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Appetite tradutor Espanhol

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Seo Yoon Hoo, that guy made me lose my appetite.
Seo Yoon Hoo hace que pierda mi apetito.
Do not mistake my appetite for apathy!
¡ No confundas mi apetito con apatía!
It started one night when we received an anonymous tip that two children were being held in a gingerbread house by a witch with a wicked appetite.
Comenzó una noche en la que recibimos un aviso anónimo que decía que dos niños estaban detenidos en una casa de jengibre por una bruja con un perverso apetito.
... when she wandered around the house, nervous and without appetite... they avoided her so as not to disturb her.
... cuando deambulaba por la casa, nerviosa y sin apetito la evitaban, a fin de no molestarla.
- And you have an appetite.
- Y Ud. tiene un gran apetito.
The bullet killed more than his appetite.
La bala mató algo más que su apetito.
American culture is dying, and there's an unrelenting appetite in this country for reality shows, talentless pop stars like Riley Banks recycled, bloated movie franchises.
La cultura americana está muriendo, y hay un gusto constante por los reality shows, estrellas pop como Riley Banks, franquicias de cine reciclables.
And Guns N'Roses, Appetite for Destruction.
Y Guns N'Roses. Appetite for Destruction.
I know perfectly well that love for you is an appetite.
Sé muy bien que el amor para ti es un aperitivo.
That's a hungry man's appetite.
Tenías hambre.
I have a large appetite.
Tengo un gran apetito.
A poor childhood gave me a big appetite.
Una infancia pobre me produjo un gran apetito.
You'll spoil your appetite.
- No comas pan, no tendrás apetito.
Appetite's the main thing.
- Debo volver a tener apetito.
I lost my appetite.
Y no tengo apetito.
And with whom I just fell in love, and who restored my appetite for life.
Y con la que acabo de caer enamorado, y quien restauró mi apetito por la vida.
Lost your appetite?
¿ Perdiste el apetito?
Sounds like your grandmother has an appetite for the hot sauce.
Parece que su abuela tiene un apetito por la salsa caliente.
- We were... - I've lost my appetite.
- Estamos para... arroz con arroz.
Thank God it don't compromise your appetite.
Gracias a Dios no pierdes el apetito.
I'm talking about love, and you're talking about your appetite.
Yo hablo de amor y tú hablas de tu apetito.
I don't have much of an appetite.
No tengo mucho de un apetito.
Oh, well, appetite is part of the libido, you know.
Oh, bueno, el apetito es parte de la libido, sabes...
A little something to tempt your appetite.
Un poco de algo para tentar su apetito.
Tell him how you got no appetite, your stomach hurts, and ask him to make it stop hurtin
Cuéntale que no tienes apetito, que te duele el estómago y pídele que ese dolor pare.
Till you get your appetite back.
Hasta que recuperes tu apetito.
I... really, I do have such a big appetite, but...
yo... de verdad, tengo un gran apetito, pero...
Sorry sis, I lost my appetite.
Disculpa hermanita, perdí el apetito.
Writer's block kills your appetite for both sex and food, huh?
El bloqueo de escritor mata tu apetito de sexo y comida.
- Bon appetite.
- Buen apetito.
Is that where your appetite went, Neal?
- No has perdido el apetito, Neal?
Kilowog here loves seafood and has a big appetite.
Kilowog ama los mariscos y tiene un gran apetito.
"dude, it is not my fault I was born with giant teeth and have a giant appetite."
Nací con dientes gigantes y un apetito feroz ".
¿ Apetito?
Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite By bare imagination of a feast?
¿ O saciar el límite del hambre por la imaginacion al descubierto de una fiesta?
On second thought, I just lost my appetite.
Pensándolo mejor, acabo de perder el apetito.
♪ My sexy lean body wets its appetite ♪
El lado sexy de mi cuerpo alimenta su apetito.
Espero que tengas apetito.
A mere snack. Just enough to whet my appetite.
Un mero aperitivo... lo suficiente para estimular mi apetito.
Officially inform you that I lost my appetite.
Notificó oficialmente que perdí el apetito.
The Italian appetite for vengeance astounds even us, Lord Sforza.
El apetito italiano por la venganza nos asombra incluso a nos, Lord Sforza.
The Italian appetite for vengeance may be boundless, Majesty, but happily for you the Spanish appetite for war is not.
El apetito italiano por la venganza podría ser ilimitado, Majestad, pero por suerte para usted, el apetito español para la guerra, tiene límites.
Your Spanish pope has more appetite for war than you imagined, Lady Catherina.
Su Papa español tiene más ansias de guerra de lo que se imagina, Lady Catherina.
You lost your appetite.
Has perdido tu apetito.
Don't spoil your appetite.
No arruines tu apetito.
This consumption of films has increased our audiences'both appetite for them and, now, knowledge of them, so therefore, it's getting harder and harder to impress them.
"Este consumo de cine ha aumentado nuestras audiencias" tanto en apetito por ellas y, ahora, por saber sobre ella, así que ahora se está haciendo cada vez más difícil impresionarlos.
Stevie, your own sexual appetite has dug you into this hole.
Stevie, tu apetito sexual es el que te ha metido en este agujero.
- as appetite...
- que el apetito...
My appetite's come back.
Ahora tengo apetito.
I was... the only time I was in the hospital was maybe six hours because I had some weird ass form of Lyme disease that was making me lose weight. You were, in fact, in the hospital because you did not have an appetite.
Estuviste, de hecho, en el hospital porque no tenías apetito.

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