Because you're not tradutor Espanhol
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It does anger me, because you're a kid and it's not your job to take care of your mother.
Me enoja porque eres una niña y cuidar a tu madre no es tu responsabilidad.
And certainly not on the sidelines, planning a party at your parents'house because you know they're gone this weekend.
Y ciertamente no desde afuera planeando una fiesta en tu casa porque tus padres se irán de viaje.
You're my anchor, Danny, and not because you're fat.
Eres mi ancla, Danny, y no porque estés gordo.
Please say you're not doing this because you feel sorry for me.
Por favor, di que no estás haciendo esto... porque sientes lástima por mí.
It's not enough for you because you're a man of shit, that's why.
No te es suficiente porque eres un hombre de mierda, por eso.
So because you were here and there's verification,... we're not going to beat around the bush, and I will tell you, as Detective Fletcher and myself look at you for your reaction, the unfortunate news that your partner, Mr. Davenport, is dead.
Entonces... como usted estaba aquí, lo cual se corroboró, no nos andaremos por las ramas y le daré, mientras el detective Fletcher y yo observamos su reacción, la mala noticia de que su socio, el Sr. Davenport, está muerto.
Because you're not doing anything!
¡ Porque no estás haciendo nada!
Because you're a bonderøv, boring, and because I do not like you.
Porque eres un idiota, un aburrido y porque no me gustas.
Honestly, it seems to me like, because you're not having any fun, nobody else can have any fun.
Honestamente, me parece que, como ustedes no están divirtiéndose, nadie más puede divertirse.
Because you're not doing what I told you to.
Cariño, porque no haces lo que te enseñé.
We don't blame you for what happened to Patricia and we're not retaliating because you kept Katie away from us after we took care of her for a year in your absence.
No te culpo por la muerte de Patricia, y no la venganza - incluso si te gustó Katie lejos de depender cuidado de sus años.
You're not a weirdo because you like to be alone some of the time.
- Soy totalmente extraño. No eres extraño porque te gusta estar sólo algunas veces.
Right, because if you're alone, that's not an option.
Claro, porque estar sólo no es una opción. Lo entiendo.
I'm not gonna remember a movie I have never seen just because you're singing a song I don't know.
No me va a recordar una película que nunca han visto sólo porque usted está cantando una canción que no lo sé.
Well, yeah, I mean, it would have to be a pro bono situation because we're really not working with much money, but I think you will be impressed with my client.
Bueno, sí, quiero decir, sería tiene que ser un bono situación pro porque somos realmente no trabajar con mucho dinero, pero creo que será impresionado con mi cliente.
Because you're not good enough to be one of us.
Porque no eres lo bastante bueno para ser uno de nosotros.
What I'm trying to say is I really appreciate you and all you've done for me, so if you're not letting me write in you because of something I did or I said, I-I...
Y trajo vergüenza al apellido. Ya, ya. No siempre podemos controlar el camino que nuestros hijos eligen tomar.
Okay, just because you're making me very sexually confused, does not mean that you are intimidating.
Está bien. El que me estés confundiendo sexualmente no implica que me intimides.
Because you're not willing to make any sacrifices.
Porque no estás dispuesto a hacer sacrificios.
And, also, stop trying to be funny, because you're not funny.
Además, deja de esforzarte por ser gracioso. No eres gracioso.
You know we could play poker and blackjack because we're not going to get a chance to actually play poker.
Usted sabe que podía jugar póquer y blackjack Porque no vamos a conseguir la oportunidad de jugar póquer en realidad.
I am undercover, because you're not supposed to be here.
¿ Lo olvidaste? Estoy de encubierta, porque no deberías estar aquí.
Did you ever think that maybe everybody you love is not being killed... but they're killing themselves because they can't stand to be around you?
¿ Has pensado que quizá no los hayan matado...? ¿ sino que se suicidaron porque no te soportaban?
Because you're not ready yet.
Porque no estas listo aun.
Are you sure you're not just saying that because you're lonely?
¿ Estás seguro que no estás diciendo eso porque te sientes solo?
You're bored and angry because you know in your heart it's not what you want to do.
Estás aburrido y enfadado porque en tu corazón.. sabes que no es lo que quieres hacer.
Because, truth be told, you're not getting out of here.
Porque la verdad es que no saldrás de aquí.
You sure it's not because you're still stuck on Steve?
¿ No será porque sigues pensando en Steve?
I just hope you're not blaming yourselves for any of this because you've both been great parents.
Sólo espero que no se culpen por nada de esto... porque han sido grandes padres.
- Because you're not thinking right.
- ¿ Por qué? - Porque no estás pensando bien.
No, you're not, because it's just gonna prove that you're crazy and you're gonna lose everything.
