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And it's not fair tradutor Espanhol

386 parallel translation
Y no es justo para Burton.
So you see, dear, that's why it wouldn't be fair for me to take you away from these people... and not give them a chance to express their gratitude.
Por eso no es justo que te aparte de esta gente... y no le dé la oportunidad de expresar su agradecimiento.
And it's not fair, so I'm not gonna let ya anymore, or anybody else.
No es justo. No dejaré que vuelvas a hacérmelo. Ni tú ni nadie.
And it's not fair.
Y no es justo.
Now, it's not a fair sight to see, so we best go and leave him be, huh?
Ahora eso no es agradable de ver, así que vamos y dejémoslos, huh?
And to give him a fair trial, we have to listen to every bit of evidence... whether or not it's technically called a justification.
Y para darle un juicio justo debemos escuchar todos los testimonios. Sean o no llamados técnicamente justificativos.
Now that's not fair, and you know it.
Eso no es justo, y lo sabes.
It's not fair of God to make a girl and give her a face like mine.
No es justo Dios al crear una chica y darle una cara como la mía.
There are too many people suffering in your country, and it's not fair.
Soy un extranjero, es cierto, pero debo intentarlo.
It's not fair for me to sit by and let you do all the work.
No me siento bien estando sentada viéndote hacer todo el trabajo.
- It's not right, you know, and it's not fair!
- ¡ No está bien y no es justo!
It's not fair! And at last that would be a great chance for me to do something. And so you could promote me.
no es justo y esto seria una ultima oportunidad para mi para hacer algo. y tu podrias ascenderme.
But God sees and judges me, it's not fair!
Pero Dios me ve y me juzga, ¡ No es justo!
But it's not fair to make Dan and Jamie do it all, is it?
Pero no es justo que Dan y Jamie lo hagan todo, ¿ no?
It's not fair to you and I don't know what I'm doing.
No es justo para ti, y yo no sé qué es lo que hago.
But it's last moment to remind ourselves that tomorrow must win knighthood, sportsmanship, fair-play, and not individual nor club.
Pero es el último momento para recordarnos que mañana debe ganar la caballerosidad, la deportividad, el fair play, y no un individuo o un club.
- It's Not Right And It's Not Fair.
"No es ni correcto ni justo".
I'm talking from experience. And it's not fair.
Además, no es justo.
It's not fair, with all the creepy-crawlers out there, and everything.
No es justo, con toda la gentuza que hay allí afuera.
It's not fair and I will not be a party to unfairness.
Es injusto, y no quiero ser parte de una injusticia.
- It is not convenient. And it's not fair.
No es conveniente... y no es justo.
That's what you owe and we're not turning ourselves in til we get it. Fair is fair!
Es lo que nos debe, y no nos entregaremos hasta que usted pague.
It's not fair. And it's dirty here.
No es justo, y además está sucio.
Oh, God, every time I think I'm about to get my hedge clipped, you start talkin'about love, and it's just not fair.
¡ Oh, Dios, cada vez que pienso que estoy a punto para obtener mi cerco recortado, empezar hablando de amor, y no es justo.
And there was no... I know it's not fair to judge a whole church on the basis of one individual... but there was just, uh... I don't know.
No es justo juzgar a toda la Iglesia por una persona, pero noté que faltaba humanidad en la Iglesia, demasiado énfasis en la doctrina, en las normas,
You know, I was thinking while you were gone, it's not really fair to have you make all the honeymoon plans, so I went ahead and I did them myself.
Sabes, estaba pensando mientras estabas fuera, en realidad no es justo tener que hacer todos los planes de luna de miel, así que me fui por delante y lo hice yo mismo.
I don't think it's fair to pick on the negative things and publicize them... and not pick up any of the good aspects about Flint.
No creo que sea justo tomar lo negativo y hacerlo público y no tomar los aspectos positivos de Flint.
I know life is not too fair. Sometimes it's ugly and stupid and mean.
Lo sé, la vida no es justa, a veces es fea, estúpida... y mala.
Smart and beautiful. It's just not fair.
No es necesariamente aconsejable, sin ánimo de ofender.
It's not fair and it's not right.
No es justo ni correcto.
And then Bathgate Avenue tax? It's not fair, Otto.
¿ Y de la avenida Bathgate?
I don't know if it's fair to say what happens after one dies... but it's a plausible picture... that you could be somebody else... and that somebody else could be somebody that lived in the past, not in the future.
No sé si es justo decir qué sucede después de que uno muere, pero es posible que puedas convertirse en otra persona, y esa persona puede ser alguien que vivió en el pasado y no en el futuro.
I'm looking, and I sure don't like what I see. Fair enough, but it's not that simple, Bud.
Las noticias, la guerra, la escasez, los cataclismos, el precio de un alfiler.
- And not fair. - It's unreasonable.
No es justo.
It's not right and it's not fucking fair!
¡ No es correcto y no es justo!
It's not fair to either of you, and it's definitely not fair to me.
No es justo para ninguno de los dos y definitivamente no es justo para mí.
And it's not fair.
No es justo.
It's not fair on mother, you and Ellinor and the boys that I go on living.
No es justo para con mamá, para contigo y Ellinor y los muchachos que yo siga viviendo.
Well, I think... I think that it's too much for one person and that it's not fair to everybody because everybody deserves a chance.
Bueno, yo creo... creo que es demasiado para una persona, y no es justo para todos porque todos merecen una oportunidad.
It's not gonna do anything but hurt Jessie and his chances of receiving a fair trial.
Eso va a perjudicar a Jessie y la posibilidad de un juicio justo.
I really think I should call management and ask for Dave, it's not really fair to Dave or to me.
Yo realmente creo que debería llamar a la Administración y preguntar por Dave, No es realmente justo para Dave ni para mí. Dr. Crane, Dave le dejó.
It's not fair, and I won't have it!
No es justo y no lo consentiré!
I'm married and have a husband... and I still don't get to see them... because of the way it is in America and around the world. It's just not fair.
Porque así están las cosas en EE.UU. y en todas partes, y no es justo.
This is not fair to Frank, and it's not fair to the babies.
No es justo para Frank y tampoco para los bebés.
No es agradable y no es justo.
And it's not even fair to him!
Al menos escríbele.
Now it's my turn. Not only because of the right a young person like I have... of receiving the gift other women have already had... but also for the right to a fair distribution of happiness and pain.
Ahora me toca a mí, no sólo por el derecho que tiene una joven como yo de recibir el regalo que otras mujeres ya recibieron, sino también por el derecho a una justa distribución de felicidad y dolor.
That's not fair and you know it.
Eso no es justo y lo sabes.
Because it's not fair to the rest of us! I mean, you triple majored in undergrad and you never even opened up a book! That's... the wonder of me!
la maravilla de ser yo!
No, but seriously, it's not fair so many tragic young teenagers with anorexia and that girl has an arse she could perfectly well share around with at least ten other women and still be big-bottomed
En serio, no es justo. Con tantas muchachas anoréxicas y esa mujer tiene culo para repartir y seguir siendo culona.
And it's not fair to the Saturday game.
Y no es justo para el partido del Sábado.

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