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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ B ] / Because i didn't do it

Because i didn't do it tradutor Espanhol

320 parallel translation
I certainly didn't do it because of those interfering Englishmen and Frenchmen no because I believe that I couldn't answer for it before God.
No... porque creo que no podría responder de ello ante Dios.
Free because I didn't do it.
Libre por no haber cometido el hecho.
I didn't do it because...
No lo hice porque...
Well, I said you didn't phone the police because you assumed... that I would do it from the hotel.
Dije que fue porque supusiste que yo llamaría desde el hotel.
I'll speak up because you didn't want to do it.
"Hablaré ya que tú no quisiste hacerlo".
I didn't want to miss it because she thinks a lot of me, and I do of her.
No he querido faltar porque me aprecia mucho, y yo a ella.
I didn't do it before because the whole affair had become so distasteful.
No lo ha porque el asunto se había vuelto muy desagradable.
It's unfair because I didn't do anything...
Es injusto porque yo no hice nada...
Because you didn't do anything. I did it all.
Porque vosotros no habéis hecho nada, todo lo he hecho yo.
- I didn't do it because you did it!
- ¡ No lo hice por eso!
Wanted to call you and tell you face to face... but I didn't do it because...
Quise llamarte y decírtelo personalmente... pero no lo hice porque...
I didn't ask who gave the order, because it had nothing to do with business.
No pregunté quién dio la orden porque no tenía nada que ver con el negocio.
Which is still flushing, but I didn't jiggle it because I know you like to do that when you come home.
Que sigue botando, pero no lo golpeé porque sé que te gusta hacerlo al regresar.
I didn't do it because of God.
No lo hice por Dios.
If I seem unduly emotional about this, it's because Joseph Fraunhofer is about to do what Isaac Newton could've done, but didn't.
Si parece que esto me emociona indebidamente, es porque Joseph Fraunhofer está a punto de hacer lo que Isaac Newton podría haber hecho, pero no hizo.
I broke it because I didn't know what to do with my hands.
La rompí, porque no sabía dónde meterme.
Before yesterday I didn't think we could do it but today gives me confidence, all because of you.
Antes de ayer no pensaba que pudiéramos hacer esto pero hoy me da confianza, todo por tí.
Oh, and I suppose it's OK if a few hundred students die of starvation because you didn't do your share!
¿ Y si cientos de estudiantes mueren de hambre porque no cumples tu parte?
I didn't do anything. Don't tell me it was nothing, because you're blushing.
- No lo niegues, te has puesto rojo.
Because I didn't see it as having anything to do with my sexuality.
Porque no lo vi como algo que tenía que ver con mi sexualidad.
You are a tough motherfucker I don't want to talk to you any more Move on from this shit about blackmail and Sunny because the reality situation is I didn't do it
eres muy duro no quiero seguir hablando contigo olvida eso del chantaje sobre sunny porque yo no la mate que puedo decir me has juzgado mal no lo creo se acabo estoy cansado de esta mierda oye que hay de chans?
Of course I didn't act like it was very exciting because you just don't do that, you know.
la mayoría de los seres humanos no valen una mierda.
Not this time, because I didn't do anything. And I want to hear you say it. What, Al?
Entonces si me das el cuerpo de Bella podemos olvidarnos de todo ésto.
No, somebody didn't, because I'm supposed to do it.
No, nadie lo hizo porque se supone que lo debo hacer yo.
I'm doing it now because when I had a chance to do it with my own son, I didn't.
Lo hago ahora, porque... Cuando tuve la oportunidad de hacerlo con mi propio hijo no lo hice.
But yours do... I couldn't say that, because it'd sound stupid, and you'd think I was chasing you, and I didn't want you to, because because I was chasing you.
Pero los tuyos sí... no pude decirlo, porque habría sonado estúpido, y habrías pensado que te estaba persiguiendo, y no quería que pensaras eso, porque porque te estaba persiguiendo.
You won't get it, because I won't say something that I didn't do.
No la vas a tener, porque no voy a decir nada que no he hecho.
I didn't want to do it, but everyone was partying because we had just won this school competition thing.
Yo no quería hacerlo, pero todos estaban festejando porque ganamos una competencia de la escuela.
