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Anything you want to say tradutor Espanhol

944 parallel translation
Is there anything you want to say to you opposite
¿ Algo que transmitir a su contrario?
Is there anything you want to say?
¿ Hay algo que quiera decir?
Anything you want to say, baby, say it.
Lo que tú digas, nena.
Is there anything you want to say?
¿ Quiere declarar algo?
If there's anything you want to say to him you better make it snappy.
Si quiere decirle algo, es mejor que se dé prisa.
Anything you want to say to Mary, you can say in front of me.
Si quieres decirle algo a Mary, puedes hacerlo delante de mí.
I want you to give me your word that you won't say anything to Ted.
Quiero que me des tu palabra de que no se lo dirás a Ted.
Say anything you want to about me, but leave Lily out of it.
Di lo que quieras sobre mí, pero no hables de Lily.
I don't think i want to say anything more to you, hornblower.
Creo que no tenemos nada más que hablar.
Myra, I don't want you to take offense in anything I say but, well, heck, you see, I got more money than I want as a soldier and, well, couldn't I square things up for you?
Myra, no quiero que te ofendas por nada de lo que voy a decir pero, ¡ cuernos! , verás, tengo más dinero del que quiero como soldado y, bueno, ¿ no podría solucionarte las cosas?
And in conclusion, girls, I want to say that I'm not asking anything of you that I wouldn't ask of my own sister.
No os pido nada que no pediría a mi propia hermana.
I don't want to hear anything you've to say.
No quiero oír nada de lo que tengas que decir.
Anything I might want to say to you now would sound silly.
Cualquier cosa que se me ocurriera decirte, sonaría tonta.
You see, I didn't want to say anything about this. But, you see, Godfrey had been working for us as a butler and whatnot, and things had been going along very well... when all of a sudden it happened... just like that.
Veréis, no quería decir nada, pero Godfrey había trabajado para nosotros como mayordomo y las cosas iban muy bien, cuando...
We don't want to say anything to upset you.
No queremos decir nada que te pueda disgustar.
So you don't want to say anything? !
¿ Entonces no queréis hablar?
Now, Miss Wilkins, I don't want you to say anything until you hear my side of this.
Srta. Wilkins, no quiero que diga nada hasta oír mi lado de la campana.
You'd better hurry if you want to say anything.
Será mejor que se apresure si quiere decir algo.
Before you say anything else, Ted, there's something I want to tell you.
Antes de que digas nada más, Ted, te quiero decir algo.
Is there anything special you want me to say?
¿ Hay algo especial que quieras que diga?
Say anything you want, but say it to me.
Decid lo que queráis, pero decídmelo a mí.
Now, I don't want you to say anything to Mr. Hooper about the sale he took away from you.
No quiero que le diga nada al Sr. Hopper sobre la venta que le ha robado.
You'd say anything now to get what you want.
Mentirías para obtener lo que quieres.
I do hope you won't say anything about it to my wife, not that I have anything to conceal, but I just don't want to have her worry about my hair.
No es que tenga nada que ocultar pero no quiero preocuparme por mi pelo.
Say I'm a misfit, a rugged individualist, anything you want to. All I know is they don't speak my language here, and I don't speak theirs.
Dirán que soy un inadaptado, lo que quieran, sólo sé que soy diferente de todos.
I wouldn't want anything to happen to you just before you said... whatever you're getting ready to say.
No quisiera que te pasase nada antes de que dijeras... lo que estuvieras a punto de decir.
I didn't say there was anything wrong in it. I just thought you'd want to know.
Yo no he dicho que haya nada malo, pensé que querrías saberlo.
If you want me to say anything else to her...
- Hablaré con ella...
Ms. Vedder, I want to ask you a few questions and I must warn you, anything you say may be used against you.
Srta. Vera, queremos hacerle unas preguntas. Debo advertirle que todo cuanto diga podrá ser usado en su contra.
Do you want to say anything?
¿ Queréis decir algo?
Maybe I haven't been the best husband, but if you want me to stay any kind of husband at all... you'll never say anything again like what you tried to say just now.
Quizá no fui el mejor marido, pero si quieres que sigamos casados... no vuelvas a decir algo como lo que intentaste decir recién.
- I don't want you to say anything.
- No digas nada.
I know what you want to say, but don't say anything.
Sé lo que quieres decir pero no dices nada.
don't want you to say anything.
- No quiero que hable. Quiero que escuche.
If you want to say anything you can say it to the sergeant.
Si quiere decir algo puede decírselo al sargento.
Do you want me to say anything else?
Se han producido otros cambios en Borgoña :
I don't want you to say anything about what I just told you.
De sobra sabe lo que voy hacer.
And I wouldn't want to listen to anything that you might have to say.
Y no quiero escuchar nada de lo que tengas que decir.
Well, we want to hear anything you've got to say, Dr. Praetorius.
Queremos oír todo lo que quiera decirnos, Dr. Praetorius.
I never want to hear you say anything as idiotic and heartless as that again.
No quiero volver a oírle decir una idiotez tan cruel como ésa otra vez.
As of now, of course, I didn't want to say anything, since you advised me not to talk except in your presence.
En ese momento, por supuesto, no dije nada,... porque usted me dijo que sólo hablara en su presencia.
Say anything you want to say. I can take it.
¡ Di lo que quieras, lo acepto!
Say anything you want to, but you've got to give me credit for that.
Piensa lo que quieras, pero tienes que creerme.
You talk so seldom, when you do say anything... I don't want to miss a single syllable of it.
Hablas tan poco, que cuando dices algo no quiero perderme ni una sílaba.
No, I won't say anything if you don't want me to.
No, no diré nada si no quieren.
Jerry, I don't want you to say anything now but if you still want to marry me, I'd try being the kind of a wife you need.
Jerry, no quiero que digas nada ahora pero si aún quieres casarte conmigo, trataría de ser la esposa que necesitas.
Say anything you want to.
Di lo que quieras.
- You haven't got anything to say, that I want to hear.
Nada de lo que diga me interesa.
Oh, my little ones, I do not want you to say anything to anyone about this.
Mis pequeñas, no quiero que digan nada a nadie sobre esto.
They want you to know that anything you say from now on goes.
Quisieran que usted supiera que haran cualquier cosa que les diga.
Don't you want to say anything to these people?
¿ No quieres decirles nada a estas personas?

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