that it's real, because it's what I wanted to do before I knew how to be scared or cynical.
Y tienes razón. Ser director es el sueño de un niño. Y por eso sé que es real porque era lo que quería ser antes de aprender a tener miedo.
And before I even let myself think about it, I wanted to know how you feel.
Pero antes de dar un paso adelante, quería saber cómo te sentías...
You ´ ve been through this before, and I know how much it hurt you.
Ya pasaste por esto y sé cuánto te dolió.
There's this speech contest for the bicentennial, and I wasn't even going to enter it, but I don't know – with the whole'it's my last chance to crush you before graduation'comment,
Hay un concurso para el discurso del bicentenario. Y no contaba con concursar, pero no sé... Con el comentario " es mi última posibilidad de aplastarte.
On the last weekend before school, one goes to Tijuana, it is tradition, it is a right of passage, and you know what else?
En el último fin de semana antes del colegio, uno se va a Tijuana, es una tradición, es un rito de iniciación, y además ¿ sabés qué?
You're gonna hear some noises, and we'll be done before you know it.
Oirás sonidos, y acabaremos antes de que te percates.
You know, it's funny,'cause everybody else apart from you describes her as positive and buoyant before she died.
Sabes, es divertido porque todo el mundo excepto tú la describe como positiva y optimista antes de su muerte
It just, it bothers me that... we have maybe one more challenge before the merge, and Shawn, who is, you know, just...
Sólo es que--me molesta que a lo mejor hay un reto más antes de la fusión, y Shawn... que es... ¿ sabes? , es que...
And I know it's... to me, it seems like it's only a matter of time before, you know, something like pneumonia or something like that could settle in.
Y sé que... para mí, parece que es sólo cuestión de tiempo antes de que me entre algo como una neumonía o algo así, porque no tengo nada de ropa.
It is not the truth. He wants to show that he's in charge and... you know, I've seen that before.
Quiere demostrar que está al mando y... bueno, eso ya lo he visto antes.
beka... think good thoughts and i'll have us out of here before you know it.
Beka... ten buenos pensamientos y nos pondré fuera de aquí antes de que te des cuenta.
And then, before you know it, they're grown.
Y, entonces, crecen antes de lo que canta un gallo.
I need it to stop before I wake up and I don't know you anymore.
Necesito que esto pare antes de que despierte y no te conozca.
Take care of that arm and my money and I will see you before you know it.
Cretino, cuida del brazo... y de mi dinero y voy a verte antes que te des cuenta.

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