And what about tradutor Espanhol
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All we can do is wait and see. And what about other injuries?
Todo lo que podemos hacer es esperar.
And what about your children?
¿ Qué hay de tus hijos?
- Cool, cool. And what about you, bart?
Bueno, mi trabajo no era tan interesante.
And what about your family?
¿ Y tu familia?
- And what about you?
- ¿ Y que hay de ti?
- And what about paskell?
- ¿ Y qué hay Paskell?
Wow! And what about your mom?
Wow, ¿ y con mamá?
And what about the ones you kidnap and force to fight?
¿ Y qué hay de los que secuestras para obligarlos a que peleen?
And what about Mom?
Y ¿ qué pasa con mamá?
But right now I want you to stop and ask yourself what really is important to you about this mission.
Pero ahora mismo quiero que os paréis y os preguntéis qué tiene de importante esta misión para vosotros.
I think for me and Joon, I think for us it's more about what happens after we get there.
Creo que para Joon y para mí, creo que para nosotras se trata más de qué pasará cuando lleguemos allí.
And what that means is globally we need to think about how we'll collaborate and manage and work together.
Y eso significa que, globalmente, tenemos que pensar en cómo colaboramos y logramos trabajar juntos.
As I think about the understanding of our universe and what's the next level of connection that we need to make, that's people on Mars, right?
Cuando pienso en la comprensión de nuestro universo y cuál es el siguiente nivel de conexión que deberíamos hacer, es poner gente sobre Marte, ¿ verdad?
I want you to stop and ask yourself what really is important to you about this mission ;
Quiero que os paréis y os preguntéis qué tiene de importante esta misión para vosotros ;
Few people know for sure what actually happened inside the facility, but it's clear that the prisoners we met with will carry their scars with them for the rest of their lives. I think that as we found out more and more about what we set up down there, that it's time for America, as a matter of policy, to shut it down. Lehnert :
Pocos saben con certeza qué pasó adentro, pero los prisioneros que entrevistamos... llevarán las cicatrices durante el resto de sus vidas.
I was there with you when you put him away, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't remind you what you said about him at the time.
Estuve contigo cuando lo encerraste y no podré estar tranquila conmigo misma si no te recuerdo lo que me dijiste de él en aquel momento.
I'd like you to think long and hard about what you're gonna say then, because you'll be saying it under oath.
Me gustaría que piense largo y tendido sobre lo que dirá entonces, porque lo hará bajo juramento.
What about throwing a rager and totally trashing this place?
¿ Qué tal hacer una fiesta y destrozar completamente este lugar?
What about new chemo and radiation treatments her body can handle?
¿ Qué hay sobre nuevos tratamientos de quimioterapia o radiación que su cuerpo pueda soportar?
People haven't thought about what it means to lose a Fred Hampton, who somehow was able to pull together blacks and whites and Puerto Ricans and Native Americans to fight for justice at 21.
No se sabe lo que significa perder a un Fred Hampton, que de alguna manera pudo juntar a negros y blancos, y a puertorriqueños e indígenas, para luchar por la justicia a los 21 años.
And what I worry about is that we fall asleep at the wheel and wake up, and realize that we may not have people in prisons in rural communities all over America, but that we're incarcerating people right in their communities.
Lo que me preocupa es que nos durmamos al volante y nos despertemos, y nos demos cuenta de que no tenemos gente encarcelada en las comunidades rurales, sino que tenemos gente encarcelada en sus comunidades.
I think what most Americans think of,'cause they've watched so many courtroom dramas and things like that, they think that the criminal justice system is about judges and juries.
Muchos ciudadanos piensan, porque han visto ficciones de juicios y cosas así, que el sistema de justicia penal se trata de jueces y jurados.
You have a dream, and now you're questioning if I feel bad about what I did that night?
¿ Tienes un sueño y ahora estás cuestionando si realmente me siento mal por lo que hice aquella noche?
But I feel horrible about what happened that night, and for your information, the guy that I hit is fully recovered right now, and I'm still in here paying for this shit.
Pero yo me siento horrible respecto a lo que pasó aquella noche, y para tu información, el tipo que atropellé está totalmente recuperado hoy día, y yo aún estoy aquí pagando por esa mierda.
You've been giving me this song and dance about not colluding, and it didn't matter what I said back to you, as long as it was something to let you believe we wouldn't.
Me has dado esa falsa historia de no confabular, y no importó lo que te dije antes, siempre y cuando hubiera algo que te hiciera creer que no lo haríamos.
I don't know, but that's not what I came here to talk about, because we need to get you and Kevin Miller in a room to prepare you for your deposition.
No sé, pero no vine aquí para hablar de eso, porque necesitamos que Kevin Miller y tú estén en el mismo cuarto para preparar la declaración.
And what if I tell my father about all this?
¿ Y si le cuanto a mi padre todo esto?
What about School for the Scary, Strange and...
