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Banning tradutor Espanhol

486 parallel translation
"Herbert Banning, Esquire."
"Sr. Herbert Banning".
New Haven calling the Banning residence.
Llaman de New Haven a la residencia Banning.
- The Bannings, the Cardmakers.
- Los Banning, los Cardmaker.
Yeah, but those Bannings and Cardmakers, they - they always stick together, dead or alive.
Si, pero esos Banning y Cardmaker... siempre se mantienen unidos, vivos o muertos.
- Mrs. Banning's right.
La Sra. Banning tiene razón.
Still, the Bannings hadn't ought to talk... after the way they treated Mamie.
Pero los Banning no deberian hablar después de como trataron a Mamie.
Fat person like you are, Mrs. Banning-they'd have that.
Una gorda como Ud., Sra. Banning, lo tendria.
Had no business ever putting that camp so near where the town got its water supply... but Mr. Banning insisted on it... and, of course, he has his way all the time.
No tenian por qué poner ese campamento cerca de nuestro depósito de agua... pero el Sr. Banning insistió... y él siempre consigue lo que quiere.
Hello. Yes, Mrs. Banning.
Si, Sra. Banning.
That's the second time Mrs. Banning called up today.
La Sra. Banning ya llamó dos veces hoy.
Hey, look at that Banning girl over there drinking out of a flask.
Miren a la chica Banning bebiendo de un pomo.
"This morning, in a surprise wedding... " Miss Virginia Banning of New Winton... became the bride of Mr. Jack Mueller. "
Esta mañana, en una boda sorpresiva, Virginia Banning, de New Winton... se convirtió en la esposa del Sr.Jack Mueller ".
I'll bet the Banning family are having a fit.
Apuesto a que los Banning están teniendo un ataque.
All the Bannings will need him.
Todos los Banning lo necesitarán.
- Banning and Snyder - I told them to keep it clean.
- Banning y Snyder- - Les dije que lo mantuvieran limpio.
The meeting the Bannings are holding.
. - La de los Banning.
Herbert Banning's there.
Herbert Banning.
Why was Herbert Banning so anxious to rent his camp site to the construction company?
¿ Por qué estaba tan ansioso de alquilar su campamento a la constructora?
- Mrs. Banning.
- Sra. Banning.
I second the motion, Mrs. Banning.
Yo secundo la moción, Sra. Banning.
He's given banning Cocq a clubbed foot.
A Cocq lo pintó con el pie deforme.
Capitain Banning Cocq.
Capitán Cocq.
Your place in archaeological history is assured, Banning.
Tu lugar en la historia de la arqueología está asegurado, Banning.
Professor Andoheb, this is Mr. Banning.
- Profesor, este es el señor Banning.
I've heard of Mr. Banning.
- Oí hablar sobre Vd., señor Banning.
Mr. Banning found this in a native bazaar.
El señor Banning encontró esto en un bazar.
Think, Mr. Banning? I have devoted my entire life to the study of Egyptian relics.
Piense, señor Banning, he dedicado mi vida al estudio de reliquias egipcias.
Naturally you are entitled to your own opinion, Mr. Banning.
Tiene derecho a su propia opinión, señor Banning.
My name is Steve Banning, and this hopeless Houdini here is BabeJenson.
Yo soy Steve Banning, y el Houdini de los pobres, Babe Jenson.
Signed, Steve Banning. "
Firmado, Steve Banning. " ¿ Ves?
Are you Steve Banning? Well, uh, maybe.
- ¿ Es usted Steve Banning?
Dispense with the fooling around.
- Puede ser. Dejémonos de tonterías, señor Banning.
The guy you want to shoot is Steve Banning.
A quien Vd. busca es Steve Banning. Está detrás suyo.
Steve Banning will find you and kill you.
Steve Banning le encontrará y le matará.
The monster itself was later consumed in the flames of the Banning house.
Luego murió quemado en las llamas de la casa de los Banning.
A quantity of them was found among the effects of Professor Banning... the man who first discovered the mummy's tomb.
Se hallaron algunas entre los efectos del profesor Banning... el hombre que descubrió la tumba de la momia.
If Banning knew the solution, the secret died with him.
Si Banning sabía la solución, el secreto murió con él.
- As near as we can find out they've been sent to a Mr. Banning in Danbury or a Mr. Bamberger in Waterbury.
- Por lo visto fueron a parar a manos de un tal Sr. Banning de Danbury o del Sr. Bamberger de Waterbury.
I live in a little town called Banning, out on the desert, it's on the way to Palm Springs.
Vivo en Banning, un pueblo en el desierto, está de camino a Palm Springs.
Long distance call came in about an hour ago, from Banning,
Hace una hora recibimos una llamada desde Banning,
Hello operator, I want to speak to Miss Paula Gibson in Banning, California.
¿ Operadora? Quiero hablar con la Srta. Paula Gibson, en Banning, California.
I said that he had phoned Mr. Bigelow's office in Banning, but that Mr. Bigelow was staying at the St. Francis hotel in San Francisco.
Dije que le llamó a su oficina en Banning, pero que él estaba en el hotel St. Francis de San Francisco. - Siento el malentendido.
There's a message here for you to call operator 82 at Banning.
Tiene un mensaje, llamar a la operadora 82 de Banning. - Gracias.
Look I'm not in trouble with the police, believe me but you can't stay here, you've got to go back to Banning right away.
No tengo ningún problema con la policía, créeme, pero no puedes quedarte, tienes que volver enseguida.
Two others who were in with him and the fellow who was the Assistant District Attorney, Lester Banning.
Dos cómplices suyos y el ayudante del fiscal, Lester Banning.
- Oh, nice to see you, Mr. Banning.
- Me alegro de verle, Sr. Banning.
- Banning. And this is Jason Franchot. He used to be Buchanan's accountant.
Y este es Jason Franchot, ex contable de Buchanan.
What about those other two, Banning and whatever his name is?
¿ Y Banning y el otro?
But you don't even know where they have hidden Banning and Dunn.
¡ Pero ignora dónde escondieron a Banning y a Dunn!
- Banning and Dunn.
- Banning y Dunn.
- Virginia Banning?
- ¿ Virginia Banning? .

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