No, no lo harás. Porque solo va a probar que estás loca, y que vas a perderlo todo.
- You're not gonna be bored for a minute Because I have arranged the full service for you :
Bueno, no te aburrirás ni por un minuto porque te he arreglado un servicio completo para ti.
See we're not exactly in the Garden of Eden here, you know, but you've gotta go where the oil is, and Kern County, uh, because of its, uh, you know, archaeological past,
Ver que no estamos exactamente en el Jardín del Edén aquí, ya sabes, pero tienes que has de ir donde está el petróleo, y el condado de Kern, uh, debido a su, eh, ya sabes, pasado arqueológico,
- Because you're not... you're not ticklish.
¿ Qué? Porque no eres...
Because you're not who you say you are...
Porque usted no es quien dice ser...
You're not gonna sleep on the couch, because we have a house full of kids, and as soon as one of them sees you, they're all gonna know that something's wrong, and we're gonna have five freaked out teenagers and nobody wants that!
No vas a irte a dormir al sofá, porque tenemos una casa llena de chavales y en cuando uno te vea, todos van a saber que algo va mal, y vamos a tener a cinco adolescentes inquietos y nadie quiere eso.
Now that I'm your sidekick, I'm just gonna say I think you should really work on your social skills, lady, because you're not exactly what I would call socially agile.
Ahora que soy tu compañero, quiero decir que deberías trabajar tus aptitudes sociales, porque no eres lo que llamaría sociable.
You're not mad at me because you didn't get paid, are you?
No estás enfadado porque no cobraste, ¿ verdad?
And not because I was worried, but because I love you and I want to when you're in the room, you have my undivided attention.
Y no porque estuviese preocupado, sino porque te quiero y quiero... cuando estás en la habitación, tienes toda mi completa atención.
I'm not letting you fucking put some twigs on me and bury me in shit, because, um, I don't really know you, and I don't even fucking know what you're gonna do to me when I get in the hole, if I'm honest with you.
No dejaré que me pongas ramitas encima... y me entierres en basura... porque no te conozco... y ni siquiera sé qué vas a hacerme cuando entre en el hoyo.
We're just going no, and we're gonna call it a no, and I... the way you're looking at me right now is really fucking pissing me off, I gotta tell you, because you're giving me this knowing, condescending look and it's like saying, "Get in the hole." And I'm not getting in the fucking hole, lady.
Decidí que no... y tu mirada condescendiente me está enojando... siento que me está diciendo que me meta en el hoyo... y no me voy a meter.
" You're getting above yourself, Barrett, because I did not hang you.
"Estás siendo un arrogante, Barret, porque no te ahorqué"
~ You're the only man who can, Tommy, because you are truly Christ-like. ~ Tommy Barrett is not doing it.
- Tommy Barrett no va a hacerlo.
You're here because of me, and you're not gonna say hi?
Viniste gracias a mí, y ¿ no vas a saludarme?
Not because you trust people, but because you're just really good-looking, man.
No porque confíes en la gente, sino porque eres un tío muy guapo.
You're not supposed to be lenient with people because you know them.
No se supone que tengas que ser indulgentes con las personas porque las conozcas.
- I don't think you're a floozy, mostly because it's not 1923.
No creo que seas una fulana, sobre todo porque no es 1923.
It's because you're not giving me any space to think.
Es porque no me das espacio para pensar.
Just that... when you elect someone, it's because of their intelligence, not because they're someone you want to have a beer with, right?
Es sólo que... cuando votas a alguien, es por su inteligencia, no porque sea alguien con quien te quieres tomar una cerveza, ¿ verdad?
You brought them together to save them because none of them will survive the winter, not if they're north of the Wall.
Los uniste para salvarlos porque ninguno sobreviviría el invierno, no al norte de la Muralla.
Because, whether or not you believe it, you're a good doctor.
Porque, te lo creas o no, eres un buen doctor.
because you're stupid 16
because you're my friend 21
because you're right 26
because you're afraid 18
because you're here 18
because you're 65
you're not my type 58
you're not serious 282
you're not listening 211
you're not real 156
because you're my friend 21
because you're right 26
because you're afraid 18
because you're here 18
because you're 65
you're not my type 58
you're not serious 282
you're not listening 211
you're not real 156
you're not going anywhere 673
you're nothing to me 17
you're not 3927
you're not mad at me 38
you're not listening to me 216
you're not alone 369
you're not wrong 99
you're not ready 114
you're not stupid 85
you're not making any sense 120
you're nothing to me 17
you're not 3927
you're not mad at me 38
you're not listening to me 216
you're not alone 369
you're not wrong 99
you're not ready 114
you're not stupid 85
you're not making any sense 120