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And it's working tradutor Espanhol

1,491 parallel translation
Well, it's just that normally, I reserve the nights for sleeping, and now you have me working nights.
Bueno, es solo que normalmente reservo las noches para dormir y ahora me tienes trabajando de noche.
And I can tell it's not working because she's still bitching at me.
Y puedo decir que no funciona, porque todavía es una perra conmigo.
It's this underground thing where there's so many different tradesmen and different people all working together.
Es un termino diferente para la industria. Hay miles de personas trabajando juntas.
And yet the car, everything on it, is still working fine. It's...
Todo en él funciona perfectamente, es...
We're onto them and it's not working.
Estamos pendientes de ellos y entonces no funciona.
Well, I'm still working on it, but he's a paper pusher. He's a name and a cubicle.
Es un nombre y un cubículo.
Every time I sit down and watch it, it's not working.
Cada vez que me siento a verlo, no funciona.
And that's what you're working on with your husband, is it?
Y eso es lo que estás intentando con tu marido, ¿ no?
I'm working on it as fast as I can, and you know how fast that is- - nobody's faster than me.
Esoy trabajando tan rápido como puedo, y sabes lo rápido que es--nadie es más rápido que yo.
it's jaime and frosti now for zhan hu, working on that second fireball.
Jaime y Frosti para Zhan Hu, con la segunda esfera de fuego.
it's really close toss-up between sherea's not working and dave's kind of making everybody crazy.
Es una decisión muy cerrada, entre Sherea, que no trabaja, y Dave, que vuelve locos a todos.
If he failed out of the system, it could explain Why he's got a working vocabulary and not much more.
Si fallara fuera del sistema, esto podría explicar... por qué tiene un vocabulario de trabajo y no mucho más.
He's On A Roll And He Doesn't Want To Stop Working On It,
Está muy inspirado y no quiere dejar de trabajar en ello.
It's uncanny how working together, life and volcanoes keep just the right amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, maintaining our planet at a comfortable temperature.
Es misterioso como trabajan juntos, la vida y los volcanes simplemente mantienen la cantidad adecuada de dióxido de carbono. en nuestra atmósfera, manteniendo nuestro planeta a una temperatura cómoda.
Let me think and they'd go off and start working on it doing a little R D and I'd look over their shoulder and I'd see something and they'd say, "That's a mistake."
Entonces iban y se ponían a trabajar en ello, miraba por encima de sus hombros y si veía algo, decían : "Está mal".
And for a working physicist like me, it's the most important story there is.
Y para un físico como yo, la historia más importante que existe.
But I think my kids always knew how to handle that well... with this office, because they are working here too... it's their beach, their work, and it all happened naturally.
Pero creo que mis hijos siempre supieron tratar muy bien... con esta oficina, porque terminaron haciendo de esto también... su playa, su trabajo y de una forma muy natural.
People would get scared, and we'd go, "Our scary music's working, ain't it?"
La gente se asustaba, y pensamos, "Nuestra música de miedo funciona, ¿ verdad?"
- It's not working. And the hands like the feet, and I can't get the thing in the hole, and...
Las rodillas paracen pies y no puedo poner esa cosa en el agujero.
All of us can see what happens once you establish the precedent that the government can determine a man's working place and his methods. And behind it will come other federal programs that will invade every area of freedom as we have known it in this country.
Todos sabemos lo que pasa una vez que sientas el precedente de que el gobierno determine el lugar y los métodos de trabajo de un hombre y luego lanzarán otros programas federales que invadirán la libertad que siempre tuvimos en este país.
NSA's working at full capacity to analyze it and intercept further communications, but we need your help to find out who did this.
Seguridad Nacional está tratando de analizarla pero necesitamos su ayuda para averiguar quién fue.
- You know what, these movies these kind of movies, they come along so rarely and I just wanna say, it's great working with you guys.
- Así que... - Estas películas películas como esta solo se hacen en raras ocasiones y quiero decir que fue fantástico trabajar con vosotros.
It seems to me, looking around, that it's almost all women working here, and that they're all very pretty.
Por lo visto aquí sólo trabajan mujeres. Y todas son muy atractivas.
It's just that I know you've been mad'cause I've been working so much, and I didn't want to upset you.
Sé que no te hace gracia que haya estado trabajando tanto y no quería que te enfadaras.
It's all up and working.
Todo está funcionando.
I believe it's hard for you and your father with you working in the city.
Creo que es difícil para ti y para tu padre que trabajes en la ciudad.
And they weren't allowed to sing anything but marching songs... while they were working... so they wrote something that sounded like a marching song... but... Well, really, it's a song about hope.
