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And it's not good tradutor Espanhol

1,240 parallel translation
She's not sitting next to a goose, which is good, and Dad is gonna love it.
No está sentada junto a un ganso, lo que es bueno, y a papá le va a encantar.
There's something she doesn't want to talk about and she's not very good at hiding it.
Hay algo de lo que no quiere hablar. Y no es muy buena en ocultarlo.
Carrie, I got some news, and it's not good.
Carrie, tengo noticias, y no es bueno.
And it's not just because you look so good, you do, and you should know that.
Y no es porque te ves muy bien. De hecho es así, deberías saberlo.
At your school, and it's not a bad one, you're right there's too much emphasis on what's good for you, John and Jane.
En su escuela, que no es mala, usted tiene razón se hace mucho hincapié en lo que es bueno para cada niño en particular.
It's not gonna look good if it's just you and me.
No va a quedar bien si solo vamos tú y yo.
It's surgical time wasted and it's putting lives at risk. We're addressing that. It's not good enough!
Hace 20 años en las Malvinas, Terry Reid subió una montaña, con una bayoneta en el extremo de su rifle, porque otros jóvenes como él estaban siendo derribados por fuego de ametralladora.
- Well fine, but it's not really that good. - One thing I know is that you get out of jai and people treat you differently'cause you're a convict, or whatever they call you. I
Bueno, pero no está bien.
Well, it's not a good time for me, because sabrina the teenage witch is on, and I guess she'll have to do!
Bueno, tampoco lo es para mí, porque echan "Sabrina, cosas de brujas" ¡ Y tendré que hacérmelo con eso!
Well, I've got a pretty good-looking résumé already and it's not a big thing because I say so, ma'am.
Ya tengo uno estupendo. No es importante porque yo lo diga.
The rain settled in here, and it muddied our water, and it's so cloudy that fishing has not been good at all.
Y está tan lodosa que pescar no ha sido bueno en absoluto.
You know, my body's trying to process it, and it's just not going too good.
Mi cuerpo trata de procesarlo y no lo esta logrando.
Hopefully that's it for me. And as good as it was, I mean, I would not take any of that away.
Espero que se me pase porque estuvo riquísimo no lo cambiaría por nada del mundo.
Bernays and Lippmann's concept of managing the masses takes the idea of democracy and turns it into a palliative, It turns it into giving people some kind of feel good medication that will respond to an immediate pain or immediate yearning but will not alter the objective circumstances one iota.
Dar a la gente un medicamento para hacer que se sienta bien y que pueda responder a un dolor o emoción inmediato sin alterar las condiciones objetivas en que se dan.
Search and Rescue is looking for him now but I'm afraid it's not looking very good.
Los Servicios de Rescate le buscan, pero hay pocas esperanzas.
I know, honey, and it's not a good day for me.
Lo se, cariño, hoy no es un buen dia para mi.
Not while l`m working, because... I never like to mix business with pleasure, because... l`m a dedicated artist and like a Trappist monk, I feel the best way... to do a good picture is to abstain till the shooting is over, because... it`s my adoration of the cinema.
Nunca mezclo negocios con placer. Soy un artista dedicado y como un monje trapense, creo que lo mejor para rodar es abstenerse hasta el final del rodaje. Así es mi adoración por el cine.
And everyone's all fuckin'loaded, and you're not loaded, so you go up to people and you're like, "how's it goin?" and they're like...'whooooo! "and then you're like" yeah, okay, " and you're trying to talk to them a bit and they're fuckin'loaded and then you realize, the only way to keep going is to catch up to them, so you shotgun a few and then you get good and pissed right away.
, y todo el mundo está bien elevado, y tú no estas elevado, y vas con ellos y les dices, "¿ cómo te va?" y ellos dicen... "Whooooo" y luego tú les dices "Sí, está bien", y estás tratando de hablar con ellos un poco y están bien elevados y te das cuenta, que la única manera de seguir con ellos es elevarte igual que ellos, y les disparas a unos y te pones bien y enojado de inmediato.
That's not why I stayed. But after what you told Frank and I about the will it doesn't look good that it's laying here.
Pero con lo que dijiste sobre el testamento no está bien que esté aquí.
That's good lt's not so hard to get an abortion lt's all over in a flash and it doesn't even hurt that much I'll go with you
Eso es bueno. No es tan difícil hacerse un aborto. Se termina todo en un rato y... tampoco duele tanto.
It's all connected. it is, but... lt's not all good and pure and rootsy.
Todo está conectado. Lo está, pero... No es bueno, ni puro, ni natural.
Well, according to the Elders, some wizards are evil, and if he is, it's not good.
Mira, según los Ancianos algunos magos son malvados y si él lo es, mala cosa.
And jobs are dropping and dot-com bombing and something's acting like a yo-yo, I don't know what but it's not good!
Y el paro, internet y una cosa que hace el yoyo ¡ Y No Sé qué, pero es no bueno!
That's cash directly in their pocket... and it's not even that good a parking space.
Es dinero que va directo a sus bolsillos... y ni siquiera es un buen estacionamiento.
Yeah, it's light and airy, it's got good windows... but not too many so that the sun bakes you in the afternoon.
- ¿ Sí? Sí, es amplio y espacioso, tiene buenas ventanas... pero no demasiadas como para calcinarte a la tarde.
She seems to have the very strange idea that she's actually in charge around here, and I thought it'd be good if I let you in on a little secret... she's not.
Parece tener la idea extraña que lo dirige todo por aquí, Y pensaba que estaría bien si te digo un pequeño secreto... No es así.
