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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ A ] / And it's getting worse

And it's getting worse tradutor Espanhol

161 parallel translation
It's getting worse and worse.
Cada vez peor...
You're mind is sick and it's getting worse.
Está enferma de la mente y está empeorando.
It's getting worse and worse...
Empeoró más y más...
It's getting worse... much worse'I'll have to go down, and fast.
Está empeorando, tendré que aterrizar.
We're controlled by riffraff and it's getting worse.
Estamos controlados por el miedo y nos hace equivocarnos
It's getting worse all the time, and tonight the dummy was completely out of control.
Todo se ha terminado, y esta noche el muñeco estaba completamente fuera de control.
It's not my imagination, and they're getting worse all the time.
No es mi imaginación. Y cada día son más fuertes.
Anne's problem is a kind of sickness, and it's getting worse and worse and without guidance, she isn't going to be any better two weeks from now or a month from now.
Y está empeorando... y sin orientación, no mejorará. Puede ser dentro de dos semanas o un mes.
Hmm. Doctor, it's a long time now since you gave him that stuff and the fever only seems to be getting worse.
Doctor, desde que usted le dio eso la fiebre sólo parece haber empeorado.
And it's getting worse.
Y está poniéndose aún peor.
It's just a lot of smoke and it seems to be getting worse.
Es simplemente mucho humo y parece estar poniéndose peor.
He said it's just nerves, to take painkillers... and I keep getting worse,... and the attacks are even more frequent.
Que son nervios, que tome calmantes... y yo sigo cada vez peor, y los ataques me repiten con mayor frecuencia.
Quite right. Any level of radiation is too high, and it's getting worse all the time.
Cualquier nivel de radiación es demasiado alto,... y se vuelve peor con el tiempo.
Y está empeorando.
Bobby, you said it'd get better, and instead, it's getting worse.
Bobby, dijiste que mejoraría, pero todo está empeorando.
A gas leak. It started yesterday... and it's getting worse.
Hay un escape de gas.
- I have agoraphobia and it's getting worse!
- ¡ Tengo agorafobia y estoy que me muero!
It's been over a year and It's only getting worse.
Practicamente ha pasado un año y sólo se pondra peor.
It's getting worse and worse.
Se pone cada vez peor.
And it's getting worse.
Y está empeorando.
It's an ugly car. lt's like a nightmare and it's getting worse.
Es horrible. Es una pesadilla, y será peor.
And it's getting worse.
Y se pone peor.
And it's getting worse.
La cosa empeora.
It's changing at a rate of a million cubic feet an hour. That's one-twentieth of normal, and it's getting worse!
El intercambio es 20 veces menor de lo normal... y está empeorando.
He smokes like hell, and it's getting worse as he gets older.
No me deja dormir, cada día ronca más.
It's like all of his cells have lost the ability to function properly and it's getting worse.
Parece que sus células han dejado de funcionar bien y está empeorando.
It came three nights in a row, and it's getting worse every night.
No es un hecho. Vino tres noches seguidas, y cada noche es peor.
It's getting worse and worse.
- Tres días, cada vez es peor.
Something's affecting him physically and it's getting worse.
Algo le está afectando físicamente y está empeorando.
Scorpy... when he put me in his chair. .. he did something, and it's getting worse.
Cuando me puso en su silla, me hizo algo y está empeorando...
Scorpy... when he put me in his chair... he did something, and it's getting worse.
¡ Scorpy! Cuando me puso en su silla, me hizo algo, y está empeorando
Scorpy... when he put me in his chair... he did something, and it's getting worse.
Scorpy, cuando me puso en su silla, me hizo algo, y está empeorando
And it's getting worse all the time.
Y empeora a cada momento.
It's getting worse and worse.
Se está poniendo peor y peor.
Honey, Wade Corporation is not people, it's a heartless profit machine. And it's getting worse all the time.
La Corporación Wade no es gente, es una máquina de utilidades despiadada y está empeorando.
Whatever this thing is from beneath us, it's bad, and it's only getting worse.
Hay algo debajo de nosotros, algo malo y cada vez peor.
It's not romantic. lt's frightening. - And it's getting worse.
No es nada romántico y está empeorando.
Me wife's got arthritis, you see, and it's getting worse.
Mi esposa tiene artritis, y está empeorando.
It's been very difficult the past two weeks, and it's getting worse.
Fue muy difícil las últimas dos semanas, y cada vez es peor.
It really smells, and it's getting worse.
Realmente huele... y cada vez peor.
Third fight this week, and it's just getting worse.
La tercera pelea esta semana y va a peor.
No, Wyatt has a 102 temperature and I think it's getting worse.
No, Wyatt tiene 39 grados y creo que está empeorando.
And it's been getting worse He's had severe depressions and my guess is that it has affected his judgment.
Y cada vez se ha estado poniendo peor. Tenía depresiones severas y mi hipótesis es que le ha afectado el juicio.
And it's getting worse.
Los tiempos se están poniendo muy difíciles.
You're father has chronic leukemia, and it's recently started getting worse.
Tu padre tiene Leucemia. Recientemente ha empeorado.
Nearly a third are symptomatic, and it's getting worse.
Casi un tercio son sintomáticos, y está empeorando.
I dated her for two years. lt's been six months and it's getting worse.
Salí con ella dos años. Pasaron seis meses, y estoy peor.
- And it's getting worse.
- Y está empeorando.
Sorry, it really got to me and I don't know why it seems to be doing that. Why it's getting worse. I mean, I was really excited.
Yo no sé que estoy viendo pero no me estoy pensando bien.
Lately it's been getting worse and she can't sleep at all.
Ultimamente ha empeorado y no puede dormir para nada.
It's only getting worse and worse.
Estas viendo la peor manera

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