No les permitían cantar nada excepto marchas mientras trabajaban, así que escribieron una que sonaba como una marcha, pero... bueno, en realidad, es una canción de esperanza.
For 16 years I've been working within a hair's breadth of that door and for 16 years I've never opened it, not once.
Trabajé 16 años a un respiro de distancia de esa puerta y jamás la abrí, ni una sola vez.
And the chances of it working out the way the professor think s it will, must be a million to one.
Y aunque profesor crea que funcione.
It's delightful to be working on Knowing, and it's, you know, not surprisingly, a fantastic script, and it's a great cast.
Es un placer trabajar en "Saber" y es, para sorpresa de nadie un guión fantástico y tiene un reparto grandioso.
I held off the worst of the infection, but you're gonna have to open it up, cut out and scrub away anything that's dead, working your way out, sewing it together and you got to try to make sure you don't re-infect it.
Detuve lo peor de la infección, pero tendrás que abrir cortar y sacar todo lo que esté muerto operar, coser y asegurarte que no se infecte nuevamente.
So this girl is working the puppets... and it's the one below the man Who is...
Está manejando las marionetas... y es la que está debajo del hombre la que está...
I don't know. It's just that she's working a lot and...
no lo se, es una adicta al trabajo
You sleep with the wrong boy at Yale. From there, it's New Haven to Nigeria a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies and a full working knowledge of an AK-47.
Te acuestas con el chico equivocado en Yale, y de ahí a Nigeria un doctorado en estudios culturales y un amplio conocimiento sobre rifles de asalto.
Well, it isn't working, and based on your increased pain, it's getting worse.
no está funcionando y basandonos en tu incremento de dolor se está poniendo peor
It turns out they were both working the night shift all week so there's no way they could have been here and...
Y resulta que ambos trabajaron durante el turno noche, toda la semana así que no es posible que hayan estado aquí y...
when you first get married, you have a relationship that's so important to you, and you're working on it together, but then you have a kid, and you look at your kid and you go, " holy shit,
Cuando te acabas de casar, tienes una relación que es muy importante para ti, y trabajas en ella Juntos, pero entonces tienes un hijo, y miras a tu hijo y decís, " A la mierda,
Sarah, we've been working on your mom and giving her medicine for over an hour. - It's not working.
Sarah, hemos estado trabajando en tu mama y dandole medicinas por mas de una hora y no esta funcionando.
It's been a pleasure working with some of you, and I will not forget those of you soon. But remember... while today it is me,
Fue un placer trabajar con algunos de ustedes, y no los olvidare pronto, pero recuerden :
You can even come to this courtroom and testify... as to your new leaf and how well it's all working.
Incluso pueden testificar sobre su nueva preferencia y cuán bien les resulta.
And it's obviously not working.
Y obviamente no funciona.
The surface looks like a lunar teenager's face. And the council said repairing the 1.5 miles stretch would mean closing it completely for one working week.
La superficie parece la cara de un adolescente y el ayuntamiento dice que reparar el tramo de 2'5 Km significaría cerrarlo completamente durante una semana.
And it's not right for the woman working back there.
Y no está bien para la pobre mujer que trabaja allá atras.
Why didn't he do this before? so... it's likely that he's working with Kira and was told to say that.
Pero eso no tiene sentido si nos fijamos en su forma de actuar hasta ahora.
- And even if I do get it working, there's still 1,000 things that could go terribly, terribly wrong.
Incluso si consigo que funcione sigue habiendo mil cosas que podrían ir terrible, terriblemente mal.
Right, sit-rep on the Camaro, some of the headlights are working, the dashboard's come off, all the dials are broken, one radio speaker remains, however, and it's good!
Vale, informe sobre el Camaro : sólo algunas luces delanteras funcionan, el salpicadero se ha soltado, todos los relojes están estropeados, pero queda un altavoz de la radio, ¡ y está bien!
My dad's company was picking up the rent, and since I'm no longer working with my dad's company, they weren't so keen on it.
La empresa de mi padre pagaba el alquiler, y ya que no trabajo más para la empresa de mi padre, no estaban tan dispuestos.
It's L.A. You throa rock, and you hit someone who's working the steps.
Es L.A. Te colocas, y pegas a alguien que trabaja en la calle.
It's getting too easy to forget about the consequences... of me and Murphy working together.
Se está haciendo demasiado fácil de olvidar las consecuencias de yo y Murph y trabajando juntos.
And it's got some songs I've been working on.
Y te he traído algunas canciones en las que he trabajado.
Clearly, she's intolerant and it's affecting her working relationship.
Claramente, ella es intolerante y eso afecta su relación de trabajo.

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