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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ B ] / But he didn't do it

But he didn't do it tradutor Espanhol

335 parallel translation
She deserved to be killed, but he didn't do it.
Ella merecía que la mataran, pero no fue él.
But he didn't do it!
- ¡ Él no lo hizo!
But he's been in the hospital before and it didn't seem to do any good.
Ya ha estado otras veces y parece que no ha mejorado.
Yeah, but I didn't do it.
- No he sido yo.
But he didn't mean to do it.
Pero no quiso hacerlo.
He told me to put something in your drinks but I didn't do it.
No puse la droga en las copas.
I called a doctor, but it didn't do any good.
He llamado al médico, pero no ha servido de nada.
But he didn't do it himself.
Pero no se mató él mismo.
It didn't do anything to me. But him... I think he's badly hurt.
a mi no me hizo nada, pero a él, creo que está muy mal.
- But he didn't do it. I know he didn't.
- Sé que él no fue. - ¿ Lo sabe?
But he didn't do it, Gus.
- Pero él no lo hizo, Gus.
I didn't want to do it, But he don't learn!
No quería hacerlo,... pero no aprende.
So you didn't go into the house with Courtland? No! He wanted me to come into the house, but I wouldn't do it.
Quiso que entrara pero me negué, no entré en la casa.
Oh, just that I hate my father. I didn't know it, but he says I do.
pero dice que sí.
But you can prove he didn't do it with his gun.
Pero puedes probar que no lo hizo con su arma.
I admit it, and he's got plenty against him but he didn't do the de Grazia job.
Lo reconozco, y hay mucho en su contra... pero él no mató a De Grazia.
But I didn't do this. I don't even understand it. I don't know who- -
Yo no he hecho esto, no Lo entiendo, no sé quién ha podido...
But he didn't do it.
- Pero él no lo hizo.
I didn't want to do it, but he drags me, practically, over a hill there.
Yo no quería, pero George me convenció.
Yes, Hugo, but he didn't do it.
¿ Eso dijo? Sí, Hugo, pero no lo hizo.
But look... - He touched me. - Maybe he didn't do it on purpose.
tal vez no lo ha hecho a propósito.
But he didn't do it!
Pero él no fue.
I'm supposed to mark it down whether they put it back together or not and there ain't supposed to be but one way of doing it and he didn't do it.
Debo apuntar si logran engancharlos o no y se supone que hay sólo un modo de hacerlo y él no lo hizo.
He didn't do it so good, but I tell what.
No ha ido muy bien, pero le diré algo.
I didn't do it for me but for you. Let's go.
No lo he hecho por mí, sino por vosotros.
But he didn't do it, he had pity on me and abandoned me in the forest... where I could survive myself.
Pero no lo hizo, se apiadó de mí y me abandonó en el bosque donde pude sobrevivir.
But he knows I didn't do it.
Sabe que no fui yo.
I tried talking to it, but it didn't do any good.
He intentado hablarle, pero no ha servido de nada.
He could have easily shown that he knew nothing, but he didn't do it. because he would've preferred to die, than be an informer.
... y él que podía fácilmente haber demostrado tranquilamente, que no sabía nada,... dejó que los Amantia le atacasen, porque prefería morir a parecer un soplón.
- But he didn't do it.
- Pero él no lo hizo.
But, Alan, he didn't do it. No!
- Pero no lo hizo, Alan.
But he didn't do it, Alan. He didn't do it!
¡ Pero él no lo hizo, Alan!
CATRIONA : But he didn't do it, Alan.
Pero no lo hizo, Alan.
Dear mother, I want to apologize I didn't write to you sooner. But I didn't want to do it until I had more optimistic news about my future in the city, like now.
Querida madre, espero sepa disculpar mi tardanza en escribirle pero no he querido hacerlo hasta que como sucede ahora, tuviese noticias más optimistas sobre mi porvenir en la capital.
Maybe, but I bet he didn't do it by risking the lives of his own men.
Tal vez, pero apuesto a que no lo hizo arriesgando la vida de sus propios hombres.
He didn't see me do it, of course, but Mr. Lang went to the bank and got that check himself this afternoon and then he came back and locked it in a desk drawer.
- Él no me vio, claro pero el Sr. Lang fue al banco y obtuvo ese cheque esta tarde y luego volvió y lo guardó con llave en su escritorio.
His body functions might've done it, but he himself, he didn't do it!
¡ Igual lo ha hecho su cuerpo, pero él en sí, no lo ha hecho!
I didn't wanna do it, but he took me by the hand and made me do it.
Yo no quería hacerlo, pero me tomó de la mano y me hizo hacerlo.
Ether didn't seem to do very much at all, but, before he had a chance to find out why, he dropped a load of it into the beer, and the brewers slung him out.
El éter no pareció hacerle efecto después de todo, pero, antes de tener la oportunidad de encontrar por qué, dejó caer una carga de éter en la cerveza, y los cerveceros lo echaron a patadas.
But, they would have killed me if I didn't do it. Yes, he is right. Your mind can never he purified and stay with Buddha.
Pero me habrían matado si no lo hubiera hecho. tu mente nunca podrá purificarse y quedarse con Buda.
But he didn't do it.
Pero él no ha sido.
Their meaning has been lost, but it was then that for the first time, he perceived the presence of that thing he didn't understand which had something to do with unhappiness and memory, and towards which slowly, heavily, he began to walk.
Su significado se ha perdido, pero fue entonces cuando, por primera vez, percibió la presencia de aquella cosa que no comprendía y que tenía que ver con la tristeza y la memoria. que hacía a todos rezar para tratar de comprenderla, y hacia la cual, lenta y pesadamente, se puso en camino.
But I suppose that this is really the story of my father, and that strange, leaf-whispery autumn, when his heart was suddenly too old and tired and too full of yearning and regrets, and he didn't know what to do about it.
Pero yo supongo que ésta es más bien la historia de mi padre, en ese extraño y crujiente otoño, cuando su corazón estaba de repente muy viejo y cansado y repleto de añoranzas y resabios, tantos, que Él no sabía que hacer con ellos.
- She was killed in our house this evening... but I didn't do it.
Ha vuelto hoy de Niza, y la han asesinado en nuestra casa. Pero no la he matado yo.
- No, I do. I really do. You know, I didn't want to bring it up this morning and depress you... but I have seen Springsteen in concert.
No quería mencionarlo esta mañana y deprimirte... pero he visto a Springsteen en vivo.
But he said he didn't think it would do harm if I wanted to drive you out to your place... as long as you felt well enough to go.
Pero también dijo que no le haría ningún daño que yo la lleve a su casa... si usted se siente lo suficientemente bien.
I didn't mean to do it, but I loved him and... he left me for another woman!
No fue mi intención hacerlo, pero lo amaba y ¡ me dejó por otra!
I know he stole it, but she really didn't do anything.
Sé que él lo robó, pero ella en realidad no hizo nada.
You see, I have this fantasy... and it's something that I've always wanted to try, but I didn't ever think that I'd get to do it until tonight.
Verás, tengo esta fantasía... y es algo que siempre he querido probar, pero no pensé nunca que me gustaría conseguir hacerlo hasta esta noche.
I didn't want to have anything to do with it, but he said if I didn't pose for those patty-cake pictures,
Yo no quería tener nada que ver con eso. Pero dijo que si yo no posaba para esas fotografías,
I'm sure he didn't mention it, but as you can see, we are all black. Do you want bread?
Estoy segura que no lo mencionó, Pero como pueden ver, todos somos negros. ¿ Quieres pan?

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