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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ B ] / Budapest

Budapest tradutor Espanhol

864 parallel translation
We are now in the dressing room of our guest star. The lovely Nella Vago. From the Royal Opera House in Budapest.
Estamos en el camerino de la estrella invitada, la hermosa Nella Vago del Teatro Real de la Ópera de Budapest.
Tomorrow, when I return to Budapest. I shall carry with me the memory of this night, and of you. And your beautiful city of song and magic.
Mañana, cuando regrese a Budapest Ilevaré conmigo el recuerdo de esta noche, de ustedes y de su bella ciudad de alegría y magia y encanto eterno.
One of the directors of The Royal Opera in Budapest. And the fiancée of the beautiful Nella Vago.
Uno de los directores de la Real Ópera de Budapest y prometido de la hermosa Nella Vago.
Ladies and gentlemen.. four years ago. I was seated one beautiful day in Budapest.. in my office. And in came a little.. unknown.. girl.
Señoras y señores hace 4 años un bonito día de Budapest, estaba sentado en mi oficina y vino a verme una chica desconocida llamada Nella Vago.
You are a success in Venice and Budapest. That's something of course.
Lo has tenido en Venecia y en Budapest, eso ya es algo.
We're going to take the train tonight for Budapest.
Salimos a Budapest esta noche.
But we go to Budapest tomorrow.
- Pero si nos vamos mañana.
─ We're going to Budapest tonight!
¡ Nos vamos a Budapest esta noche!
I guess we go to Budapest tonight.
Supongo que nos vamos a Budapest esta noche.
Fletcher.. the impresario Fletcher.. he's in Budapest.
¡ Fletcher! El empresario Fletcher está en Budapest.
The Testament of Dr. Mabuse premiered on April 21, 1933, in Budapest.
El testamento del Dr. Mabuse se estrenó el 21 de abril de 1933 en Budapest.
And then I had a little time, so I went to Budapest.
Luego tenía un poco de tiempo, así que fui a Budapest.
Orient Express, Budapest, Visegrad. "
"Orient Express, Budapest, Visegrad."
I found out that much in Budapest.
Me enteré de eso en Budapest.
Now, if you could send us down to Visegrad, I'm sure we could hire a car there that would take us on to Budapest, or at least far enough to get a decent train.
Si nos hiciera llevar hasta Visegrad... podríamos rentar un coche ahí que nos lleve hasta Budapest... o hasta donde podamos tomar un tren decente.
Visegrad, Budapest.
Visegrad, Budapest.
The Budapest post arrives at the inn in an hour.
El tren-correo de Budapest llega a la posada en una hora.
The coach from Budapest.
El coche de Budapest.
- Enjoy your years in Budapest?
- ¿ Disfrutaste tus años en Budapest?
" Jar - in Budapest.
No, that was in Budapest.
No, en Budapest.
She said in her last letter that she was going on to Budapest, and, uh...
Ella dijo en su última carta... que seguía hasta Budapest, y, eh...
¿ A qué hora sale el próximo tren a Budapest?
"Josephstrasse 34, Budapest."
El expreso de Budapest, señora...
¿ Aquí en Budapest?
Cada vez que estoy en Budapest.
I know it now I'll go with you to Budapest tonight
Me iré contigo a Budapest, esta noche.
He's going to Budapest with you tonight
Se va a Budapest con usted esta noche.
We'll have to wait. If only we hadn't missed that train at Budapest.
Si no hubiéramos perdido el tren de Budapest.
Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade
Praga, Viena, Budapest, Belgrado
Oh, back in Budapest.
Oh, volvió a Budapest.
Helene, you should see Budapest.
Helene, tienes que ver Budapest.
You remember when I asked you if they were still working on the Budapest subway?
¿ Recuerda que le pregunté si seguían trabajando en el metro de Budapest?
Well, the Budapest subway was finished in 1893.
El metro de Budapest se terminó en 1893.
I flew from Budapest.
Vengo de Budapest.
If you're speaking about that diabetic idiot in Budapest,
Si hablas de ese idiota diabético de Budapest, soy primo lejano suyo.
Well, I must admit it was very pleasant when he was in Budapest.
Admito que era más agradable cuando él estaba en Budapest.
Telephone Budapest.
Llamar a Budapest.
Hello, operator. I want long distance to Budapest.
Telefonista, quiero una conferencia con Budapest.
Yes, Budapest.
. Sí, Budapest.
We were talking to Budapest.
Hemos estado hablando con Budapest.
The Baroness was just talking to Budapest, and the connection was very good, wasn't it, Baroness?
La Baronesa acaba de hablar con Budapest y la comunicación era buena. ¿ Verdad, Baronesa?
I wasn't really talking to Budapest.
En realidad no hablaba con Budapest.
Of course you talked to Budapest.
Claro que habló con Budapest.
Belgrade, Naples, Copenhagen, Budapest, Bucharest...
Belgrado, Nápoles, Copenhague, Budapest y Bucarest.
A Budapest paper said I'd died!
Un periódico de Budapest ha llegado a anunciar mi muerte.
- Budapest.
He's in Budapest.
Está en Budapest.
I've bought the ticket to the Danube Boat Sail for Budapest tonight
He comprado el billete para Budapest, con salida esta noche.

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