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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ A ] / Are you going to tell me

Are you going to tell me tradutor Espanhol

887 parallel translation
Are you going to tell me the winning lottery numbers?
¿ Te dijo los números de la lotería?
- Which one are you going to tell me?
¿ Cuál me contarás?
When are you going to tell me about things?
¿ Cuándo me lo vas a contar?
Are you going to tell me the answer?
¿ No me vas a decir la respuesta?
Are you going to tell me what happened?
- ¿ Me vas a contar qué ha pasado?
And what are you going to tell me?
¿ Y qué vas a decirme?
So, are you going to tell me where you got this book or not?
¿ Asi que no quieres decirme de dónde has sacado este libro?
What are you going to tell me?
¿ Qué me ibas a decir?
Are you going to tell me?
- ¿ Vas a decirme?
Now, are you going to tell me the truth?
¿ Vas a decirme la verdad?
When are you going to tell me how the fight started?
- Sí. - ¿ Cómo empezó?
When are you going to tell me what we're celebrating?
- Gracias. ¿ Qué celebramos?
Are you going to tell me there's no room 19?
¿ Tampoco existe la habitación 19?
Are you going to tell me you're going to live at Takehara's?
¿ Vas a decirme que vas a vivir a casa de Takehara?
Are you going to tell me what you have planned for tonight?
Andrea, dime que tienes pensado hacer esta noche en París.
Are you going to tell me what your business is?
¿ Va usted a decirme en que consisten sus negocios?
Are you going to tell me some bad news?
Parece que me vas a anunciar una desgracia.
Are you going to tell me what you mean?
¿ Se puede saber qué es lo que quiere?
Are you going to tell me what I want to know?
¿ Vas a decirme lo que quiero saber?
- Are you going to tell me the truth?
- ¿ Vas a decirme la verdad? - No lo sé.
- Are you going to tell me the truth?
- ¿ Vas a decirme la verdad?
Are you going to tell me about it?
- ¿ Me lo vas a contar?
Tell me, are you going to be in the play?
- Dime, ¿ vas a estar en la obra?
You are not going to tell Mr. Liliom not to lean against me... when he was in fact leaning against the deer.
No le dirá Ud. al Sr. Liliom que no se apoye contra mí... se estaba apoyando, a decir verdad, contra los ciervos.
But, Blackie, tell me, what are you going to do?
Pero dime, Blackie, ¿ qué vas a hacer?
Don't tell me things like that. What are you actually going to do?
¿ Qué proyectos tiene?
But tell me : Are you going to think it over?
Pero dime : ¿ vas a reflexionar sobre ello?
Are you going to degrade me further make me tell you how I have longed for you?
¿ Vas a degradarme aun más? ¿ Hacerme decir cómo te extraño?
All that I can tell you... is that they are going to take me away by plane... like a bird.
Sólo puedo decirle que me van a sacar de aquí en avión...
Susan, tell me, what are you going to do?
Susan, dime, ¿ qué vas a hacer?
Tell me what are you going to do with the rest of your life?
Dime ¿ qué es lo que vas a hacer el resto de tu vida?
Are you or are you not going to tell them to stop and let me get some sleep?
¿ Va a decirles que paren y que me dejen dormir un poco?
Now, tell me, how are you going to work?
Y ahora, cuéntame, ¿ cómo vas a trabajar?
The beautiful little native towns, tell me, are you going to Leopoldina?
Hay hermosos pueblitos de nativos, dime, ¿ irás a Leopoldina?
You are going to tell me. Maybe.
- ¿ No quiere contármelo?
You tell me our headquarters are going to be bombed. Give me their schedule.
Me dice que van a bombardear el destacamento.
Perhaps you're not prepared to tell me yet, since you are troubled I... I'd like to tell you that I honestly think things are going to be better for you.
Quizá aún no estés lista para decírmelo pero pienso que las cosas mejorarán para vosotros.
You're not going to tell me there are three of you, are you?
No vas a decirme si sois tres, ¿ verdad?
You're not going to tell me about your whole night, are you?
No irás a relatarme la noche entera!
Tell me, my dear, are you still going to marry him?
Dígame, querida... ¿ Aún quiere...? ¿ Casarse con él?
Don't tell me you tadpoles are going to miss the Feast of Saint Anthony today.
¿ No irán a perderse la Fiesta de San Antonio? ¿ Se olvidaron?
- Tell me, are you going to carry this idea out in other states? Oh, definitely.
¿ Llevará esto a otros estados?
Listen, Mrs. N, you're not going to tell me that you've been taking all this seriously, are you?
Mira, Sra. N, no irás a decirme que te has tomado lo nuestro en serio, ¿ verdad?
But tell me, Mr Bradley, if you are sober, how you are going to obtain this fantastic interview.
Pero, dígame, Sr. Bradley, si está sobrio, ¿ cómo va a obtener esta fantástica entrevista?
tell me sir, are you sure that the general is going to pass even here?
Dígame señor... ¿ Está usted seguro de que el general va a pasar por aquí?
Are you going to give it up? " " Or I'll have to tell the teacher all about it. "
Me lo devuelves o lo canto todo.
Don't tell me you doctors are going to start analyzing kids before they're even born, huh?
No me digas que vais a analizar a los niños antes de que nazcan.
You're not going to tell me that they're going to fire you, are you?
No irás a contarme que te han despedido, ¿ verdad?
If you tell me where you are going, I could arrange for our little Dita to communicate.
Si me dice adónde va, podría hacer que nuestra pequeña Dita le escribiera.
Are you going to tell me something like that?
¿ Era eso lo que ibas a confesarme?
Tell me, uh, when are you going to call up Pete and his partner on that radio hook-up you've got in the truck out there?
Dime, A donde ibas cuando Pete y su compañero te llamaron a traves de esa radio que tienes instalada en el remolcador?

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