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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ A ] / And look at me now

And look at me now tradutor Espanhol

409 parallel translation
And look at me now.
Y mire a mí ahora.
I've been relaxed for three weeks and look at me now — reduced to pounding the pedal of a bass drum for a little excitement.
Llevo tres semanas relajado y mírame ahora. Me limito a usar el pedal de un bombo en busca de excitación.
And look at me now.
Y mírame ahora.
And look at me now. Homeless, cold and prostitute.
Y vedme ahora, en la calle, helado y prostituido.
I came here one day, I sat down, and look at me now.
Llegué aquí un día, me senté, y mírame ahora.
I never got better than a "d" on anything and look at me now.
Nunca pasé de una "D", y mírame ahora.
I spend all morning reviewing the household guards, distributing medals... and now on my way to an audience with the prime minister... I steal away to have a look at my husband, and-and...
Toda la mañana pasando revista a la guardia, entregando medallas, y cuando voy a la audiencia con el primer ministro... me escapo un momento para ver a mi marido,
A spaniard kissed me Once, and now look at me!
Un español me besó y mírame ahora.
I don't think he knows now, but one day, he'll look at me and he'll say :
Creo que todavía no, pero un día me mirará y dirá :
And now look at me!
¡ Y miren como estoy!
I like to take a look at the petty officers now and again.
De vez en cuando, me gusta observar a los suboficiales.
And now somebody has given me a leg-up to take a look at the other side.
Y ahora alguien me ayuda a poder ver el otro lado.
I can look at you now and know it's completely gone.
Te miro ahora y me doy cuenta de que todo acabó.
You see, I know the truth about Willie and me now. The truth? Look at the paper.
Ya conozco la verdad acerca de Willy y de mí.
Now, calm down and sit there, and let me look at you.
Siéntate y déjame que te examine.
And now if you'll allow, ma'am, I'll take a look at those horses.
Si me lo permite, Señora, echaré un vistazo a los caballos.
Now and then I look up at the Zugspitze Mountain to get a more wintry feeling, but not even the distant snow helps today.
A veces contemplo el pico Zugspitze para invocar de algún modo el espiritu invernal, pero hoy ni la nieve en prismático me inspira.
Now, look, Laurey, you stand right there where you at and I'll sit right over here.
Mira, Laurey... quédate ahí donde estás... y yo me sentaré aquí.
That's what I've been doing, and look at me. I'm a journeyman now.
Eso es lo que yo hice y mírame soy un jornalero ahora.
Now, she`s a girl of unusual character... and l`d like you to take a look at her, a close look, and tell me what you think.
Tiene un carácter excepcional y quisiera que la mires, bien de cerca y me des tu opinión.
And 20 years from now, if you dare to look at another woman I wouldn't be ashamed of making a scene.
Y en veinte años, si miras a otra mujer no me avergonzaría de hacer un escándalo.
You're right, sir, but this lighter has sentimental value. I like to look at it now and again.
- Tiene razón, Sr. Director pero me trae buenos recuerdos, me alegra mirarlo de tanto en tanto.
Sit down there for a moment, and don't look at me now!
Siéntate ahí un momento y no me mires.
And will you look at me now?
¿ Y queréis mirarme ahora?
And now I'd like you to dance with me, so that everyone will look at me with dark jealousy.
Y ahora me gustaría bailar contigo, para que todos me miren muertos de celos.
I hadn't worn a skirt forfour months and now, just look at me!
¡ No me he puesto una falda en cuatro meses, y ahora mírame!
Perhaps, now and then, when you look at it, you'll think of me.
Quizás alguna vez, cuando la veas, pensarás en mí.
Now you're here acting all gloomy. You're here for half hour and you won't even look at me.
Me he vuelto loca para organizar esto y desde hace media hora estás ahí sin ni siquiera mirarme.
Look at me now and listen and remember.
Mírame y escucha, y recuerda.
And now look at me.
Y ahora míreme.
Now I look at them and see Duplicates of me
Ahora les miro y veo Que son igual que yo
All right, now you're going to tell me why... you look at me like as if I were an object... and love a cat you found on the street...
Bueno, ahora vas a decirme por qué te ha dado por mirarme como a un objeto... y sólo amas a un gato encontrado en la calle...
Now look, Robert - I've been chained to a bomb, hunted and shot at.
Mira, Robert, me han encadenado a una bomba, me han cazado, y me han disparado.
And now, look at me.
Y ahora, mírame.
I was living the good life, and now look at me,
Vivía la buena vida, pero mírenme ahora.
Now you're silent and look at me... as if I'd said something improper.
Ves, mamá, ahora te callas y me miras como si hubiera dicho algo inapropiado.
Now I've given up to the trade... and retired to take my ease... it is only for amusement that I look on at the business now and then.
Bueno, yo ya he dejado la profesión Ya estoy retirado. Sólo por broma me dedico
Now if you like, I could take them with me, ask him to have a quick look at them, and find their current value.
Ahora, si quiere, podría llevármelas, y pedirle que les eche un vistazo, para encontrar su valor actual.
Now, Brenda you take a look at this one... and tell me if it doesn't suit you down to the ground.
Benda, mire este... y dígame que no encaja con lo que había pensado.
And look at me now.
Mírame ahora.
And now look at me.
Y ahora mírame.
And now I'm going to give you some... please look at me.
Y ahora te voy a dar... por favor mírame
And now look at me.
Y ahora, mírame.
I'd come far and through many adventures to see it and now I did not like the look of it at all!
Vine de lejos y a través de varias aventuras, para verlo ¡ y ahora no me gustaba nada cómo se veía!
Good. Now look at the ILS crosshair and tell me what you see.
Ahora mire el indicador reticular y dígame qué ve.
Even now, I... I'd like to be able to stroll through the campus and look at the limestone, but I just feel out of place.
Incluso ahora... me gustaría poder... pasear por la universidad y mirar la caliza... pero me siento fuera de lugar.
Look at me now they messed up my place and got away
Miradme ahora. Arrasaron mi negocio y se fueron.
And now really, look at this dump.
Me refiero a que... mira este tugurio...
And now, you have far more interesting things to look at than me.
Y ahora, tienen cosas mucho más interesantes que mirar que a mí.
Look at him, went to a resort and turned into a lover-boy! I felt sorry in the beginning, stupid me. But now not anymore!
qué caminante se encontró frente a la entrada! por lo que valora.
Now just take a look at this and tell me if you recognize anybody, - besides Lem. All right?
Sólo mira ésto y dime si reconoces a alguien aparte de Lem, ¿ de acuerdo?

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