Not to mention the fact that she didn't even want Wayne anymore, which I suppose technically makes him another sloppy seconds... as far as my track record is concerned, but do you see me getting all hot and sweaty under the brassiere because of it?
Además de que ella ya no quería a Wayne... y eso lo convierte en un plato de segunda mesa... en lo que a mí respecta... pero ¿ yo me pongo como una furia debido a eso?
Well, I'm not about to revamp the entire judicial process just because you find yourself in the unique position of defending clients who say they didn't do it.
No voy a reestructurar todo el procedimiento judicial sólo porque usted se encuentra en la posición única de defender clientes que dicen que no lo hicieron.
Ordinarily, I don't do this because, you know, I'm the president and I don't sponsor anybody as I didn't think it was right.
Normalmente no hago esto porque tu sabes... soy el presidente y no apadrino a nadie, porque nunca lo creí correcto.
" Just because I had the cash doesn't mean I killed his ass. I didn't do it. Just because the blood was in my hand doesn't mean I stabbed the man.
solo porque tenía el dinero no significa que lo maté yo no lo hice solo porque la sangre estaba en mi mano no significa que lo acuchillé yo no lo hice arresto lleva a CB4 al tope del ranking
[Jack Narrating] I figured I was really lame, because I knew... there was something I should do about the situation, and I didn't know what it was.
Se que parecia un tonto. Sabia que tenia que haceralgo pero no sabia que.
I feel a bit uneasy about it... because they didn't say exactly what I'm supposed to do.
Me siento un poco inquieta... porque no me han dicho exactamente lo que debo hacer.
Playing the theme for David at the piano the first time I'm glad that he thought it was really good because I'd have to go back and do another one if he didn't.
Me alegro de que cuando toqué la canción al piano para David la primera vez le gustara porque, de no haber sido así, habría tenido que hacer otra.
The reason I stuck it out for a whole year... is because I was afraid of what the old man might do to me if I didn't.
Ahí estuve todo un año... porque tenía miedo de lo que me haría él si lo dejaba.
I didn't do it because I was worried about bringing him along too rapidly.
Yo no lo hice porque me preocupaba llevarlo con demasiada rapidez.
We didn't think that you could afford it because you don't have a job. Yes, I do.
Pensamos que no podrías pagarlo porque no tienes trabajo.
- Because I didn't do it.
- Porque yo no lo hice.
This is the third time that this building has burned down... because someone has been smokin'in bed. I didn't do it.
Es la tercera vez que se incendia este edificio... porque alguien estuvo fumando en la cama.
"I know you didn't do it, because I did."
"Yo sé que tú no la mataste, porque fui yo".
And you're in a tough spot, Jimmy,'cause you didn't read the Play-Tone contract that you yourself signed, because it says you do what I say.
No leíste el contrato de Play-Tone que firmaste.
I think she never got over it because she didn't do it.
Yo creo que nunca se recuperó porque ella no fue.
And I didn't do anything about it, because I had feelings for him, because I cared about him.
Y no hice nada al respecto. Porque sentía algo por él. Porque me importaba.
Mira, no quería hacer esto aquí, porque no hablé con Mike todavía de eso, pero Mike y yo no sólo estamos saliendo.
I left it alone, because I didn't know what to do.
Lo dejé solo porque no supe qué hacer.
I didn't do it because I liked it.
No lo hice porque me gustaba.
and now I didn't keep my part because I told about the hospital so now Jane's going to tell about the deal and I didn't mean anything by it I just wanted to see what other kids do at night who don't do sports and he didn't mean anything to me, Kevvy, I swear it!
y ahora he incumplido mi parte del trato porque he contado lo del hospital y ahora Jane contará lo del trato y no pretendía nada sólo quería saber qué hacen de noche los otros chicos que no hacen deporte y no significó nada para mí, Kevvy, ¡ lo juro!
Just because I don't remember it doesn't mean I didn't do it.
Sólo porque no recuerdo no quiere decir que no lo hice.
I didn't do it because of her.
No lo hice por ella.
I didn't say anything because I thought she was experimenting or trying something new and she would do it one or two times and it wasn't a big deal.
No dije nada porque creí que estaba experimentando o probando algo nuevo. Que lo haría una o dos veces y que se le pasaría.

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