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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ A ] / And what's that supposed to mean

And what's that supposed to mean tradutor Espanhol

114 parallel translation
And what's all that supposed to mean?
¿ Y qué significa todo esto?
And what's that supposed to mean -
Y que se supone que significa
And just exactly what's that supposed to mean?
¿ Y qué quiere decir eso, exactamente?
- And what's that supposed to mean?
- Pero, ¿ qué quieres decir con eso? - Ya lo verás.
And what's that supposed to mean?
¿ Qué estás insinuando?
And that's supposed to mean what?
¿ Y que se supone que significa eso?
And what's all that supposed to mean?
Y qué supone que significa eso?
- And what's that supposed to mean?
- ¿ Qué significa eso?
And what's that supposed to mean?
¿ Y qué intentas decir con eso?
What's that supposed to mean? Why don't you try it and find out?
¡ Prueba y verás!
And what's that supposed to mean?
¿ Qué significa eso?
And what's that supposed to mean?
¿ Qué se supone que significa eso?
And what's that crack supposed to mean?
¿ Qué significa ese chiste?
And what's that supposed to mean?
Que pensaba hacer?
I don't find it amusing, I'm afraid. - And what's that supposed to mean?
¿ Y eso qué quiere decir?
Look, if Audrey's supposed to be visiting Cynthia in Connecticut... and Cynthia's in Southampton with Von Sloneker, what does that mean?
Si Audrey ha ido a ver a Cynthia a Connecticut y Cynthia está con Rick en Southampton, ¿ qué significa?
- And what's that supposed to mean?
- ¿ Y eso qué quiere decir?
And what's that supposed to mean?
¿ Y qué significa eso?
And what's that supposed to mean?
¿ Y que se supone que significa eso?
And what's that supposed to mean?
- ¿ Y eso qué quiere decir?
And what's that supposed to mean?
¿ Qué se supone que quiere decir?
It's fourth and long, and we ain't punting. What the hell is that supposed to mean?
- Es nuestra oportunidad de tener en nuestras manos la mercancía.
And that doesn't mean she's supposed to be a saint, either... if that's what you're smiling about.
No significa que tenga que ser una santa, si sonríes por eso.
And what's that supposed to mean?
¿ Y qué se supone que significa eso?
And just what's that supposed to mean, sweetheart?
¿ Y qué se supone que esto significa, dulce corazón?
- And what the hell's that supposed to mean?
- ¿ Y que diablos se supone que significa eso?
And what's that supposed to mean?
- ¿ Y eso que se supone que significa?
And what's that supposed to mean?
¿ Y que se supune que significa?
Heh. You know, you're not exactly the poster girl for full disclosure. And what's that supposed to mean?
Pienso que el Guasón quería que Batman se volviera loco y quizá en parte lo consiguió porque algunos meses después se fue dejó Nueva Gótica su trabajo... todo.
- And what's that supposed to mean?
- ¿ Qué quieres decir con eso?
What the- - what's that supposed to mean? He got some tricks and shit?
¿ Qué cara...?
And what's that supposed to mean?
- ¿ Qué significa eso?
- And what's that supposed to mean?
- ¿ Y eso que vendría a significar?
And what's that supposed to mean?
¿ Qué quieres decir con eso?
And what's that supposed to mean?
¿ Y eso que significa?
- And what's that supposed to mean?
- ¿ Y qué significa eso?
And what's that supposed to mean?
Y eso, ¿ qué se supone que significa?
Well, you tied up every divorce attorney in town, and then cut her off financially after she raised your children for 17 years, that's what it's supposed to mean.
Bien, contrató a cada abogado de divorcios en la ciudad, y luego dejó de mandarle dinero después de que criara a sus hijos durante 17 años, eso es lo que se supone que significa.
And what's that supposed to mean?
Y que se supone que eso significa?
And what's that supposed to mean? It's been a rough year for you.
¿ Y eso que se supone que significa?
What's that supposed to mean? Coincidentally, problem children are gathered here, and coincidentally, due to a mistake in our information, we had to fight a male Awakened Being.
¿ Qué significa eso? tuvimos que combatir con un Kakuseisha masculino.
And what's that supposed to mean?
¿ Y eso qué se supone que quiere decir?
- And what's that supposed to mean?
- ¿ Y eso que significa?
And what's that supposed to mean?
Y. ¿ Eso qué quiere decir?
And what's that supposed to mean?
¿ Y eso qué significa?
And what's that supposed to mean?
¿ Y qué se supone que eso significa?
And what's that supposed to mean? "figures."
¿ Y que se supone que significa? "figuras".
- And so did you, of all people. - Now wait. What's that supposed to mean?
Estaba gritando que yo era una idiota, y tú sólo te sentaste allí, igual tú, de toda la gente.
And with all that's going on with Matt? They've seen enough. What's that supposed to mean?
Y con todo esto pasando con Matt, bueno, han visto suficiente.
And what's that supposed to mean?
¿ Eso que significa?
And what's that supposed to mean?
- ¿ Y qué se supone que significa eso?

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