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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ A ] / And i'm sorry for that

And i'm sorry for that tradutor Espanhol

598 parallel translation
Well, I think I'm gonna take a swing at that roulette game and then turn in unless you fellows want to stake me. Sorry, I got a place for an old man.
Bueno, ya le hemos advertido.
Professor Ludwig, I'm sorry to confess that I don't know what you're talking about and haven't known for the past hour.
Profesor Ludwig, lamento confesarle que no sé de qué está hablando y me perdí hace media hora.
I was in love with him, and I knew it for the first time that night but now he's dead, and I'm not sorry. He wasn't worth it.
Estaba enamorada, y lo supe esa noche pero ahora está muerto, y no lo siento.
The day I was born. And I'm sorry for you, that I got you into this -
Siento haberte metido en este asunto.
I'm very sorry if I've annoyed you... but there are certain names and addresses... that are important- - very important for Mr. Stevenson to know.
Siento mucho haberla podido enfadar, pero hay nombres y direcciones que son importantes. Y es muy importante que las sepa el Sr. Stevenson.
I'm afraid it's perfectly true he was imitating you this morning... but I was to blame for that... and I'm very sorry.
Me temo que es totalmente cierto que le imitaba esta mañana... pero yo soy el culpable... y lo lamento.
I'm so sorry... for you and your daughter that this has happened.
Siento por ti y por tu hija que esto haya pasado.
I'm sorry for, um, barging in like that. But, well, I knocked and there was no answer.
Srta. Griselle, lamento entrar así, pero llamé y nadie respondió.
I'm sorry for the hardship and... the humiliation that we've...
Lamento las penalidades y... la humillación que le hemos...
Bouland, Jean, from Marseille. Fate decreed that you should meet me, and I'm sorry for you.
Boulant Jean, de Marsella, el destino ha querido que volvamos a encontrarnos.
You've been hurting me for the past thirty years and you think that saying : "I'm sorry"
¿ Me has hecho sufrir durante treinta años y crees que basta con decir :
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm extremely sorry to announce that at the moment it is not possible for us to take off.
Damas y caballeros, lamento muchísimo anunciar que en este momento nos es imposible despegar.
I've always loved you with all my life and that I'm sorry for not having shown it before, when it...
Siempre te he amado con toda mi vida y que lamento no haberlo demostrado antes cuando...
If you like me any less for that, I'm sorry but you just have to accept me as I am, faults and all.
Si por esa razón les caigo peor, lo siento pero tendrán que aceptarme como soy, con defectos y todo.
And I'm sorry for that.
Y lo siento mucho.
And I'm sorry for what's happened between you and the powers that be, but...
Siento mucho lo que pasó entre tu y los grandes jefes, pero...
And when that happens, I'm very sorry for you.
Cuando ocurre eso, lo siento mucho por usted.
Yet I could not help feeling sorry for her... and now that I'm older I understand her much better.
No podía dejar de compadecerla. Ya en su vejez llegue a comprenderla mucho mejor.
When we visit the Thionville factory after my father's funeral... I'll shake hands with that Marceau. And I'll say :'l'm sorry for your loss'.
Cuando visitemos la fábrica, después del entierro de mi padre, estrecharé la mano de Marceau y le daré mis condolencias por su mujer.
You yelled and screamed and carried on like a lunatic... until you got yourself sick, and for that, I'm sorry.
Tú gritaste y chillabas y andabas como un lunático... hasta que te enfermaste, y por eso lo siento.
Tell your mother it was very good and that I'm sorry for spilling coffee on the tablecloth.
Dile a tu madre que estaba muy bueno y que siento haber derramado el café en el mantel.
I knew our marriage was a mess, but you admitted it first... and made me so upset, I acted like a jerk... and I'm sorry for that.
Greta, sabía que nuestro matrimonio era un desastre. Tú lo admitiste primero y me molestó tanto. Actué como un imbécil y lo siento.
'I'm sorry, we have no one by the name Amy Robbins''registered at The Hotel Huntington''and I have no reservation for anyone in that name.'
Lo siento, pero la Srta. Amy Robbins no se registró en el hotel... y no hay ninguna reserva con ese nombre.
I got no business here, and I'm sorry for whatever it was I did that made everybody so mad.
Look, I'm sorry, but we're looking... for some very good jazz dancers... and it's been made very clear to me... that those people don't fit in to that particular category.
Lo siento, pero estamos buscando bailarines de jazz muy buenos y me queda bien claro que esa gente no encaja en esa categoría en particular.