Maybe it's not good for me to totally lose myself in one person... and this is a way for me to have... a completely separate, private area that's my own.
Quizá no sea bueno para mí depender emocionalmente de una persona, y ésta sea una manera de tener... un espacio propio, privado, completamente separado.
People will think of it, as a Mazda. So no matter how good it is, let's be honest... the life of luxury and excitement in the south of France... does not await the Mazda 6.
la gente pensara en eso como un mazda así que no importa lo bueno que sea, seamos honestos... la vida de emoción y lujo en el sur de Francia..
And when your daughter moves away and you gotta stop being a father, it just gets a little weird and my brain's not that good anyway.
y si tu hija se va tienes que dejar de ser padre y todo se pone raro. Además mi cerebro no funciona muy bien.
I'm not giving it up if I win, and if I lose, I'm going to and if I lose, I'm going to salute them and tell them, "Good salute them and tell them," Good luck, "because pretty much luck," because pretty much that's how they wanted it. that's how they wanted it.
"buena suerte", porque ellos lo han querido así.
This is just perfect because it's really quiet and the waves are really good and it's not so crowded.
Esto es perfecto porque es muy tranquilo... las olas son muy buenas y no hay mucha gente.
The jungle to the untrained eye looks the same as in our first movie, but things have changed, and it's not just because we're using a different set, domestic bliss has broken out over the Bukuvu, parenthood has found that defender of the innocent, and all-around good guy, George of the Jungle,
La jungla para el ojo inexperto parece la misma de la primera película, pero las cosas han cambiado... y no es solo porque estemos usando un set diferente... la felicidad doméstica se ha apoderado de Bukuvu, el defensor de los inocentes ha encontrado la paternidad... el tipo bueno, George de la jungla.
So, it's not a good story that the police are on the wrong track. It's not a good story that Vasiæ's daughter could be a witness. It would be a great story, however, to say that Vasiæ was a Ioan shark, smuggler, criminal, wrongdoer, murderer, and that he killed himself with two machine-guns, because he had a guilty conscience!
Entonces no es una buena historia que la policía esté en el camino equivocado... y que la hija de Vasic haya podido ser testigo ocular... pero sería una buena historia decir que Vasic era un usurero... contrabandista, criminal, asesino y que cometió suicidio...
And, it's not good for children
Y eso no es bueno para los niños.
But take a really good look and admit if it's not.
Pero echa una buena mirada y admite si no es así.
I think that Melvin Van Peebles is a wonderful example, and not the only example, but a wonderful example of a person who had a thought, dreamt, woke up, did it, and it's still good.
Melvin Van Peebles es un ejemplo maravilloso y no el único, pero es ejemplo de una persona que tuvo una idea la soñó, despertó, la hizo y aún es buena.
People come by all the time with their cameras taking pictures of this awesome architectural wonder, and we just sit upstairs in the window and laugh at them, because it's not a good place to work.
la gente viene todo el tiempo a sacarle fotos a esta maravilla arquitectonica nosotros nos sentamos en la ventana a reirnos de ellos porque no es un buen lugar para trabajar
Almeida sent me a breakdown of what could happen if this virus is released, and it's not good.
Almeida envió un análisis de lo que podría suceder si desataran este virus, y no es bueno.
It's not about good and evil.
No se trata de buenos y malos.
It's like a bloody war zone up there, and not in a good way.
Arriba es como un campo de batalla y no en el buen sentido.
- Yeah, and it's not good, believe me.
- Sí, y no es nada bueno, créeme.
The good thing is to be guilty and kind always, but it's not always kind to be gentle and soft.
Lo bueno es ser culpable... y siempre generoso. Pero no siempre es generoso ser amable y complaciente.
It's just that, you know, they're not really good enough for you.. and you deserve the best.
Sólo que no sé, ellos no son buenos para ti y te mereces lo mejor.
Look, it's a long story, but no other financing came through and all of the other options that Mom and I have are just... well, not good enough.
Miren, es una historia larga, pero no nos dieron el crédito. Y todas las demás opciones que Mamá y yo tenemos, no son suficientes.
I'm like, Friedman, the Egyptians weren't about selling sheep... and the Greeks think they're so hot with their... with their logical displays of true or false, but let's face it, algorithmic mathematics were not replaced by the dialectical system, and there's a very good reason for that.
yo soy como, Friedman, los egipcios no lo hacian para vender ovejas... Y los griegos pensaron ser tan calidos con su... con su logica de verdadero o falso. El algorizmo no fue remplazado por el sistema dialectico, y hay una buena razon para eso.
It's just not a good time with Lucas and the café.
No es el momento justo ni con Lucas ni con el Café.
They stop pissing on each other and turn their guns on everyday folks... it's not good.
Dejan de mearse entre ellos y vuelcan sus armas contra la gente corriente. No es bueno.
Let's just say that not everyone respects good investigative journalism especially when it treads on the toes of the rich and vengeful.
No todos respetan el buen periodismo de investigación en especial si te enredas con los ricos y vengativos.
I have a much better chance, but if I get caught and the cover is blown, it's not going to be a good thing.
pero si me pillan y me desmontan la cobertura, no va a pasar nada bueno.
We found it has a very good effect on headaches, and a woman not sure why uses it as a cream on warts, athlete's foot, and certain kinds of scrofula.
Tiene buenos efectos para el dolor de cabeza y no sé con certeza por qué, pero también sirve como pomada para las verrugas, el pie de atleta y ciertas formas de escrúfula.
And it's not just that the good guy wins but that values are clear.
Y no es sólo que los buenos ganen, sino que los valores son claros.

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