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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ B ] / Bagley

Bagley tradutor Espanhol

126 parallel translation
Uh, Mr. Eric Bagley, Your Highness.
El Sr. Eric Bagley, Alteza.
You trained the horse, Bagley.
Tú entrenaste el caballo, Bagley.
- Better luck next time, Bagley.
- Mejor suerte la próxima vez, Bagley.
When Mr. Chester came down, he spoke to Mr. Bagley about it...
Cuando bajó el Sr. Chester, habló con el Sr. Bagley sobre ello...
- From now on, you sleep here, Bagley.
- Duerme aquí, Bagley. ¿ Entiendes?
Bagley said he was in his room 10 minutes when he heard the alarm.
Bagley dijo que estuvo en su habitación 10 minutos cuando oyó la alarma.
A little closer, Mr. Bagley. Mind keeping his head up?
Un poco más cerca, Sr. Bagley. ¿ Puede mantenerle la cabeza en algo?
- All right. Take him out to the trailer, Bagley.
- Llévalo al remolque, Bagley.
Hiya, Bagley.
Qué tal, Bagley.
Thanks, Bagley.
Gracias, Bagley.
The switch was first made on the boat by Bagley.
El cambio se hizo primero en el barco a manos de Bagley.
Nuestro comandante, el mayor Bagley, quiere verle.
¿ Mayor Bagley, no podemos evacuarlo?
Jake's a lawyer.
La mano derecha de Tim Bagley.
I was talking to Tim Bagley...
Hablé con Tim Bagley, la semana pasada... 16 denuncias más de la liga de la virtud.
All right, Jake, I'll take a disorderly conduct guilty plea and recommend probation.
Bien, revisaré los cargos y recomendaré la libertad bajo fianza Le diré al Sr. Bagley...
I'd better not.
- Y hablaré con el Sr. Bagley.
Just because Tim Bagley's out and you're out with him don't make no difference to Bill.
Que a ti te vaya mal no quiere decir que a Bill le tenga que pasar. ¿ Cómo no va a tener que ver? - Él va a ganarse la vida honestamente.
Mr Bagley just came in with the final score.
El Sr. Bagley nos ha dicho la puntuación final.
Mr Bagley, would you mind coming over here for a minute?
Sr. Bagley, ¿ le importa venir un momento?
I talked to a man named Bageley, he's the dead truck driver's partner.
Acabo de hablar con Bagley. Acompañaba uno de los camioneros.
Bageley said they picked up a hitchhiker.
Bagley dijo que levantaron a alguien en la carretera.
I interviewed this Joe Bageley an hour after his partner died.
Interrogué a Joe Bagley una hora después de los hechos.
VINCENT : Right here is where Bageley said the hitchhiker left the truck.
Según Bagley, el tipo del aventón se bajó aquí.
- There's Bagley.
Pregunte a Bagley.
Mr. Bagley!
Mr. Bagley...
Roy Bagley, would you take over and let science make the point?
Bagley estuvo en el terreno. Explique su punto.
- All set, Mr. Bagley!
Todos están listos.
I... I'm not quite sure we can go along with that, Mr Bagley.
No estoy seguro de que podamos ir por ahí.
Bagley. Look, it's not in my nature to be a pain in the arse with such consistency.
Bagley, no acostumbro a ser tan coñazo.
I'll be frank with you, Bagley.
Seré sincero contigo, Bagley.
- Yes, Mr Bagley.
- Sí, Sr. Bagley.
- Bagley, you have got to give me a date.
Bagley, tienes que darme una fecha.
The market's saturated. There's a lot of boils out there, Bagley.
Hay mucho grano por ahí, Bagley.
Sorry to disturb you, Mr Bagley, but Mr Bristol's on the line again.
Perdón por molestarle, Sr. Bagley, pero tiene otra vez al Sr. Bristol al teléfono.
Mrs Bagley on line one.
La Sra. Bagley por la uno.
Just hang on a second, Bagley.
Espera un momento, Bagley.
- You all right. Bagley?
- ¿ Te encuentras bien, Bagley?
- Bagley, come and have a drink.
- Ven a tomar una copa.
- What's the matter, Bagley?
- ¿ Qué te pasa, Bagley?
15 years ago, I was out there on the floor where you are now, and I was very like you, Bagley.
Hace 15 años, yo estaba como tú ahí tirado, y me parecía mucho a ti, Bagley.
And by Christ, Bagley, did I sell some radiators.
Y por Dios, Bagley, vaya si vendí las calderas.
Julia Bagley.
Julia Bagley.
"How do you feel, Mr Bagley?" "Much better, thank you, doctor."
"¿ Cómo se encuentra, Mr. Bagley?" "Mucho mejor, gracias, doctor."
No, Mr Bagley, it does not.
No, Sr. Bagley, no puede.
What you must understand is that it's not the boil that can read you. It is you, Mr Bagley, that can read the boil.
Lo que debe comprender... es que no es el grano el que lee su mente, es usted, Sr. Bagley, el que lee al grano.
- Fuck off! That's very rude of you, Mr Bagley.
Qué grosero, Sr. Bagley.
I shouldn't have spent the money, but tonight's an occasion.
Tim Bagley organiza un baile.
And I'll mention this to Tim Bagley.
Date prisa.
I don't want any more excuses, Bagley.
No quiero excusas.
Sorry to keep you waiting, Bagley.
Siento hacerte esperar.

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