Look, man, I'm real sorry about your client and all that, but that bomb wasn't meant for nobody else but Corky.
Mira, lamento mucho lo de tu cliente y todo eso... pero esa bomba era solamente para Corky.
I was furious the night I left... and I said a lot of things that I'm sorry for now.
Estaba furiosa la noche que me fui... ... y dije cosas de las que ahora me arrepiento.
And I'm sorry for those things that haven't worked out for you.
Y lamento todas las cosas que no resultaron para usted.
Listen, I'm sorry to disturb you at work, but I'm not feeling very well today and I was wondering if it might be possible for my sister to bring home any assignments from my classes that I might need.
Lamento mucho molestarlo, pero hoy no me siento muy bien... y me preguntaba si sería posible que mi hermana me trajera... la tarea que me den mis profesores.
OK, officer, I admit I broke the law, and for that I'm really sorry.
OK, oficial, lo admito violé la ley, y lo siento.
I just want to say tha-that I'm sorry, you know, for teasing you the way I did and everything.
Solo quiero decir tha-que lo siento, ya sabes, para usted bromas como lo hice y todo.
Sorry, I'm sorry about that, I've been on me own for three million years, and I'm just used to saying what I think.
Perdona, lo siento. Llevo tres millones de años solo y siempre digo lo que pienso.
I'm sorry for bringing you here and for everything that's been done to you and your friends.
Lo siento por traerte aquí. Y por todo lo que les han hecho a ti y a tus amigos.
Oh, Al, I'm sorry, but it's just that you've been hiding your wallet. And I had to sell your tools for lottery money.
Oh, Al, lo siento, pero, pasa que has estado escondiendo tu billetera y tuve que vender tus herramientas para poder comprarme la lotería.
Listen to this. " Dear Drake and Patty... I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding that has come between us.
Escucha esto, " Queridos Drake y Patty, siento mucho el absurdo malentendido que se ha dado entre nosotros.
I'm sorry that your husband died and I'm sorry for your grief.
Siento que su esposo haya muerto y lamento su dolor.
You're one of the bad guys, and now that I got your sorry ass, I'm going to trade it for my wife.
Tú eres uno de los malos y ahora que te tengo, capullo, te voy a canjear por mi mujer.
And I'm sorry I got sidetracked here because I know this is a bad time for you, ma'am, and I'm sensitive to that, and...
Y siento tener que tratar sobre esto... porque sé que es un mal momento para usted, señora, y soy sensible a eso, y...
And when I do, to say I'm sorry for having a father that's such a jerk.
Para decirle que lamento tener un padre tan imbécil.
It didn't take him long to realize how wrong he'd been, and I'm sure he's sorry for all those mean things that he said.
Se dio cuenta de cuán equivocado estaba... y sé que lamenta todas esas cosas crueles que dijo.
I put each of you here in this room in a difficult position leavin'the way I did, and for that I'm sorry.
Les he puesto a todos en una situación difícil al irme como lo hice. Lo lamento.
And I'm so sorry for that, you have no idea.
Y lo lamento mucho, no tienes idea.
And for that I'm sorry.
Lo siento mucho.
So I'm sitting in my apartment that morning, feeling a little sorry for myself, and then I see Roger Goodwin's wallet lying on a shelf.
Entonces estaba sentado en mi apartamento aquella mañana, sintiéndome apenado por mí mismo, vi la cartera de Roger Goodwin en un estante.
That's a problem, cos the first one's adultery, and I'm not at all sorry. What do you get for that these days?
¿ Qué te dan por eso en estos días?
You could, uh... tell Donna that I loved her, and I'm sorry for what I did.
- Sí. Podrías decirle a Donna que la amo. Y que lamento lo que hice.
I'm sorry for that outburst and for grabbing you.
Lamento ese horrible ataque y la forma en que te traté.
I tell you that a project I've been working on for six months... just got rejected, and - "Take out a loan." You don't even say, "I'm sorry."
Te digo que han rechazado el proyecto en el que he trabajado seis meses y dices que pidamos un préstamo.
You came here for advice from a friend and that's exactly what you're getting. You're right. I'm sorry.
Si te destierran de Trill, tu simbionte no tendrá más anfitriones.
I'm sorry to hear that, but with your permission, sir, I'd like to stay here tonight, and wait for Grendel.
Lamento oírlo. Pero con tu permiso, quisiera esperar a Grendel.
It means something to me, Captain. It means I've let you down and for that, I'm truly sorry.
Sí, significa que la he defraudado y lo lamento profundamente.

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