¿ Qué te parece Escuela de Espantosos, Extraños y...?
What about the part where you break into a man's home, plant a weapon, and get paid 300 grand?
¿ Qué hay de la parte donde allanas la casa de un hombre plantas un arma y recibes un pago de 300.000 grandes?
And I'm going to tell the world about what's really happening here.
Y le contaré al mundo lo que en realidad pasó aquí.
And that's what this show is really about..... it's about power.
Y de eso va el espectáculo es realmente sobre... sobre el poder.
I got to get my wits about me and figure out exactly what it is we're dealing with.
Tengo que ordenar mis ideas y descubrir exactamente a qué nos enfrentamos.
I've had so long to think about this, and what Tate and I have is real.
He tenido mucho tiempo para pensar sobre esto y lo que Tate y yo tenemos es real.
I was just thinking about what you're going through, and, you know, maybe you're right.
Solo me puse a pensar por lo que estás pasando. Y, ¿ sabes? , tal vez tengas razón.
Tell you what. How about you and I find a healthy balance together?
Mira. ¿ Qué tal si tú y yo encontramos un equilibrio sano juntos?
And we wave good-bye to the other musicians, and I joke about what a drag it must be for Igor to haul that double bass home.
Y nos despedimos de los otros músicos, y yo bromeo sobre lo pesado que debe ser para Igor llevar el contrabajo a casa.
- about what happened to Adam and Grace.
- de lo que les pasó a Adam y Grace.
That's why I contacted the police and told them about what happened to Lee Walsh.
Por eso me puse en contacto con la policía y les dije... lo que le pasó a Lee Walsh.
And did you talk about what you should do, now that he was here, in your house?
¿ Y hablaron de lo que debían hacer, ahora que estaba allí, en su casa?
I know about what you and Moira have been up to.
Sé lo que Moira y tú habéis estado haciendo.
Even though it went against everything I believe about what's right and wrong in a marriage, about what I thought I'd do when I was faced with such a thing...
A pesar de que iba en contra de todo lo que creo... sobre lo que está bien o mal en un matrimonio, sobre lo que pensé que iba a hacer cuando me encontré con una cosa así...
And then after you told me about all what you'd done... I just finally saw my chance to do something for me.
Y luego, cuando me contaste todo lo que habías hecho... por fin vi mi oportunidad de hacer algo por mí.
I knew you had questions earlier about what was happening in the West Wing, and since you represent Congress, I think it's important to bring you in on everything that involves national security.
Sé que antes te preguntabas acerca de lo que estaba pasando en el ala oeste y dado que representas al Congreso, creo que es importante involucrarte en todo lo que concierne a la seguridad nacional.
One day, when Japan perishes and Korea regains independence, what can we say about our part in the fight?
Un día, cuando Japón sucumba y Corea recupere la independencia, ¿ qué podremos decir sobre nuestra papel en la lucha?
Hana, you have your daycare, but what about us? All my money goes towards running the pub, and Tonda's been out of work for nine months, now.
pero ¿ nosotros los demás? Y Tonda no ha trabajado en 9 meses.
A number of you have probably heard about what happened at our daycare two days ago. Our donkey, Frodo, who played with the children, was lured out of his pen, hung on a tree, and strangled with a barbed wire.
Probablemente ustedes han escuchado qué sucedió en nuestra guardería hace dos días atrás. colgado de un árbol y estrangulado con un alambre de púas.
Look, I won't tell them about what you and Father said.
Mira, nos les contaré lo que padre y tú dijisteis.
And what are we worried about?
Y lo que estamos preocupados acerca?
This sounds like it's gonna be a long Jonah story. You know what? How about we put a pin in it and we get back out there and we serve our customers.
Esto suena como que va a ser una larga historia de Jonah. ¿ Qué tal si ponemos un alfiler en ella y volvemos por ahí y servimos a nuestros clientes.
What about "collateral damage" and "taken care of"
¿ Qué parte de "daño colateral" y "me encargué"
And let me remind you what St. Alphonsus said about abortion :
Y déjame recordarte lo que dijo san Alfonso sobre el aborto :
and what about you 352
and what about me 98
and what about this 29
and what about us 31
and what about her 16
and what are you doing 48
and what are you doing here 62
and what 818
and what are you going to do 22
and whatever you do 86
and what about me 98
and what about this 29
and what about us 31
and what about her 16
and what are you doing 48
and what are you doing here 62
and what 818
and what are you going to do 22
and whatever you do 86
and what's more 117
and what happened 146
and what does that mean 94
and what do you want 78
and what did you say 84
and what's worse 41
and what do you think 83
and what's that 303
and what's that supposed to mean 44
and what's this 102
and what happened 146
and what does that mean 94
and what do you want 78
and what did you say 84
and what's worse 41
and what do you think 83
and what's that 303
and what's that supposed to mean 44
and what's this 102