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Bridey tradutor Espanhol

114 parallel translation
Give her a real bridey wedding... with all the fixin's.
Déle una hermosa boda que no le falte de nada.
Do you follow me, Bridewell?
Me comprende, Bridey?
Miss ESP and Bridey Murphy, some combination.
La Srta. PES y Bridey Murphy, menuda mezcla.
Listen, what about Bridey Murphy?
¿ Y qué hubo de Bridey Murphy?
Brideshead and Cordelia are both fervent Catholics.
Bridey y Cordelia son fervientes católicos.
I came down with Bridey and I stopped off to see Francis Xavier. He's my pig.
Vine con Bridey, y me detuve a ver a Francis Xavier es mi cerdo.
Bridey's bound to bring the judges in.
Bridey tiene que reunir a los jueces.
Bridey, don't be so pious.
Bridey, no seas tan beato.
No, Bridey, you didn't.
No, no lo has dicho.
Oh, Bridey, stop being so Jesuitical.
Bridey, no seas tan jesuita.
Bridey's got all these papers he wants me to take to Papa.
Bridey me ha dado un montón de papeles para que se los lleve a papá.
It's Bridey's.
Es de Bridey.
But it's monstrous for Bridey.
Pero para Bridey sería monstruoso.
Bridey, I'm sorry. He's terribly tired.
Bridey, lo siento está muy cansado.
Bridey was called back.
Llamaron a Bridey.
Oh Bridey, do you think he would?
Bridey, ¿ crees que lo haría?
I guessed that the morning's business had put Brideshead some considerable way further from his rightful inheritance.
Yo suponía que el incidente de aquella mañana... había alejado considerablemente a Bridey de su derecho a la herencia.
Bridey, it's perfectly plain what he meant.
Bridey, está clarísimo lo que quiso decir.
If you'd let Bridey finish, he would have made it all quite logical.
Si hubieses dejado acabar a Bridey, lo habría expresado con lógica.
Cordelia knew about as much and believed it madly. Only poor Bridey both knew and believed, and I thought he made a pretty poor show when it came to explaining.
Cordelia sabía tanto como tú, y está convencida... sólo el pobre Bridey, lo sabía y lo creía y pienso que dio un pobre espectáculo al intentar explicarlo.
I've telegraphed Bridey and Cordelia.
He telefoneado a Bridey y a Cordelia.
Perhaps Bridey and Mrs. Muspratt keeping my name in their prayers
Tal vez Bridey y la señora Muspratt quizá mencionen mi nombre en sus oraciones.
They're both very well, but they couldn't say where but Father Membling said, reading between the lines it was Palestine which is where Bridey's yeomanry is so that's all very nice for them.
Las dos están muy bien, pero no podían decir dónde... aunque el padre Membling dedujo, leyendo entre líneas que estaban en Palestina. Donde está el cuerpo de voluntarios de Bridey así que todo les va muy bien.
Mummy and Bridey and the family and the dons.
Mamá, Bridey, la familia, los profesores...
Hello Bridey.
Hola, Bridey.
May I have a word with you, Bridey? Of course, mother.
- ¿ Puedo hablar contigo, Bridey?
I shall leave Bridey at the first cover hack across to the nearest pub and spend the entire day quietly soaking in the bar parlour.
Dejaré a Bridey en la primera ocasión que se me presente... iré al pub más cercano y pasaré el día emborrachándome en la sala del bar.
Do you know, Bridey? If ever I thought about becoming a Catholic I'd only have to talk to you for five minutes to be cured.
Mira, Bridey, si alguna vez pensara en hacerme católico... solo tendría que hablar contigo durante cinco minutos para arrepentirme.
That horse of yours, Bridey It's no damned use
Ese caballo tuyo, Bridey no sirve para nada.
Don't sit too long, Bridey.
No tardéis demasiado, Bridey.
It was often a matter for speculation between us Giving birth to many fantasies for Bridey was a mystery.
Este era un tema sobre el que especulábamos a menudo... y que daba pie a muchas fantasías porque Bridey era un misterio.
Very true, Bridey.
Tienes razón, Bridey.
Come on Bridey, don't be so mysterious. Out with it.
Vamos, Bridey, no seas tan misterioso, suéltalo ya.
Congratulations, Bridey.
Enhorabuena, Bridey.
Bridey you sly, smug old brute why didn't you bring her here?
Viejo presumido y astuto, ¿ por qué no la has traído? No podía hacerlo, ya sabes.
Bridey what a bloody offensive thing to say to Julia.
Bridey. Lo que has dicho es muy ofensivo para Julia.
They know all about it, Bridey and his widow.
Bridey y su viuda lo saben todo,
That's not what they mean. That's not Bridey's pennyworth.
No es eso lo que quieren decir, eso no es lo que dice Bridey.
Well, Bridey is one for bombshells, isn't he?
A Bridey se le dan muy bien esas cosas, ¿ verdad?
Of course. We can't leave Bridey alone on his engagement night.
No podemos dejar a Bridey solo en su noche de compromiso.
I won't believe that great spout of tears came just from a few words of Bridey's.
No puedo creer que todo ese llanto fuera por unas palabras de Bridey.
She's lied to Bridey about her age. She's a good forty five.
Le ha mentido a Bridey respecto a su edad, tiene por lo menos cuarenta y cinco.
Damn Bridey!
¡ Maldito Bridey!
It's great sucks to Bridey.
Un buen chasco para Bridey.
Hello Bridey.
Hola, Bridey. ¡ Bridey!
Oh Bridey, we're almost finished.
Casi hemos acabado.
I hope you're pleased.
¡ Bridey!
¡ Es una gran noticia!
Bridey, when are we going to meet her?
Bridey, ¿ cuándo vamos a conocerla?
Bridey can't take his eyes off her.
Bridey no puede quitarle los ojos de encima.

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